Incommunicado – Reporting for Duty
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reporting for Duty
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue May 01, 2012 @ 12:21am
Location   Captain's Tahir's outer office
Timeline   SD57 12:30

=^= "Lieutenant JG Sullivans to Captain Tahir" =^=

Tasha responded by pushing a button on her console without looking up from the report PADD.
=^= "Captain Tahir here."

=^= "Lieutenant JG Sullivans here Sir; may I request some of your time?" =^=

Tasha opened the door to her office, affording the lieutenant entry.
"Come in lieutenant." Tasha called.

Lyhse enters "Sir; Manufacturing Production Officer, Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans."

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant." Tasha spoke as she rose and extended her hand in greeting. "Transfer orders?" She enquired looking toward the PADD in Lyhses hand.

She hands to Captain Tahir the PADD: "Captain; while en route, Warp Field scans where made. The results indicate the current communications black out is locale." Sullivans closely observes Captain Tahir reactions: " Sir; on my own initiative also scanned the subspace electromagnetic spectrum used by Subspace communication." She pauses with the expression of 'You're not going to believe this'. "Captain the energy was either absorbed or deflected all within nano seconds, unable to trace it down to a strong source."

Tasha took the PADD as Lyhse recanted her observation.
"Sounds interesting. I'll pass that information along to the stations fighter wing who are currently out scanning the sector. She began to read the transfer orders. "Have you been assigned quarters yet?" She enquired making conversation.

Lyhse replied: "No Sir; reported directly to Deep Space Five's Senior Officer In Charge, my next stop will be Deep Space Five's Chief Engineering Officer."

~ Duty before comfort ~ Tasha thoguht to herself as she handed back the PADD to Lyhse.
"Everything is in order," She said as she leant forward and tapped her secuirty code into the console, "I'll complete your transfer." Tasha said as she looked up, "Not sure if you will find the CEO," She glanced across to the wall clock, "but Lieutenant Kramer will be on duty. Do you have any questions?" She asked as she leant back into her chair, giving an appraising nod to the Lieutenant.

After a brief moment Lyhse replied "As per se; no Sir, however as 'the new kid on the block' is there any part of Deep Space Five that would be considered 'unwise' to venture?" With a thoughtful expression she continues; " Whom should I report to receive quarters?" Looking at her PADD, " Most of my duty stations where Fleet Construction Yards, one such post worked on the Prometheus, Sovereign, and Intrepid class star ships." Looking uncomfortable "Meaning no disrespect as well as unaware of how Nimitz was damaged but Prometheus Class are considered the 'Best' Ship of Star Fleet, what do you know about the how of this?"

Tasha's brow furrowed. "The how of what?" She asked as she shook her head, "How it exploded or how it became so unstable and nearly ripped through the stations hull?" She rebuffed the question, not sure what it was the lieutenant was looking for in her response. "The best person to ask, would be either the Chief Engineering officer, Commander Freeman, or his assistant, Lieutenant Kramer. They can supply you with any information you may need. If it's a question of access, I can authorise you to read the full logs." Tasha offered.

Lyhse replied "Apologies Captain Tahir; perhaps it would have been better to inquire if as well as how you witnessed this event , there are in my mind four ' Achilles Heels' in the Prometheus class." She continued "Yes; Sir, although some do not record everything in a duty log." Haltingly She request "Might it be possible to view a Holographic view of the before damage as well as the Engineering Sections report visuals?"

Tasha shook her head. "I didn't see the explosion, but certainly felt it. Again, the best person to see would be Commander Freeman." She leant forward "As for quarters, on your way down, ask for Lieutenant Petro, she is the Chief communications officer and is filling in as boatswain and as for areas to avoid," Tashas' lips widened in a grin, "only you can find that out, but I would stay away from the lower levels of the station unless you are accompanied."
Tasha rose from her seat. "Anything else Lieutenant?" Tasha enquired semi dismissing the Lieutenant.

She replied: "No Sir; thank you for your time as well as sage advice" Standing she offers her right hand in a farewell gesture.

Tasha took the accepted hand. "Thank you Lieutenant and welcome aboard." She said and watched as the officer turned and left her office.

Sitting down, Tasha pressed the button, stealing some time for herself as the doors closed.
Usually, she would have strode to the window and looked down, following Lieutenant Sullivans movements, as she steered via Petro and then out of Ops, but this time she didn't. She felt exhausted. Tired at doing nothing. There was little adventure in welcoming or bidding farewell to the staff of the station and it made her whimsical for what she was trained to do. To fly a starship, not rotate at a fixed point in the galaxy and await those who came to her.
She turned to the replicator, toying with the idea of something stronger than orange juice. She sighed as she shook her head, closing her eyes against the glare of the illuminations that beat down upon her, thinking of what her husband would say, or do, when she was feeling pressured.

A few brief moments passed when the annunciator sounded.
She pressed the door release as an unfamiliar face edged cautiously into her domain, clutching a PADD to his chest.

"Captain Tahir? My transfer orders." The thirty something man straightened as he held forth the documents from Starfleet.

Tasha pushed herself from the Captains chair.

"Welcome aboard mister...." The Captain begged to be told his name and rank.


Commander Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
EO/ Manufacturing Production Officer DS5