Judgement – the worst part is the waiting
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   the worst part is the waiting
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 9:45pm
Location   Pirate base, holding cells
Timeline   sometime during sd38

Jarred sat against a wall, his body beginning to ache from the beatings he'd taken for the past several days. His face and torso were beginning to look like raw meat, his arms looked like they had been whipped repeatedly, he was looking at several days in sickbay if he ever got out of this mess.

He was so concerned about the mission he realized that the twins were soon due, he'd miss that event, possibly more as they grew up. Jarred looked out through the force field the guards were an odd mix of the more common pirate and liberated Borg. He was debating an escape attempt but with no certainty on where the transporters are and also if he could transport aboard an empty ship.

A guard came by passing food trays, Jarred took his and sat back, his hip felt worse since they had tried to break it interrogating him, but it was strange he'd not been collected for another round, or maybe they had decided to just simply kill him off as an example to the other prisoners.

After he emptied his tray he sat back and looked at the walls, they were some kind of rock, so he knew they were in an asteroid belt on the far side of the nebula, which one was the question. He knew that time had run out, or was there something else in the works for him, he didn't know, all he knew was that some time shortly he was either going to be dead.

As the hours passed he began to think he was loosing track of time, it must have been some time after 20:00 he tried to sleep but his thought took him back to Claire, and the unborn children. Suddenly a Nausican and a Cardassian came to his cell deactivated the force field and grabbed him, he knew this was the end.

They dragged him down the hall, to what he thought was an interrogation room. they strapped his legs to the chair then tied his arms behind him. "So this is it huh, gonna off me?"

The silhouette moved forward, "yes we are."

Jarred Wallace