Judgement – Red Tape
by Arrival James Grayburn & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Red Tape
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival James Grayburn & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 7:16pm
Location   Security Offices
Timeline   SD-36; 09:00hrs
James entered the security offices, they looked much like a police precinct in any city. And in many ways, the bounty hunter figured it worked just like one too. He approached the reception desk and looked down at the man sitting behind the counter. "Hi, I'm James Grayburn, Commander Villiers instructed me to talk to the chief. Can you point me in the right direction?"

Alexia looked up and smiled. "I'll announce you. If you'd like to take a seat, if Lieutenant Trellis is free he can see you, the Chief is indisposed with Commander Villiers in court, but Lt. Trellis is Acting Chief of Security in his absence. If he's free, I'll be right back for you."

She knocked and put her head inside Gabriel's door, looking around at how different the office was now that Trellis was in residence. She rolled her eyes.

Trellis sat at his desk going over the evidence that Ensign Kel'tor had uncovered regarding Yolanthe and the Cardassian Ambassador. He was trying his best to try to find something that would mitigate the damning evidence that was beginning to mount against the two, especially her. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything outside of what was in front of him.

He was granted a temporary reprieve from the unwanted task before him when his noticed the presence of his assistant at his door.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Excuse me sir, there's a Mister James Grayburn here to see the Chief. I've explained that the Chief is indisposed, will you see him instead?" she asked with perfect protocol and politeness, but a stubborn refusal to accept that Gabriel wasn't still the Department Head until officially stood down, which as far as she was concerned was never going to happen.

Trellis furrowed his brow as he picked up on the subtle jab she had made towards him. "Yes, I am available to speak to all who have business with station security." He said through clenched teeth as he tried to keep his temper at a calm level.

"I'll fetch him at once sir" she replied feeling she would be unwise to risk further retribution by answering him in any other manner.

Alexia returned to the other side of the door and beckoned Grayburn inside. She stood aside to allow him to pass. "Lieutenant Trellis will see you now sir."

James entered the room and extended a hand in greeting, "Good morning, Lieutenant."

Trellis rose slightly from his chair and grasped the man's hand. "Good morning, Mr. Grayburn. How can I be of assistance to you?" he replied switching to a more professional demeanor.

James sat in the chair across from Trellis and pulled a pad from his pocket. The small device held all of James' licenses, permits, application data, as well as the applications he had sent in prior to moving to the starbase. It also contained a list of his current bounties, names only, of course, but it was more than he wanted to give. "I'm a bail-bond enforcer and PI. I just come to the station, and I've got an office on the promenade. I talked with Commander Villiers yesterday, and she advised that I show you my credentials, as well as a list of the names of those whom I have contracts for, in an effort not to step on each others' toes." In James' experience, 'Fleet Security did everything they could to step on other agencies' toes, but he couldn't avoid this meeting if he wanted to make the one later that day.

"Oh. . " Trellis said as he reviewed the padd. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the individual before him since he did not have much experience with Bounty Hunters during his time in the security department of the shuttle and docking bays.

"Very well, Mr. Grayburn. I..uh...do you foresee the need for station security to assist you in regards to a particular individual?" He asked?

"No, I believe that Commander Villiers intended that I present your department with an updated list so that my activities won't interfere with yours. More of a safety measure than anything. Occasionally I will ask one of your officers to witness the apprehension of someone or the other, but that's mostly for the judge." Although Grayburn's face was kept in a well-practiced expression of professional concern, inwardly he was smiling. It was perfect, they had offered to help, which was leagues away from getting in the way.

Trellis smiled as he handed the Padd back to him. "That will not be a problem at all, Mr. Grayburn. You'll find that this station has undergone a "changing of the guard" in regards to the way Security is handled on here." Trellis said proudly. "I'm focusing on a more cohesive method of securing the inhabitants on this station so that there will be no more friction to prevent us from accomplishing our mission of safety." He said.

James nodded and smiled pleasantly. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I will keep you appraised of any new additions to that list." The tall bounty hunter stood and walked out of the office, past the desks and through the doors to the security suite. That went much better than anticipated. Almost too good to be true.


A JP Between:

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


James Grayburn
Bounty Hunter


Ensign Alexia Jackson