Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Privilege of the Strong
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro & Colonel James Darson & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   The Privilege of the Strong
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro & Colonel James Darson & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 12:19pm
Location   Romulan Craft
Timeline   SD8 14:00 (Cross posted to USS Freedom)

= Rhiandhaell =

Taibak grinned, the warm tingle of pleasure washing over him. "Comms, open a channel, the first wave has been successful and the shields are down. We move to our main vantage points and attack. Prepare transporters." His orders spewed from his lips.

"Nniol. You may commence." He smiled cheerfully to himself.

= Vrelnec =

Tal'Veek smiled. He had hit the right places to cause some damage and targeted the bay doors. "Targetting doors, to keep those blasted ships inside." He said.

“Do it then pull us back, dive under the Ayhler their attack will commence as soon as we are clear. Merrok,” Nniol continued, “When the shields drop be ready with that transport, the assault from the Ayhler will have them distracted.”

Tal'Veek nodded and did as he was told.

Merrok was a wiry man, a tight coil wound in and held with a tension that seemed always ready to break. “Of course,” he responded, there was a personal debt he would settle today once that woman was on board, Merrok had a long, long memory. He grinned as the blast and flash lit up the viewscreen, the image sheering away as the helm brought the ship up and round, then just as they began to pass into the cover of the D’deridex leviathan he dropped the shields and activated the transporter.

One second … two … “We have her,” he said.

Three seconds … four … “She’s aboard … shields are up!”

Five seconds … six … above them the Ayhler struck a section of the station’s unprotected hull.

Seven seconds … eight … “Their shield strength is building.”

Nine seconds … ten … “We’re clear of the Ayhler … target shield strength at 70% and rising.”

“Hold position,” Nniol ordered, “analysis of their deployment pattern. Now!”

= Rhiandhaell =

Taibek grinned, as he ordered, "Batteries to full!" To his tactical officer, "Feel the wrath of a scorned Romulan." He hissed through gritted teeth. "Target their operations deck!"

Taibek was always a headstrong leader, who failed to take into consideration the reactions of his own inactions, but now, he was fully active and felt a surge of emotional glee run through him.

"Fire disruptor cannons!" He yelled, smacking his hand into a clenched fist in joy.

The tactical officer fired but it appeared that all the disruptor power was absorbed by the stations hull.

Taibek leapt from his seat, growling as he stared at the screen.

"No! They cannot, it is not possible. Get me Nniol" The Romulan ordered as he stomped to the communication station.

= Ayhler =

Si'Van groaned inwardly as his sensor display showed the Norexan crossing it's plane of travel before commencing with its attack.

"I told those fools to stay clear of us until we had completed our initial attack. Nniol is obviously out to prove something with this impulsive action." Si'Van said to his assembled bridge crew as he viewed the main screen.

"S'Tarleya, target the upper pylon that housings their shield generators. They'll be less willing to put up a fight if they have no protection." The elder man said as he continued to observe the battle as it began to take place.

"I want you to fall back to a secondary position and observe the station's response, once Nniol has removed himself from our line of firing I want you to begin a second strafing run across the lower pylon within this section." Si'Van said while pointing to the screen. "This will undoubtedly force them to divert power from their tactical systems to protect the habitat ring of the station." He added.

"You may begin when ready." He stated.

= Vrelnec =

"The intelligence is flawed, that is what!" Nniol complained, on the viewscreen a holographic ship appeared to be firing. He glared at the man, "What?"

"Communication from the Rhianndhaell," he replied uncomfortably, "the Nraehhi'Saehne ..."

"Open the channel. What is it, Taibek? You know the plan, why are you disturbing me?"

Taibak was angry. This was going the way of all his past endeavours.

"I thought I knew the plan!" He spat in response, "but our disruptor's are failing against the shields and now we have a dozen fleet vessels emerging from the station. I thought you had planned for all contingencies!" He said as the screen went dark

On the Rhiandhaell, the bridge shook, as it took heavy fire from one of the fleet ships.
Taibaks brow dropped, as he grew extremely irate at the position he was in yet again. "Get communication back, if its only audio!" He yelled in frustration.

"Poor Taibek," Nniol said to no-one in particular as the channel was severed. The man still didn't realize his own unimportance.

"Secure terminal activated on Deck 14." That warning caught Nniol's attention.

"Merrok, get down there and stop my brother's wife from causing any trouble. If she's difficult, do whatever you need. How in hell did she manage that?" he wondered out loud. "Ahh, Taibek ..." he continued hearing the voice of the unfortunate Tal'Shiar officer. Nniol grasped the arms of his chair as the vessel shook around him, "You were saying ...?"

=(*)= "Ayhler to the Vrelnec" SiVan said as he decided to join the conversation that was already in progress.

He stepped down from his command chair and look at the split screen in front of him that displayed the two Romulan Commanders.

=(*)= "This battle does not appear to be going as you had predicted it would Commander tr’Illialhlae" Si'Van said as his ship was rocked with a sudden shot from an accurate phaser blast. "I hope the Tal'Shiar's trust in you was not misplaced." he added.

It was all Nniol could do to stop himself from laughing, very soon, there would be no-one left alive who could harm him; when the station fell both he and Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth would be quite safe, so what if they had to sacrifice a few ships to achieve that. He did allow himself the smallest, nastiest smirk as he responded, "I think you'll find, Si'Van that In the final analysis, when all is said and done, and the dust has settled that Senator ir-Ainleth's plan has gone exactly as she expected it to."

=(*)= "Then why are their shields still holding!?!" He said excitedly. "Not only has their Fighter Wing been dispatched, but there are several vessels that appear to be launching from the station and entering an engagement formation. Whatever it is you have come from, I suggest you initiate the call for retreat." Si'Van said as his ship was violently rocked by torpedo.

"Maintain your attack," Nniol replied, easy enough to do from such a distant observation point, "We're on the very verge of victory," though it was clear that his 'we' and the 'we' of the other ships were not the same.

S’Tev gripped one of the cold handrails on the bridge as it was rocked by a Phaser burst. His cold eyes danced across the various tactical displays that showed the ships status. What he saw wasn’t good. Their expected advantage of the Federation’s shields failing hadn’t come through as promised, and now they were getting hammered. Bow torpedo launchers were heating up fast and were showing warnings on his board, and their starboard and dorsal shields were beginning to show signs of severe buckling.

He turned quickly to stare at the command section. Ninol was occupied with communications with the fleet, so he turned and tapped out instructions on his panel that were transmitted to the helm officer, instructing him to commence maneuvers that would bring them over the top of the station where the lowest concentration of weapons were, present their stronger port side to them, as well as pull them back another 25,000 kilometers.

As the ship shifted around on its new course, he called out to his tactical officers, “Tal’Veek! Rear weapons, those ships coming out of the Station…I want them hurt, and I want them hurt now! And recycle starboard and dorsal shield emitters…that should bring their power back up somewhat. Make sure point defense doesn’t let any Federation fighters through!”

Tal'Veek listened, for once glad that he was on this ship and not one of the others. He had done as he was told and nothing more. When the smoke settled and the historians wrote their piece the students of the past wouldn't read about his failing this day.



Diplomatic Ship - Rhiandhaell
Taibak ir-Elahu / Political Officer = Mark

Norexan - Vrelnec
Tal’Veek/weapons officer = Michael
Nniol tr’Illialhlae/ Commanding Officer = Louise
S'Tev Sullan/ chief tactical officer = Darson

D’deridex - Ayhler
Si'Van/ Commanding Officer = Gabriel
Hatham S'Tarleya/Crewman = John/Aieron