Beg, Steal or Borrow – Overriding obligations
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Overriding obligations
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Feb 03, 2009 @ 3:02pm
Location   Diplomatic Shuttle Liorae
Timeline   SD7 16:00
Preparations to depart were complete and all that was holding them was final clearance from the station. Impatient, Rh’vaurek drummed his fingers on the surface of the console and let a long hissing breath escape through his teeth.

Dhaell Strevon pursed her lips, “If you keep that up all the way to Obsidian Colony I’ll not be held responsible for my actions,” she said as clearance came through, “Finally! Let’s get out of this dump.”

“You’d not be so eager if you were coming to Coriel VII with me,” Rh’vaurek said manually guiding the craft from the docking bay. “As soon as I deliver you back to your doting husband on Obsidian Colony I have to pay a visit to our esteemed leader. The word is he’s in a bloody fury over Iawaain and spitting venom about his loss of control over t’Khellian,” he said leaning back as he switched to automatic; he didn’t no longer knew where Dhaell stood in terms of her loyalties but he had a good long journey to find out, starting now.

Dhaell looked at him. “You didn’t tell her you were called away did you?” she asked, a faint twist of disgust on her lips, “If my husband had ever treated me with half the disrespect you heap on that woman I’d have cut out his heart and burned it,” she said.

He believed her. “I thought you didn’t like her,” Rh’vaurek observed with a chuckle as he got to his feet.

“I don’t. She’s headstrong and undisciplined; that behaviour can be forgiven when it’s confined to ch’Rihan, we can hardly expect better of that class, but now she’s deserted that duty to play Ambassador her histrionics reflect badly on the Empire. I’d have thought you’d do more to prevent it,” Dhaell added with a little smile knowing how much disdain he held for the upper echelons of society.

Rh’vaurek raised an eyebrow, “Nobody is above our notice,” he said folding his arms on the back of Strevon’s chair as he leaned over her shoulder.

“I hope that you return to DS5 to find that hru'Llairhi Isha t’Khellian has demoted you,” Dhaell said, spinning the chair through a sharp quarter turn effectively knocking him out of her personal space. “I’d like to see you try and run your operation from behind the reception desk with your security access revoked,” she said as he regained his balance.

“I wish I’d known you eighty years ago, Dhaell,” Rh’vaurek said with a shake of his head; she was one of the few people who didn’t take his bullying and he respected her for it, not that it stopped him from trying.

Dhaell chuckled, resting her cheek in her palm, “I wouldn’t have had much to say to a mud spattered brat that crawled out of the gutter,” she said a smile spreading across her face. “Raedheol, I’d’ve put you in your place a long time ago if I didn’t know that you outrank me.” Dhaell sighed, “Iawaain did me an unintended favour, breaking up the cell before time. Nobody needs a venerable old lady tied to outdated traditions on their team. Its over for me.”

“You’ll be back,” he folded his arms, leaning back against a console, “I’m counting on it, Dhaell.”

She shook her head, “Give it another sixty years, Rh’vaurek and you’ll be as keen to retire as I am now, settle down and forget. I want to be able to look into my husband’s eyes without seeing him weigh each word or question as he analyses what he may or may not ask me, I want my friends to be my friends because they love me, not for what I can do for them or for fear of what I am.” Pausing, she caught his bland uncomprehending expression, “You don’t understand, do you? You’re like Latasalaem,” she said; a hollow observation, “you don’t recognise that there is anything greater than the job.”

Rh’vaurek grinned. “There is nothing greater,” he lied.


Rh’vaurek Raedheol
& Dhaell Strevon
NPC’d by Louise