Unity – Amateur Investigations (Part 1)
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Amateur Investigations (Part 1)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Apr 02, 2010 @ 9:18pm
Location   Mercy's Quarters/Security Offices
Timeline   SD17, 1330ish

Yolanthe pressed the door chime on Mercy's quarters and drummed dark yellow fingers impatiently on her thigh whilst she waited for a response. Every passing minute was lost time she could be using to get rid of that damn ban before a frustrated and hopefully cash-rich public came out for a drink and good time whilst they were still trapped on DS5. But there was no point in doing anything else. The lunchtime crowd had been satisfactory, but an evening crowd would not forgive a lack of alcohol, especially if it was made up of traders and travellers who couldn't get away becuase of the lock down.

She knew who she needed to find. As far as she could see, the people who started it - not counting unresponsive fleet administrators - had been the Bajoran with the disrupter, and the human who had smashed the first bottle. Quizzing the store owners who were open on the Promenade itself had been an exercise in futility. They didn't recognize the descriptions she had. They barely remembered being there themselves. But there was one more avenue to try.

So here she was, outside the woman's quarters. She pushed the chime again.

Mercy woke with a start from the nap she had dozed off into. She stood up and the blood rushed to her head so she held onto the side of the chair until it cleared. The chime sounded a second time. "Alright! I'm coming!" she called out defensively as she hobbled stiffly to the door. She wasn't injured as such, the CMO had seen to that. But she was bruised and sore for which she was due another session in sickbay this aftern.... ~What time is it? Damn have I missed my session?~ she thought as she opened the door and found the bar-owner from last night standing there looking irritated.

~Oh no!~ she thought, wondering what the woman was going to have to say about the shambolic attempts to calm the crowd that Mercy knew she was guilty of.

"Ah... Miss Ibalin..." she stammered, lost for anything helpful to say.

The comprehensive state of Mercy's bruises made Yolanthe wince with sympathy, and still be glad she'd only been stabbed. Rather a nice clean wounding with relatively little bruising than the comprehensive beating Mercy had taken when she had been shoved through the mob. "Can I come in chief? I need your help."

"Of course" Mercy stood aside and gestured Yolanthe in. "Can I get you a drink?" she asked, moving stiffly towards the replicator.

Yolanthe followed her in, and sat down in the chair at the small desk, "Icoberry juice, please."

Mercy replicated a redleaf Terran tea with arnica essence and a juice for Yolanthe, carried them over and sat down. "Please, make yourself at home" she invited. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to find the people who started the fight last night. I need to drag them to security before not being able to sell drink causes another riot." She sipped her juice. "Except that most people that were there last night don't remember being there themselves, and I can't find their pictures in the PMA listings. I was hoping you might know who they were. The Bajoran who had the disrupter, and the human who smashed the bottle first. And if you don't, if you had any ideas how to find out."

"I didn't recognise them personally but there have to be records on the Promenade cameras from earlier, we might be able to see who arrived and try to recognise them coming in?" Mercy suggested.

Progress! the Bokkai's skin went frm yellow to blue in a moment. "Or coming out. That Bajoran had his face broken, he probably wouldn't have been too steady on his legs after that." She got up from the desk so Mercy could sit down.

Searching through the menu on the console, Mercy found what she wanted quickly. It was something the Admin Dept were asked to do quite often for Security etc.

The Promenade cameras weren't in a great state following the bombing, but the ones in the environs of the Box of Delights had mostly survived. Not wanting to revisit the bloody chaos, they fast forwarded through the immediate aftermath. They stopped the tape at 2230. Anatole and Jalandra were having an animated conversation on the promenade. They were soon joined by several others, and then the small group swung towards the Box of Delights. More business owners appeared, heading towards the bar until at 23.17 - "Stop!" Yolanthe leant over Mercy's shoulders. "Go back. I think I saw the Bajoran."

Mercy did as she was asked. She viewed the whole re-run with mixed feelings as the incident was still something of a trauma to her. A couple of faces and angry exchanges made her shudder and she had to steel herself once or twice, not to look away or switch it off. She did *want* to help Yolanthe in her task though and despite her instinctive reactions she was keen to get this information if possible.

It *did* seem as if the Bajoran was the one they were looking for so Mercy indexed the frames that showed the clearest views of his face and more importantly his earring which might assist them in identifying him further.

"Now where's the human?" Yolanthe asked, though it was rhetorical rather than anything else. She reached over and pressed play again. The next few minutes passed almost as Yolanthe remembered them. There was a scruffy looking Bolian pressed against the window, Bryan and Mercy arrived, followed shortly by the paranoid old guy and his cluster of paramilitary meat shields. Her skin yellowed for a moment, finding the scene distasteful. All the rational understanding of gender relations in the wider universe couldn't reverse a life time of seeing men as something to be protected, not doing the protecting.

Mercy watched herself arrive and looked at Bryan lovingly as he walked in, losing her concentration momentarily, wishing he were here.

And then lightening struck. "There's the Romulan pretty boy," Yolanthe flicked the screen with a finger, noting the time was 2342 as the acting ambassador paused a second, glanced inside her bar, and then strolled through the open doorway. "Still no-" She broke off as the human in question appeared. He peeled away from the shadow of pillar, and followed Rh'vaurek into the bar a moment later.

Mercy immediately froze the picture and zoomed in. She indexed and separated out the frames for a clearer look.

"He was following the Romulan Ambassador!" Mercy exclaimed. "Do you think they were in it together? Or was he spying on him? And did he start the trouble for an excuse to attack the Romulan? Or was it pre-arranged to give the Romulan an excuse to be *the hero*?" she tried to ask the pertinent questions while thinking this outloud.

The Bokkai shrugged. "Can you find either of them on other cameras? Maybe that will clear it up."

A few minutes jumping around the cameras showed that the human hadn't followed the romulan until the very last minute. Instead he'd done something far more unexpected. He'd met the Bajoran.

They backtracked him from camera to camera, until they found him down on level three, close to the Cardassian Embassy, but out of direct line of sight . With all the commotion - security, engineering, civilians - no-one was paying him attention. At 2310 the Bajoran appeared. It was definitely him, same clothes. He mostly kept his back to the camera, and without sound there was no way to know what was being said. Then the Bajoran breifly opened his jacket. "That bloody disrupter." Yolanthe recalled. The human didn't look too impressed either. The conversation ceased a moment or two later with a a few sharp angry gestures. Then the Bajoran moved off, heading up the Box of Delights. The human gave him a few minutes head start, and then moved up to the second floor himself.

"I know that spot," Yolanthe realised. "You can see the Box, the promenade security office, and if you stretch a bit you can look down and see the Cardassian Embassy as well. Its practically underneath me."

"He had clearly observed from there before, he wouldn't just *happen* on the best vantage point in the whole station just by co-incidence!" she remarked.

"Do you think the fact that they met near the Cardassian Embassy and there was a Gull involved too, are more than just chance as well?" she asked Yolanthe?

"I'm sure it is more than chance." Yolanthe considered her brief interlude with the Cardassian ambassador, and allowed herself a small smile as her skin shifted from violet to pink. "I'm just not sure how. Or why. its not as if the ambassador was even in the embassy. He was up with my dancers for hours by that point." She drummed her fingers on the table. "A human, a bajoran and a romulan walk into a bar..."

"It knocked them out, it was an iron bar...." Mercy automatically recited one of Bryan's corny punchlines without even thinking that he wasn't here. "Oooh, sorry, private joke" she apologised, noticing the wince on Yolanthe's face. "Bryan!" was all the explanation Mercy offered with a roll of her eyes, a shrug and a smile. "Men! We love 'em too much." Nothing more needed to be said.

The bokkai smiled, a sentiment she could agree with in general, if not the specifics. Closing her eyes she replayed the fight in her head. "That fight was strange." She turned and started to pace. "I've never seen a bar fight like it. it was all wrong." She circled Mercy's tiny living quarters. "Almost as if turning on the two ambassadors was an after thought. You weren't coughing up the senior staff, so they turned on them instead."

"They were there to start on someone and it wouldn't have mattered who." Mercy finished the conclusion. "Do you think they were professional agitators?" she asked the bar owner.

"its a good a theory as any." Yolanthe stopped and rubbed the back of her neck. "Which raises the question for whom, and why? And it doesn't explain why one of them is lurking outside the Cardassian Embassy, and then following Romulans into strange bars." She combed her memory, "Unless they weren't watching for them to do anything. just making sure they didn't do anything. Like help calm things down." It was all random speculation.

"Any way, i'm getting off the point." Yolanthe pulled herself back to the more pressing matter at hand. Interesting as the strange co-incidence was, it wasn't helping her get the booze ban lifted. "I'm less interested in the why, as to where the hell are they now. Can we see where they went? It might give us a clue to what those two did want?"

Mercy followed the sequencing of the cameras along until the two went in separate directions. "Let's index it here and follow the Bajoran first" she suggested, doing exactly that. "We can come back to this point and follow the human in a minute."

The human had helped the vaguely conscious bajorran out of The Box whilst the rest of the riot was in progress, half dragged, half carried him to a turbo lift, and nudged him in. It took a moment of searching to find where the bajoran had staggered out again. Deck 55, main sickbay. "Well I guess I should have seen that coming." Yolanthe shrugged. "He was badly hurt. Where did the human go?"

Mercy tapped a button and the computer jumped back to the promenade. Ten seconds later they knew where he spent the night, and were watching him move around the promenade again. Yolanthe was just about to run back down to the promenade and grab him him when the human stopped talking to a group of bolian merchants, and started taking notice of another conversation, this time between the Cardassian Ambassador, and another cardassian in the blue of starfleet sciences. When the pair split away, the human followed the starfleet officer all the way to security.

"Will you look at *that*!" Mercy exclaimed, her head asking all sorts of questions as a result of what they had just seen.

At that point, Mercy's clearance failed, and the computer refused to show more. Yolanthe swore to herself. "That was before the red alert. Over an hour ago. Whats the chance he's still there?"

"Dammit" Mercy muttered. "Tell you what though.... if we go down there, my friend and colleague Alexia Jackson is working in Security at the moment. She's been seconded as a secretarial/admin assistant. Perhaps she'll be able to tell us more if she was on duty last night or this morning."

Mercy stood up, preparing to go down to the Security Offices, shot herself with a new hypo of anti-inflammatory and pain-killer and set her shoulders for an investigation with a smile. "i *like* this proactive approach!" she commented "You feel so much less of a victim when you can just get on with something constructive to fix things"

The Bokkai went grey for a moment, but then smiled back, and violet came back into her skin. "That which does not kill me...Isn't that what you say?" she asked as she followed Mercy out of her apartment and down to security.

"Kill? I thought we were getting an alcohol ban lifted, not getting ourselves murdered!" she laughed, a little naively.

When the Bokkai and the Admin Officer got to Security they found themselves unable to get in at first, until Mercy spoke to Alexia by comm and she then let them in.

"Sorry" Alexia said. "The Commander has had some pretty unpleasant visitors lately and I was instructed not to let anyone in while he's out, unless they're Security staff, but you two count as staff! How are you honey? I heard you got hurt? How's Bryan?"

Mercy accepted Alexia's hug gingerly, putting up her hands defensively to indicate to be gentle with her. Alex drew back, hugging her only in token and looked her up and down. "Jeez, you get all the fun!" she declared.

"Fun??" Mercy protested. "Yeah, well, that's what we're here for. It seems some of our *fun* came your way after it left us. Do you have logs of who came in during the later part of this morning? We're interested in a human in particular."

"Hmmmm...." Alexia thought about it and returned to her desk to view her own security cameras. "I do remember Lt. Tovon. He wasn't very happy...." she offered.

"I don't think so..... can you show us what he looks like?" Mercy asked.

Alexia pulled up an image from the cameras and both Mercy and Yolanthe looked but shook their heads.

"No, he's not the one" Mercy confirmed.

Alexia ran the recording further.

"Him!" Yolanthe jabbed a bright blue finger at the screen. As Lt. Tovon hobbled out, the human was lurking in the main security office. Alexia was talking, but her unfixed gaze suggested it was via com than to anyone in the room. Commader Gabriel stormed out a moment or two later, at which point the human went over to Alexia's desk. "Thats the one. Him and a bajoran started the fight in The Box of Delights last night." She looked to Mercy for confirmation, who nodded.

Yolanthe straightened up, and stepped back to give the Admin a bit of space. "Now, the bars have been shut till these two hand themselves in. I can tell you right now, they're not going to. They aren't with the PMA, and I think they're up to something." She had only outrageous speculation as to what, so she left it vague. "Now I know security wanted bodies, but thats the best I can do. Can I sell booze again now, or do i have to physically hunt those two down and drag them in here?"

"I'd need to show this to Commander Gabriel and see what he says. I don't have any authority myself. Or... Lt. Duquence?" she speculated who would be around she could ask and she somehow doubted Gabriel would have the time. Perhaps she could raise Michael Duquence?

"Let me see who's around. Wait here please ladies." she explained and disappeared back into the inner offices of the Department.

Yolanthe looked at Mercy, somewhat less blue than she was. It felt like she'd been so close, and now there would be more hoops to jump through. "I'm going to have to drag the pair of them here by the hair, aren't I? Run them down across the grassy expanse of the promenade and bring them back like a pair of wild pigs all trussed for the pot." She turned towards the doors, wondering where the human would have gone from here. "Can I claim blood sports is part of my cultural identity and hunt them down with something sharp and pointy?"



A JP Between:

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner - Box of Delights


Chief Warrant Officer (Grade 2)
Mercedes Denoublier - Administrator
(NPC by Jools)