Beg, Steal or Borrow – Incoming Transfer
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Incoming Transfer
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 10:33pm
Location   USS Thames (runabout) and DS5 Main Operations
Timeline   SD9

Greo walked into the runabout cockpit, several PADDs in one hand and a hot coffee in the other. He placed them all down at his station as he sat down. His computer panels showed various projects he'd been working on and outside the windows the stars streamed past as the ship sped towards Deep Space 5 at warp 4. He swiveled his chair towards the pilot, a young ensign off the Churchill. For a moment Greo felt a sting of indecision, a second of doubt. He shook it off.

"Ensign how long to DS5?" He asked.

"Sir, we're now only 25 minutes out." The ensign responded without turning around.

"Excellent." He sipped at his coffee. "I guess I should get in contact with the station before we arrive." Greo tapped at his screen, clearing the scientific data and accessed the ships communication subroutines. A press of a few buttons and the channel opened on his small viewscreen. He cleared his throat.

"USS Thames to Deep Space 5, this is Lt Greo Tovon."

"On screen," Karen said as the message was relayed to her desk. She was only slightly taken aback to see a Cardassian looking back at her, "Lieutenant Tovon," she said skimming his record as she spoke, "coming aboard ... as a science officer ..." Somehow she knew that this job was going to require little on the legal side but all the skills she had acquired in judicial work would serve her well, and that included the rapid assimilation of information. "Commander Karen Villiers," she added.

"A pleasure to meet you Commander." Greo looked at the woman in the screen, trying to get an idea of her from her posture or mannerisms. He looked down at the ship's status on his computer screen. "The Thames is now just over 20 minutes out from DS5. I thought it best to give the station an update and to arrange transportation of my belongings on arrival."

"I appreciate the notification, Lieutenant. Ensign Petro, our Quartermaster will assist you with your quarters - once they're assigned we''l get your goods transported directly there. Anything to report?"

"Nothing specific Comander, I was hoping to arrange the use of Main Astrometics as soon as possible so I can get to grips with the lay of the land so to speak, but other than that just that I am looking forward to working with you." Greo smiled warmly, hoping that he could start this new posting on the right foot. "I'll contact Ensign Petro when we dock and report to duty on deck 54, if that's ok with you Commander?"

Karen smiled, "Quite alright, Lieutenant Tovon." They were the new kids in town, she thought, and neither of them too shy about jumping in with both feet, "As I know you're coming I'll not bake a cake, but I'll send through a request to Astrometrics - you'll find that the CSO is off the station at the moment, so if you find the time a report on the status of the department would be appreciated."

"No problems." Greo responded, the CSO off the station might turn into a chance to show his talents. "I'll get the place ship shape for you and have a report to you by tomorrow morning."

"Good to hear, Lieutenant ... aaand you're cleared for shuttlebay 27 - contact main ops on your approach. Welcome to the crew."


Post by

Greo Tovon
Science Officer


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer