Incommunicado – finding amajor problem
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   finding amajor problem
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Dec 26, 2011 @ 3:49am
Location   BII Offices
Wayne sat at his desk going over the latest reports. There was one thing that had bothered him to no end, almost to the point where he had dispatched his personal ship out of the system in order to get a message out to some of the key affected areas and units. A death threat had been leveled against not only himself but also against his kids and grandkids.

This was not something that he was either expecting or prepared to deal with. Hence why he was working late trying to get something figured out that would safegaurd the people who were more important to him then life itself. He had already ordered what amounted to 3 full platoons of the PMC to the station. he knew that it would be a stretch to be able to take to the CO and the security chief but he had a feeling that he could make them see reason at least that was his hope and was the reason why he had drafted the letter he had.

Captain Tahir and Lieutenant Commander Gabriel

A situation has recently come to my attention that I feel needs both of your input, both to inform you of what is happening and to discuss measures that have been taken or that can be taken to safegaurd this station as well as the people. Please let me know when would be a good time to meet with you both to discuss this newest situation

Wayne Bradhsaw Sr.

Wayne sent the message off and now all he could do was to wait and hope that things would work out.

OOC: I hope this will allow for the three of us to get togather for a JP in the near future