Things Past – The Sins of the Father. . . (part I)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   The Sins of the Father. . . (part I)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Thu Jun 30, 2011 @ 2:27am
Location   Ceirian Empire
Timeline   2343 (over 40 years before Present time)

"Navigation, contact the support Frigates and inform them that we will drop out of warp and take a lead position once we are within the Telian System." 1st Commander Re'Lan ordered.

"Sir, I'm not detecting any other vessels outside of the Home Guard." The tactical officer reported.

"That's because they aren't expecting us to deliver the fight directly to their doorstep." 2nd Commander Le'rul said.

"Communications, send a signal informing them that we will accept their surrender and recognition of the Takian High Rule as the legitimate leaders of the Unity." 1st Commander Re'Lan said definitively to the crew.

Admiral Berani stared at the comunications console for a full ten minutes, unable to believe what he was seeing. Finally, he opened the channel, glowering at the cocky humanoid that appeared on screen.

"You are conquered subjects of the Cierian Conquest," he declared in his most menacing tone. "You may petition for a seat on the Congress, as is your right. However, our constitution will not allow you a Monarch. I'm sure you know that, Commander."

Re'Lan stood from the Command Chair and approached the main viewer. "I do not wish to open fire unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, I am willing to meet with your First Prime face-to-face." He said.

It was just before dawn in Ramath Galian when the hail came in. Emperor Tevarna IX was up early, as was his custom, just mounting up for his morning ride. A servant came hurrying up, a flustered looking Lieutenant behind him.

"Sire," the soldier said, gasping for breath. "There is a small Takian Fleet in orbit. The commander is demanding to speak with you personally."

"Tell him I'll speak with him later this morning," Tevarna said, waving the man off.

"He says he'll open fire if you won't speak with him," the Lieutenant continued.

"Open fire on what?" Suddenly, the young emperor's attention was wholly engaged.

"Criesio'sol," answered the Lieutenant. A massive city not far from Ramath Galian, a place where Tevarna's very pregnant wife was visiting her sister.

Immediantly, Tevarna dismounted and hurried away, tossing his reins to a nearby servant. He hurried swiftly up the steps to the main portion of the palace, ordering as he went that the Takian commander beam to the Imperial audience chamber.

Normally, no Monarch would recive a guest dressed only in his riding clothes. There was no time to change, so Tevarna swept into the chamber, hurried up the short dais, and eased onto the Throne of the Five Cats just before the Commander beamed into the room, the transporter automatically having removed any weapons from his person.

"You threaten me with war?" Tevarna demanded calmly.

Re'Lan looked around the chamber for several moments before responding. He was the first Takian to stand before the throne within the chamber in almost 400 years. Re'Lan savored the moment before turning in the direction of the person whom he had come to speak to.

"You know me well enough to know that I would not spend the resources of my people just to deliver some idle threat." He said calmly as he focused his eyes towards the Monarch's eyes.

"My people have served as the backbone of the Unity for generations. Every victory that you've enjoyed has been because of Takian blood shed on outposts, planets, and vessels throughout the Empire." He said, with a rise tone of conviction in his voice.

"You have squandered our precious resources on these petty vendetta quests of yours. It is time that you relinquish your title so that a more capable leader may lead the Unity." He commanded.

Upon hearing the demand, Tevarna threw his head back and laughed. "A Monarch?" he said. "For a non-Telian?" Suddenly he bacame deathly calm. "Never."

"The Takian High Rule will no longer be mere cannon fodder." Re'Lan replied evenly. "Surrender the Monarchy and you may remain here as an adviser to the First Prime." he stated.

"My family has ruled the Conquest quite literally since the dawn of history," Tevarna answered cooly. "Tell me, what does your government have to say about this? I get the impression they're not serious about it, else why send a Commander to do the work of ambassadors? Or do they even know you're here?" He rose. "I don't have time for this. Take your complaints before the Congress of Nobles, see if they care."

"Ambassadors?" He said incredulously. "Those puppets that you have installed to deliver your 'visionary proclamations'?" Re'Lan responded. "Your 'Ambassadors' have been detained and are awaiting to stand trial as enemies to the Takian people." he said as he took a step forward towards the despised individual. "The Takian High Rule will no longer be trapped under the callous and oppressive thumb of your Dictatorship!" He said through clenched teeth.

"My people sent me so that you could be given two choices: Abdicate the throne and the Ceirian Empire may stand beside the Takian High Rule in guiding the Unity towards its destiny." He said as calmly as he could while fighting the urge to attack the man before him.

"You seem to misunderstand our constitution, Commander. Your people have no claim to this Throne, nor any control over the'destiny' of the Unity. I am afraid I will have to reject your proposal and accept your second option."

"Well Tevarna," the solider said, shattering custom and protocol by referring to the Monarch by his given name. "As I said before, the Takian People have been the backbone of the Unity's military campaigns for generations." He continued. "The malignant disease known as the Ceirian Conquest is ill-equipped to defend itself from a 'Second Option'" Re'Lan said with deathly intent.

Tevarna laughed. "Is that what your Takian propoganda machine has been telling you? Rest assured, the Cierian military tradition is far from dead. You are dismissed, Commander. Come back when you have something worthwhile to say."

The Emperor swept from the chamber without another word. As soon as he'd exited, he ordered that his wife be transported away from Criesio'sol to a safe location. Seconds after that was accomplished, seven Charger-class warships pushed out of Drego Spacedock, heading for the aggressors. If Re'Lan was smart, he'd cut his losses and run.

AS Re'Lan re-materialized back onto the bridge of Bashtor he immediately took his seat in the command chair.

"Sir, sensors have detected seven vessels departing from the Drego Spacedock. It appears that they have set in an intercept course towards our task force." Tactical reported.

"Very well," Re'Lan said calmly as his eyes remained locked on the viewscreen in front of him. He took a deep breathe as he absorbed the moment. He knew that his next actions would either maintain the status quo between his people and their Ceirian oppressors, or it would plunge them into war.

Noticing the lack of response from the 1st Commander, 2nd Commander Le'rul immediately stood. "Navigation, lay in a course away from this system. Communications, inform the task force that we are leav--" he began to say, but was interrupted.

"Belay that order," Re'Lan said affirmatively. "We will not leave this system without completing our task." he said.

"Sir?" the 2nd Commander asked. "You demanded an audience with the Monarch and delivered the message of our people. . .what more have we been tasked to do?" He inquired.

"We did not come here to ferry a message like some servant. We were brought here to fight for our people's future. Our future begins today!" Re'Lan said with a rising tone of conviction in his voice.

"Communcations, inform the Swund'e to open fire on the city of Criesio'sol. The rest of the task force will engage the Drego fleet and hold them off." Re'Lan ordered to his crew.

". . .Re'Lan. . .are you positive about this course of action?" the 2nd Commander said in a low whisper beyond the earshot of the crew.

The 1st Commander looked at his long-time friend for several moments before turning back to the viewscreen and returning to his chair.

"Communications, send a message to the Monarch. Inform him that I have found something 'worthwhile to say'. he said, knowing that there was no way to turn back the tide.


Tevarna IX
NPC Cierian Leader

Re'Lan Tru'Ane (NPC)
1st Commander
Takian High Fleet