We All Fall Down – Recursive
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Recursive
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Oct 01, 2014 @ 7:06pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   WAFD MD03 9.30

Eris Tah was waiting outside OPS with a sour expression on her face. A little way away a security officer stood at parade rest, trying to project an air of "Sorry, but protocol." Ibalin was late. And t'Vaurek's yeoman was making them wait outside too, when Tah fully expected that they should have been allowed to wait in the CO's office.

A coule of minutes later, Yolanthe arrived, skin as blue as the andorian's, but her hair was royal blue too. And she glowed.

"Having fun were we?" Tah sniffed as Yolanthe came to stand next to her.

"Yes." Yolanthe gave a dirty laugh. "Entirely too much fun. Sorry to be late. At least I've not missed anything."

"Hmph." Tah snorted. "No. T'vaurek is keeping us waiting."

"Is there an appointment," Peridot asked as her halo of blonde hair settled around her shoulders, "If not, then Commander t'vaurek is not available," the Yoeman said with her best obstructive smile.

The Andorian gave her look that should have been banned by intersteller treaty. "Yes. 9.25. The Secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association."

"Perfect!" Perdot chirruped, "Here you are indeed. Do follow me ladies," she continued leading to the door of the Commander's office. "One moment," she said before disappearing inside.

A moment or so later she returned leaving the door open as she stepped aside, "The Commander will see you now."

"Be nice." Yolanthe murmured as she moved past Tah towards the open door. Needling the PMA secretary was a guilty pleasure. Inside the office she could see Isha, inscrutable as always, every inch the commading officer. "A pleasure to see you again, Commander." She crosed the threshold. "Congratulations on-"

There was a hiss, then the whine of the transporter beam, and then the beam itself wrapped around her mid sentance, and she was gone.

Tah looked at the empty space in front of her. "As an opening position, commander t'Vaurek, I'm impressed." She sat down in the chair in front of Isha. "But I'm not as easily intimidated."

What the - "You seem to be giving me credit for a supernatural talent I do not possess," Isha observed coolly. She glanced at her screen, "As Miss Ibalin has chosen to leave us you must be Eris Tah. What can I do for you?" Isha could imagine all sorts of things the Secretary of the Promenade Merchant's Association might want from her and without the tempering hand of the Bokkai she wondered how far the Andorian would try to push things.

"You can tell whichever department is responsible for them to look at the environment filters on the Promenade. There appears to be a plague taking hold and its hurting profits."

"Why don't you be a bit more specific, Ms Tah," Isha said in her serene tone, "I care about your profits to the extent of the revenue you generate for DS5, beyond that, if this asserion is any less than exaggeration, I'd like evidence."

"I suggest you come down to the Promenade then, Commander." Tah gave Isha a steely look. "See the multitudes in their infirmity. By closing time yesterday in every four shops had closed early due to illness, and customer numbers were down almost thirty-five percent."

Isha linked her hands. "So this spectacle is of your making! Removing the one promenade trader I know before she can make her case would suit your cause? Is that it?" Isha asked. She was quite aware of the medical situation and did not need an arsy Andorian trying to claim higher ground.

Tah looked at Isha as if she'd gone mad. "Commander. Miss Ibalin may not be my favourite person, but I was hoping that, as the one trader you do know, she would have been the more effective at persuading you! I can see that by you removing her, you have effectively washed your hands of this station's civilian population!"

Isha snorted. "I've done no such thing. I don't understand why you have removed her from this negotiation. It weakens your positions direly. Explain the move to me," Isha said.

"That trick with the transporters was nothing to do with me." Tah shot back.

"You think I have time for theatrics?"

Tah's expression said yes, but her mouth said, "And how would I be able to arrange a transporter inside your office?"

"A localised beacon," Isha suggested. She'd been ready for a hostile tag team, not a a bizarre conspiracy concept. "Please let us get down to business."

"Thats the first sensible thing I've heard you say, Commander. But my position hasn't changed. The situation ont he promenade is alarming, to the point where I am considering asking the membership to close until this health hazard has been dealt with." Tah sat back in the chair. "If you don't deal with it, I will go to Starfleet medical."

"Then your hearing may be impaired. I can recommend an excellent doctor," Isha said. " I am entirely aware of the situation, as are Starfleet Medical. Your posturing is in vain. The only thing you can gain is that I shut all commerce down until it is under control. Agreed?"

Tah looked equal parts furious and mystified. "If you are aware of the epidemic that is occuring, why are you doing nothing about it?"

"I don't answer to you, Eris Tah," Isha said, "I answer to Starfleet. If you have nothing to give me other than what I already know then you have already overstyed your welcome. I will ask Miss Ibalin why she felt the need to leave us so quickly."

Isha rose.

"You're dismissed."


Eris Tah
Secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association
NPC by Notty