Judgement – Surprise!!
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Surprise!!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Sep 04, 2011 @ 9:40pm
Location   Captains Office - Operations
Timeline   SD39 17:30

It was good to be back at DS5, even if it would not be for long. The familiar scents, feelings, sights and sounds filled her with excitement as she stepped off the transporter padd. ~I am here Dad,~ she projected to her father. It just so happen that the Freedom had to pass close enough to her previous home that she could arrange to come for a visit and that all while her father was here anyway.

~I know... but nice to hear your thoughts~ Edrair answered. He was still occupied, and would only be free in a few hours. He felt his daughter and that was enough for now. ~I will see you later~

She couldn't really wait to see her friend, so while her father was still busy, Ayren quickly passed through the promenade and then made her way to Tasha. She didn't need to ask the Station Computer as to her whereabouts, she could sense her dear friend clearly. After making sure that she was alone, she arrived at Tash's door a few minutes later.

Then she had a slight challenge. In her hands were two cups of the most delectable, decadent hot chocolate on the station. After considering having to put one cup on the carpet to free a hand, she leaned forward and pressed her chin on the chime.

Why was she slightly nervous? She ran her fingers quickly through her long dark hair, the natural curls cascading down her back. She was dressed in a pair of jeans, the real thing, which she pays quite a lot for, tucked into a pair of genuine Mishta leather boots and a silk blouse, falling softly around her curves. The broad grin rounded the outfit off.

It was late in the afternoon, but Tasha had a mound of PADDS to complete, including the reinstatement of Commander Dorian Gabriel to his post.
She dropped the PADD on her desk and leant back in the chair, pulling the hairband from her hair and allowing it to fall backwards as she looked up at the ceiling and imagined creatures of all sorts crawling across the patterns of light that were cast across it.
They shadowed over as she leant forward seeing a figure at her closed door and as she reached to open the door, the chime rang.

The door swung open and with the light behind the figure, Tasha was not sure who it was, but the silhouette was definitely one of a woman and she was holding something in both her hands.

Her brow dropped a little, thinking it was too short for Miranda. "Enter." She said a little wearily.

Ayren's grin widened as she realized Tasha couldn't see who she was. Clearing her throat to add deeper tones to her voice she stated as formally as she could: "I am the Emissary of Decadent Hot Chocolate Beverages to people who work too hard and don't recognize their friends.."

Tasha squinted her eyes a little. The voice was familiar but Tasha was not sure who it was for sure.
"Decadent Hot Chocolate. I only know one person, no two who had a penchant for hot chocolate and you are far too petite to be Rakka." She explained as she stood and moved around the desk. "Ayren?" She questioned as she stepped a little closer and the aroma of chocolate wafted her way.

"Yep. It's me," Ayren said. "Surprise, you old hack!" she laughed as she stepped into the light, setting the cups on a table to her left and opening her arms wide. "I missed you!"

The Captain wasn't sure to laugh or cry but responded by clasping her friend in return.
"When did you arrive? How long are you staying? How's Da'nal?" Tasha fired the questions not waiting for answers as she took a half step backwards. "You look swell!" She remarked as she admired Ayrens figure in casual clothing.

Ayren cupped her face lovingly. "It is so good to see you too and beautiful as ever...." she said. "And, about twenty minutes ago, a few days, and a happy bunny as always," she grinned. "My father is on the station as well....but I hope to spend some time with you..." she said.

Her hands were warm and dry and her smile was just amazing. She looked at the two cups, standing alone and inviting.
"I wasn't aware that your father was here either. Official business?" She asked, waiting for the invite to take a cup of the overpowering hot chocolate, so much so her taste buds were already in overdrive.

Ayren chuckled, sensing Tasha's eagerness to get to that chocolate drink. "Don't tell me you don't ever drink hot Chocolate from Kern's?" she giggled, taking a cup and placing it in Tasha's hand and taking a cup herself, lightly touching Tasha's. "To us!" she grinned.

"Oh by the way.... I hope you are not planning to work much... you know that the alcohol in Tumarec whisky doesn't evaporate as much as others... and there is a good shot in," Ayren added with an evil grin, after Tasha took a sip.

Tasha grinned and shook her head at Ayrens wicked streak. "You have not changed." She remarked licking at the froth on her lips. "I had planned on, but I guess what's there can wait until tomorrow." She stated taking a larger sip.
She could not taste the alcohol, the chocolate overpowered it. The sweetness of the chocolate lit up her mouth as the sensations of what must have been the whisky already fired up her taste buds.
"Mmmm. Kerns. Nope, I think the last time I was there with Rakka, or was it .. " She struggled for a moment to recollect the little quartermasters name as she tapped her fingers on the cup... "Petro. How could I forget her!" She remarked with a widening grin as her other hand touched Ayrens' putting the blame on the overdose of chocolate rather than alcohol.
"Anyhow, tell me what you have been up to these past few weeks." Taking yet another large sip of the beverage.

"Nothing all that interesting," she said with a smile and a shrug," other than the normal drama on a ship lead by a Klingon Captain," she said dryly. "I saw my niece, she was nearly killed by an assassin," she said in the same tone of voice. "Sent by her uncle, and ..what else.... we were nearly wiped out in a fight with some bad guys on an occupied planet," she continued like going down a grocery list. "And.... yeah... that is about it," she ended with a closed lipped grin, her black orbs sparkling with mirth. "And no..... it is the alcohol, my dear, not the chocolate," she said with a wicked smile. "And I think you need to have some fun, girlfriend!" The wickedness was very much in place.

~Girlfriend! ~ Tasha thought to herself in mild surprise as she finished off the chocolate beverage and placed the empty cup on her desk.
"Fun? I know you and fun is a synonym for naughtiness. What have you got in mind?" Tahir enquired as she placed one hand on hip and raised her eyebrow in questioning though she was thinking that it would not hurt to at least let her hair down a little.

"First I need to get you mildly intoxicated and that chocolate you're drinking is going help with that... there is an extra shot in there," she grinned. She cocked her head to the side assessing Tasha's outfit. "First we have to get you into something a little more relaxing. Leave the Cappie behind and then we can hit a club or something," she grinned. "I walked past something called the "Box of delights....it was buzzing in there..." Tasha had no chance to respond as Ayren grabbed her hand, led her out of operations and into her quarters and pulled her to her bedroom. "So... what have you got here you can wear? "

Tasha shook her head as she gave an inane grin. "Not much. Evening dresses, formal dresses, spare uniforms, dress uniforms." She began to feel depressed that her wardrobe was not as rich as most womens, but Tasha was not most women. "I do have that there." She pointed to her one and only 'Pretty' dress' that she had never even taken out of the special wrap. "No, don't open it. Let's replicate something new." She stated as she now dragged Ayren from her measly excuse for a closet keen to keep Ayren from opening the wrapped dress that had been a gift from Roman and she knew it would be spectacular but did not have the heart to wear it, unless it were for her deceased husband.

"What do you think?" She questioned as she stood in front of the replicator. "I don't like jeans, too informal and more of a workwear.
"Now, a jersey dress would be nice, in my favourite colour, Purple and I have shoes to match." The smile reappearing on her face as she darted back to the closet and brought back a pair of extraordinary strappy high heels.

"The best thing about these, is the ribbons that run right up to below my knees." She remarked holding one in each hand as Ayren already held aloft the purple satin and wool dress.

"Well?" Tasha asked, but judging by the look on Ayrens face, it was not what she had in mind.

Ayren pulled her nose up and puckered her lips. "The heels are great but we gotta work on the dress..." Ayren did sense Tasha's avoiding that wrapped dress and she burned with curiosity. Her instinct was to confront and pursue it, but she waited. She addressed the replicator and it produced a deep purple silk slip dress. "Put this on..." Ayren said and handed the little piece of garment. It was cut low enough to reveal the soft swell of her breasts, but not low enough to make it look obvious. Elegant but short, very short, revealing her stunning legs.

While Tasha took the dress, Ayren got busy at the replicator itself and had it make something more evening for herself as well. It was tight black mini skirt and a pair of strappy heels of her own.

Tasha was eager and tingled with expectation as she changed into the luxuriously sexy dress, but more so as she began to wrap the ribbons around her calves, finishing each with a neat bow and completing her outfit.
She glanced at her self in the mirror and complimented herself that she still looked fairly hot, for a Captain.

Stepping back into the living area, Tashas' mouth fell open.
"Wow. If I were a man...Rrrrrrrrr" She began and burst into a fit of giggles.

Ayren giggled. "We don't need guys, but hey..... " Ayren said, raising her eyebrows. "You look sizzling yourself..... and that dress shows off your heels too .. and those legs," Ayren said looking her over appreciatively.

"Come, grab your purse, let's go dazzle this little station of yours," Ayren said, before she grabbed Tasha shoulders from behind and shoved her playfully out the door, before she could change her mind about going out.

Off (To have some fun)

Captain Tasha Tahir


Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer/Counselor
USS Freedom (Now Achilles)
(PNPC by Sharon)