Judgement – Close encounter of the awful kind
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Close encounter of the awful kind
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Thu Jun 16, 2011 @ 8:01pm
Location   Paediatrics
Timeline   SD 38 1200

"Please state the nature of your medical emergency." The bald pate of the EMH flickered with scan lines as it appeared in front of Kaelin, professionally polite, and far too calm to be any truly sentient intelligence. He looked around the children's ward, and turned his attention back to Kaelin. "Please state the nature of your medical emergency."

Kaelin frowned. He hated using the EMH, but he had no choice now. But that morning he'd had to go take care of something in Pathology and left the hologram in charge of Paediatrics. When he came back, the thing had disappeared and the few children there were either frightened of the things erratic behaviour or amused by it. Kaelin, of course, was neither.

He was angry at it, his feelings towards holograms simply given more confirmation. He'd sent in a call to Ops to come and fix it and sat to the side, looking at the thing almost spitefully. It ignored him and carried on with its question, oblivious to the children trying to give it increasingly more bizarre symptoms to analyse.

And then Lash walked through the doors to Paediatrics, a bag of tools and instruments slung casually over one shoulder, shoving his floppy fringe from his eyes.

Kaelin thanked whatever higher force there might be that Ops was speedy in its reply for once. As he stood and looked over at the officer that came in, his eyes widened in surprise. 'Of course...it would be him wouldn't it?' he thought with an internal groan. Why did nothing ever go simply these days?

He could see lash's own heart droop in return, but then the young man straightened up. "There was a report of a malfunctioning EMH, sir?"

"Um...yes," Kaelin said, unable to really hide his own discomfort. He looked to the side, knowing his eyes always betrayed him. "Yes, it keeps turning itself off at random moments," he explained motioning to the EMH that was in the middle of the room, surrounded by three toddlers giggling at it, trying to get him involved in some game.

"I see." Lash swung his bag from his shoulder and started rummaging in it. "Probably a hiccup in the main emitter. Keeps resetting the program. Its really quick to fix, then i'll be gone."

"It's alright. No need to rush," Kaelin said, running his fingers over the smooth edge of his desk, looking down at them before glancing up to look at Lash. He was still embarrassed at the way their evening together had ended, but couldn't make himself comment on it.

the technician pulled out a tricorder, and some sort of multitool, before pulling a chair over to where the EMH was, "Hey kids," he greeted the toddlers. "Can you help me fix him?"

The three little mopheaded terrors of the ward nodded enthusuastically and screamed "Yes!"

"Okay, then, I need to to hold onto this chair, so I don't fall." He herded them around the chair. "Hold on tight now." He stepped on, whilst the children looked up at him wide eyed and attentive. Sliding back the ceiling panel he scanned. "Ooh, its dark in here! Is anyone afraid of the dark?"

"NO!"called the children.

"Oh, i see the problem, there's something...stuck...in here.....got it!" He removed his hand from the crawl space above, and then made a big pretense of pinwheeling his arms' "I'm going to fall! I'm gonna fall, Here I go!" He jumped from the chair and sprawled on his back in a big theatrical gesture. The toddlers screamed and cheered their approval.

Kaelin could help the laugh that escaped him but once it was out he bit his lower lip to keep any more from doing the same. The grin that was on his face did betray his emotions quite nicely though. He pushed himself off the desk he was leaning on and took a few steps forward. "Oh no, guys. What do we do now?" he asked the kids in a mock-panicked tone. "I know!" he said with exaggeration. "Grab his sides and tickle him. That'll wake him up and he'll be all better," he suggested. The toddlers squealed in delight before starting their attack on Lash, grabbing his ribs to tickle him. Their little tugs and pulls were hardly felt, but at least they seemed to be enjoying 'helping' the fallen man out.

For a moment Lash lay there, and then, as if suddenly awake, jerked, "Argh! I'm awake! No! No more! He mock-thrashed his way on to his feet as little pudgy hands tried to tickle him, and then turned to Kaelin whilst the rug-rats threw themselves at his ankles. "Tickling is cheating."

"No it's not!" one of the toddlers, a chubby little girl with her blond hair in pigtails, told him. The others murmured in agreement.

Kaelin chuckled at the scene from the side.

"Okay maybe the tickling isn't cheating." Lash raised his eyes shyly, "But getting your legions of evil here to do it, really is."

Kaelin bit his lip, meeting his eyes just as tentatively. "Well..." he started, "I didn't think you would approve if I'd done it myself." The Deltan shifted awkwardly in place, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I didn't think you'd want to. Maybe you thought you had no right to," Lash replied, sarcasm filling his last few words, echoing the way they had parted company.

Kaelin frowned, lowering his gaze. "Right..." he just managed to say, finding a spot on the tiled floor very interesting all of a sudden.

The awkard silence stretched a bit. Then Lash broke it. "Uh, well, this was the culprit," he put a small plastic figure of Toby The Targ down on top of a bio arch. "No idea how it got up there, but you may want to stop arming your minions of doom with catapults. It shouldn't cause any more trouble." He stooped to pic up his kit bag and his hair fell in his face again. he shoved it back and stood up again. "So, if it still keeps playing up, call ops." he started to head out of the room.

"Okay," Kaelin just said lamely, nodding. "I guess I'll...see you," he said, then realised what a stupid thing to say it really was.

"Er, yeah," Lash paused at the door, "later." and then he was gone, the doors were shut, and the moment passed.


A JP Between

Ensign Kaelin Niers
Clinical Pathology Resident (NPC by Maja)


Crewman Lash
Operations Division
NPC by Notty