We All Fall Down – Unwelcome News
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Unwelcome News
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed Jul 30, 2014 @ 11:16pm
Location   Cardassian Consultae
Timeline   Pre MD01

The chime to Tharek's private apartment in the embassy went an an irritating moment. Beside him Yolanthe was drifting in post-orgasmic sleep, deep midnight blue starting to suffuse the blood red she had been a minute earlier.

"Sir, Apologies for the disturbance, but you'll want to know this." Glinn Tarim, one of the intelligence attaches, spoke in low urgent tones. "Its about t'Khellian."

Getal sat up with minor haste, left the bed and put on some loose fitting trousers. He opened the door to the individual that disturbed him and stared down on him with annoyance. "This had better be good Glinn."

Tarim knew that it wasn't good, but worth risking the wrath of the ambassador. "Tahir's resignation has been accepted. But Starfleet arent sending a replacement for her. They are making t'Khellian - I mean t'Vaurek - Captain!"

Getal grabbed the young officer by the scruff of his collar, and brought him within millimetres of his face. "This is not the time or place for jokes Glinn. If you're testing me, I will kill you."

"No, no sir. Its true, I verified with two different sources. T'Khellian will be confirmed as captain tomorrow morning. The Romulan Senate have already notified her of Starfleet's intentions." He searched Getal's eyes for signs of forgiveness.

"Get out." Tharek didn't even wait for a response or an action from the younger man as he shoved him back and the door closed. Getal paced back in, and headed for his office.

"Darling, whats wrong?" Yolanthe was awake, her head propped up on an arm.

Tharek's hands slammed on the desk, and various expletives exited his mouth, some English, most Cardassian.

She raised a blue eyebrow. "I know you haven't run out of Kanar. So what happened?"

"That forsaken Romulan! That green blooded, dirty little slut of a Romulan!" Tharek exploded in the direction of his lover.

Yolanthe kept her expression neutral, though she couldn't hide the gritty yellow she had turned. It had been like this when Isha had returned to DS5, some years older thanks to so sublight speed travel and sporting a starfleet uniform. She knew from the gossip that came through the Box of Delights that Isha's appointment to XO hadn't been happy news to any of the other powers but Tharek had taken it personally. She'd just assumed it was either the natural rivalry the two imperialist cultures had, or that he blamed her for the death of the handsome Rhaedol. "What's she done this time?"

Tharek turned to her with anger visibly showing. "The woman's a racist, a plotter and a damned anarchist! This station will quickly fall into an abyss with her in control, with all that she deems lesser than her being destroyed!" He was trying to calm himself, even with his lies about the new commander.

"Relax!" Yolanthe went to him, and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "Whatever she is, she is beholden to Starfleet. The last thing they want is a diplomatic incident with Cardassia. She can't do anything to you. It would threaten whatever this thing is between the federation and the Rihannsu."

"You," She planted a kiss on the nape of his neck, "are," she kissed the side of his neck below the ear , "untouchable." The sheet wrapped around her dropped to the floor.

He immediately relaxed. The physical aspect of Yolanthe's touch and the mental image of him having complete diplomatic immunity against Isha made him want to quiver. Tharek overlapped his hands onto Yolanthe's and breathed out heavily, a smile now spreading. "You're right."

"Of course I'm right." she dropped blood red hands to his waist and pushed him gently in the direction of the bedroom. "Now come back to bed. The night is young."

Wicked intent spread across his face, as he manoeuvred around Yolanthe and made her go first to his abode. He finally had it within him to take this station. And all it took was a single word. He knew there would be blood, and he knew exactly who's blood was going to spill first. Isha was on borrowed time, and she borrowed it from the wrong reptile.


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights, DS5


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador