Things Past – Things Past
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

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Title   Things Past
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Fri May 10, 2013 @ 3:37pm
Location   Manufacturing Production Officer's Office

The work load increased as the Station returned out of the 'darkness'.

Lyhse noted with some pleasure the 'Commercial' traffic was increasing. Out side of her normal EO work she was helping coordinating Starship repairs, replenishment, Scheduling upgrades, and maintenance of dockyard 'infrastructure'.

Her main focus was assuring the Industrial Replicators hadn't been damaged; almost with 'human' stubbornness there were 'glitches' to attend to before she could grant the 'green' status to them.

So engrossed in this task; It was as if she had 'disappeared' to those on the station, her next 'goal' was to assure the EM stockpile was brought back to accepted norms. In her mind it took way to much time to accomplish. Thinking to herself ~Guess there goes my claim to 'miracle' worker~

Even a journey of a thousand leagues begins with that first tentative step.


Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

DS5 Manufacturing Production Officer