Beg, Steal or Borrow – Guess who's coming to dinner
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Guess who's coming to dinner
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jul 11, 2009 @ 11:20pm
Location   Earth / DS5
Timeline   SD9 07:10 (Backpost)

Admiral Rittenhouse looked over the PADD his aid had handed him. Personally he had to agree with the reasons behind the decision but not necessarily the decision itself. Well like it or not the Staff at Deep Space 5 needed to be informed. "Commander get me Commander Davies from DS5 on subspace. Oh and were is Captain Tahir?"

"She is still on her way to Earth sir."

"Well get them both for me."

"Yes sir."

Still a few from Earth and already the communications were warming up. Tasha had barely closed the Channel to Fleet operations, that another signal came through demanding her attention. She tapped at the console below the viewscreen.

"Captain Tasha Tahir." She answered without giving her current position aboard the castor.

"Captain, I have Admiral Rittenhouse for you. Stand by." Without waiting for an acknowledgement the aide let the admiral know he had at least one of the two people he wanted to speak with. "Admiral, Captain Tahir is on the line."

"Excellent, as soon as you hear from Davies put him through."

"Understood sir."

After the Admiral put on his best good news bad news face he opened the channel. "Captain Tahir. Enjoying the trip? Seems like you're missing all the fun back on DS5."

Having dealt with the Romulans, Tasha was feeling quite relaxed.

"Admiral. Good to see your face, it's been too long. DS5 is doing very well, all things considered, but I will be at Starfleet HQ in a few days and I can give you a more personal report." She advised.

Rittenhouse was one of the few Admirals who had put his career on the line, when Tasha had stood up to Sorensen. He had backed her and she wanted to thank him personally.

Grinning, "I'd expect nothing less." Now to drop the show on her. "Well the Romulans may have been driven off. The Romulan government is trying to push the whole affair off as a family matter, some kind of power struggle, which I don't buy that for a second. Anyway when you return to DS5 there will be an addition to your diplomatic facilities."

The stifled guffaw from her nostrils signalled her own dissatisfaction at the way in which the Romulans had handled the whole situation, including the attack on her current ship, the USS Castor. "There will always be power struggles for the Romulans and they have a lot to fight for." She paused, changing the topic of reply. "My diplomatic facilities?" She began the question, "Plenty of scope for improvement, there is at least one deck spare." She half joked. "Which race is coming to stay?" She finally asked the burning question.

"In addition to the Romulan's you will have a Klingon Ambassador, his staff, his ship as well as the garrison of warriors that goes with it." ~Now to see how she would take the news...~

Tasha closed her eyes. "Klingons! At least we will know when they are angry, we'll hear the grunts decks away!" Tasha remarked, but added quickly, "I think the station could do with a Klingon embassy, they were integral to the defence of the station when the Boaorans attacked and have proven their loyalty on dozens of occasions. Have you spoken to Commander Davies yet?" Her head nodding in ascension and accord at getting a new emissary group.

Shaking his head, "I was hoping to speak with both of you at the same time, but he hasn't joined us. The distance may be a factor or there is some other reason for his delay. Do you want to tell him or should I?"

"I am approaching Earth and my communication would probably take as long as yours add to that, it would sound better coming from you sir." She said in earnest, "Though I can still contact Commander Davies later if need be." She added.

Rittenhouse jumped at the opportunity to get this matter off his plate; he had enough to deal with as it was. "That would be ideal Captain. As DS5 is still yours I'll let you deal with passing the news along. If there are any questions you can stop by when you get to Earth."

Tasha smiled, "Thomas, er Admiral, I would love to meet you for dinner." She announced, knowing that was what he really meant "and of course I will pass along the message to Commander Davies, immediately." She gave a single acknowledging nod but could not relinquish the smile that was stuck on her face as he visibly changed colour to a slight lesser shade of red.

Raising a bow at her slip, he nodded in return. Looking up he saw his aid retreating quickly while the heat flushed his face. Returning his gaze to the monitor. "great I will see you when you arrive then."



Admiral Thomas Rittenhouse
NPC'd by Toran

Captain Tasha Tahir