Interlude – The Hardest Thing To Do
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The Hardest Thing To Do
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed Sep 01, 2010 @ 8:30pm
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD 31, So late its SD 32

Yolanthe was slicing fruit to resupply the garnish trays when Klia appeared at the bar. "I think I'm going to push off early, just in case we can see Ding in the morning" the Orion said.

"Okay. Can you transfer the holosuite controls down here before you go?" In her hands the small vegetable knife whizzed, reducing a cucumber to a collection of slices so fast it looked as if all she had done was stroke it, and it fell apart.

Klia reached forward and pinched a handful of the slices. "Way ahead of you." She said through a mouthful of cucumber. "Spa controls are on terminal one, window displays on two, and spots and lighting on three. Don't put anyone in suite four, I'm sure there's vole dung in one of the omnidirectional projectors, but I'm too knackered to - oh hell, what does he want? I thought we got all the cardassian nasties out last night."

Yolanthe looked up. Tharek Getal was at the door of the bar. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her feelings even. The last thing she wanted was for Klia to suspect that she had broken all her promises to stay away from him. "Maybe he wants to buy a drink. This is a bar."

"I wish he'd drink somewhere else. I don't like him, he gives me the creeps. Make him go away."

"I'm not turning away good custom, especially with the Romulans suddenly avoiding us." Yolanthe told her, putting the knife down and washing her hands in the sink

"Huh," Klia snorted. "You're giving me good reasons to go grovel to the Romulans, you know that?"

"Be my guest." The bokkai ran a hand through her hair, smoothing it down. "I thought they gave you the creeps too."

The Orion muttered something under her breath, and stole another handful of cucumber. "I'm going to head off. Don't wake me up when you get in."

"Don't sleep on the sofa this time then." She leaned down and gave her little friend a hug. "See you in the morning."

"Night." Klia headed off, taking a path around the tables so she could put as much space between her and Getal as she could when she passed him in the spacious doorway, keeping her eyes focussed ahead and darting past into the freedom of the Promenade.

Tharek shot her a wide glare as she zoomed past. He didn't like her much. But, a smile soon formed when he turned his face to Yolanthe. He walked casually up to the bar, and plonked himself on a stool, awaiting Yolanthe.

She came straight to him, "And what can I get my favourite customer this evening?"

"A glass of black Kanar, and a moment of time to bask in the ambience of a Goddess.""

She found herself smiling, and hints of pink began to creep into her colouring. "Bask away. Its the least I can do after you helped with clearing out those blasted creatures." She poured two glasses of kanar, came around the bar to where he was sitting and offered one to him, raising her own at the same time, "To the death of voles," she toasted.

"To the extinction of every one." He toasted back.

Klia stepped into the Turbolift, and yawned, "Deck 174, section H2," She announced, stuffing her hands in her pockets. The Doors began to slide shut, "halt!" They paused and slid open. Ignoring them, she felt around in her jacket pockets. Where was her communicator? She patted the rest of her clothes. Nothing. She must have left it behind.

She stepped out of the lift. Given the grief she gave Yolanthe about not having hers, she'd better go back and get it.


Yolanthe sipped her kanar, then moved behind the cardassian to massage his shoulders, "So, Borg for a bad day, fine art with a sharp edge for a good day. What sort of day does Kanar and idolatry portend?"

"Wouldn't you like to know... " He said as he flinched from moments of pleasure as Yolanthe's touch slithered over his more sensitive scales.

"Hmmm." She found a particularly stubborn knot of muscle and began to dig her fingers in. "No-one's attacked the station. All the voles are dead. No fighting to watch, or take part in. And as far as I'm aware, Cardassia isn't at war with anyone, so not a lot of diplomacy to do. I'm guessing a boring one?"

He swivelled around on the stool. "It doesn't have to be all boring."

She raised an eyebrow, "I take it you have something in mind?"

He lent in, a wide smile on his face. Leaning next to her ear, he whispered words of silk into her ear. Leaning back, he transferred his lips to hers.

He tasted of kanar, Oblivious to the encouraging cheers of nearby customers she deepened his kiss, moulding herself against him and sliding her arms round his waist.

Tharek returned the embrace and spent a moment in bliss, where nobody or nothing around him could ruin it... Or so he thought.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. For a moment, Klia was frozen in the doorway of The Box. Then she dashed forward, grabbed a pitcher from a nearby table and flung it over the pair of them, drenching them in drink.

"You bitch!"

Sputtering and sticky, Yolanthe jumped away from Tharek, turning from cherry red to amber in a blink. "Klia I-"

But the orion woman cut her off. "You deceitful backstabbing cow!" She was pale, her body so taught with anger she vibrated. "You promised and promised, and its all lies."

The entire Box of Delights had fallen silent, watching with baited breath to see what would happen next. Yolanthe tried again. "Please don't be angry -"

"Angry? Angry!?" Klia screamed, "I am beyond angry! I trust you, follow you half way across the Alpha quadrant, look out for you, and you pay me back like this? By letting that slime put his hands all over you?"

"Hold you tongue slave!" Tharek bellowed as he stood quickly, and dwarfed Klia. "You are an insolent pest, not worthy of all this woman has done for you. Your lucky she didn't cast you aside." He said as he stalked forward. "Do not anger me slave. The consequences would be above severe."

Klia gulped and stepped back, then looked from Getal to Yolanthe, lip trembling. "You'ld choose this over me?"

Yolanthe was turning grey, she didn't know which way to turn. "Tharek, please." she held up a hand to divert another comment, "Klia, its not like that-"

"Its exactly like that!" The bokkai reached out, but Klia threw off her hand, "Well, you can have him!" She turned and ran.

"Klia, wait!" Yolanthe started to follow.

"Leave me alone!" the orion darted out, tipping over a chair as she went.

Yolanthe dodged round it, and dashed after her, but it was too late. She was just in time to see the doors close on the turbolift. Klia was gone.


A JP Between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of the Box of Delights

Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator

NPC's by Notty