Things Past – All Hell's Rage
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   All Hell's Rage
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jul 02, 2012 @ 12:36pm
Location   Ambassador's Quarters, Romulan Embassy.
Timeline   SD39 06:00
OOC: This should have been posted before 'Crash'


Rh'vuarek had left in the night as she had known he would. Isha had pretended that she was still sleeping as he brushed her hair back off her face and kissed her forehead, his other hand gently placed on her swelling belly.

Then when he had gone she let sleep take her, the dreamless healing type, and for the first time in weeks Isha woke with a smile on her face. She lay where she was nestled into the pillows. Perhaps she could walk away, she could speak with Tahir again and have the conversation that she had intended to have two days ago, she could make it known to the government that she had to be recalled as she was compromised. Of course there would be questions, but she could deal with those.

Isha realised that she was unconsciously rubbing the inside of her left thigh through the sheets. She curled up again tucking both hands beneath her chin, and let herself enjoy the peace.

The next time she woke Isha was not smiling. It had started to burn again, where he had cut her, and the sheet was sticky where her skin had split.

"Oh no," Isha said as she sat and pulled the sheet away. She angled her left leg to one side and sat staring at the alien script inscribed there.

GorhoƧ edek if she had read the language, but Isha was much more concerned with the dark lines raised in relief rimmed by fresh green blood where they had split her skin as they emerged.

"or I give you another tattoo" he had said, but the significance of the threat had not registered at the time. She had removed it, the dermal regenerator had seen to that and yet ...

Isha awoke with a gasp, and though her skin was icy she felt like she was burning. She pulled herself to her knees on the bed trying to disentangle herself from the smooth silk sheet.

At the time he said it the significance of his threat did not register

Fury was too pale a word to describe the fire that blazed through Isha as her control fractured and then evaporated as it consumed her.

He had threatened her, thrashed her, raped her and now scarred her - and that was more than she could deal with. Her body healed, her memory adapted but this would not go away.

The first thing to go was large vase filled with flowers which smashed to the floor as Isha kicked the tall table on which it stood. Next was an ornate screen. If it was moveable Isha broke it.

Eventually she fell to the floor on her knees, against one of the sofas, the one which she avoided, the one over which he had raped her just to tip the balance of power in his favour. For all she could escape they might as well still be there.

"Please leave me alone," she begged allowing herself to be weak now that there was no one else to hear her. "Please stop hurting me." She was trapped right here and would be until he was dead.

But Isha couldn't stop, she couldn't give up