Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reflections
by Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Reflections
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Mon May 25, 2009 @ 12:30am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   2315
Ayren walked slowly back to her quarters. The regenrated wound at the side of her head was now just a dull reminder, but she still had a head ache from the illusion she had created to fool the Romulans during the attack on Da'nal's children. The sickbay was too busy to give her full physical and she had avoided seeing a doctor. The nurse did a good job on the wound, and concentrated on that, on believed Ayren whan she said that she was fine.

The last thing she needed was to answer uncomfortable questions. The elevated psionine levels would be a dead give away for more than normal telepathic activity. That had to remain secret. She was a hybrid betazoid with some telepathic and empathic ability. Her true nature and the extend of her abilitiesneeded to remain hidden for now.

Walking slowly she started to reflect on the day. A pang went through her heart when her thoughts turnd to the friend whom she had lost today. At least his death was not in vain. The information regarding the guardian platforms had given the Station the opportunity to defend itself. Tears stung in her eyes, but she pushed them ack. At least she had enough time to inform Davies.

Her thoughts inevitably went back to the monents in the diplomatic offices. She had sent her staff down to the lower levels, but had remained on standby. When Akhil offered to join her, she would never in a million years have anticipated an attack on the twins. Anger filled her and she cleched her jaws. Akhil was safe now and so were the children.

Her throat tightened with pent up emotion... the day was threatening to take it's toll one her. She needed to relax and quiten her mind, but somehow kept wondering around the promenade, allowing the gently murmer of people around her to soothe her.