Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Spy meets Ex-Spy
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Spy meets Ex-Spy
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 10:51pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD5 (After Gabriel's meeting in the Security Office)
Dorian exited the Security office in an expeditious manner. He knew that if he stayed a second longer he would've strangled the new Security officer. Then he'd have to take the blame for leaving the Security Department *EVEN MORE* short-hand than it already was.

He was lost in thought as his turbolift came to a stop on the promenade. He exited and began to take a slower pace a he crossed the wide open area. There was no telling who was up to something within the anonymity of the station. Sometimes he wished he was still in Security, instead of having to take such a passive role in Intelligence.

Natrina spoke, "Why hello Lieutenant."

He stopped and examined the woman before responding. The Cardassian barkeep. So far he hadn't focused much attention on her because he had become preoccupied with other matters. However, seeing that she was Cardassian, there was always the fact that she was up to something. It was just a question of whether it threatened Federation security.

Natrina grinned. "Oh you are a typical Starfleet Intelligence Officer. Always sizing people up the moment you meet them. I'm flattered that you would find me of such interest. Unfortunately, flattery will get you so far with me."

Obviously the Cardassian was up to something, but what? The Cardassian Union had been relativly quiet since their recent elections. According to Prime Minister Garak, the governement was focusing more on developing itself internally, rather than focusing on interstellar affairs. Which meant that they weren't going to be a threat to anybody anytime soon.

"Ahhh, Ms. Natrina. What a pleasure to finally get a chance to speak to you. With so much chaso happening on the station, I've just been so wapped up in other matters that I haven't had a chance to stop buy your wonderful establishment. What can I possibely do to help you?" Dorian said with a casual smile. There was definitely something afoot.

"Lets just say, my desires have become simple. I am no more than a Bartender. But some people do care if I am a Bartender, and I can't have that." Natrina said.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he leaned against the nearby rail.

Natrina smirked. "Oh... lets just say I once knew some acquaintences a long time ago. Business Partners if you would prefer. I had to terminate my association with them, but they can be persistant. I would like to find them so I can settle any outstanding disagreements. I do loathe disorder."

"Well, have you tried contacting the station's Diplomacy Officer?" He asked. He knew a Cardassian of her type would never become involved with the Federation voluntarily.

Natrina spoke. "Now why would I do such a thing? It is my experience that Diplomats *are* spies. Going to another nation to watch and send information back to the nation of their origin is the epitome of espionage. Intelligence Agents are only much more skilled Diplomats. Allow me, if you have time, to entertain you with a story about a most gracious young woman."

He nodded in agreement. To him diplomats were nothing more than spies without the benefit of a phaser. They performed the same function, they just did so with a smile on their face and a fancy office. "Proceed" he said.

"Once upon a time, there was a quite lovely young woman who took an interest in serving her people. Like any good citizen should. And she became good at her service. Whatever was demanded of her was done in short order, and quite efficiently I might add." Natrina said.

"Let me guess, that young woman soon rose within the ranks of her organization." He said, trying to politely speed the story along to get to the central focus.

Natrina continued. "Anyway, she began to get the impression that soon, no one would have any use for her. And so she decided to retire in a world where no one retires. But she would not be denied her desire."

"And that desire was. . .?" He inquired.

Natrina smiled. "This young woman soon realized that life was not simply about service to the state. Especially when the state no longer needs her. So she decided to lead a different path in life. A simple bartender was an appropriate job for her, and she would no longer have to concern herself with the state. But alas, those who were involved in that old organization still lived, and if they learned that she still lived. Well.. you get the idea."

He nodded his head slowly as he began to understand the bigger picture.

"So, she decided that these individuals should be removed from the equation. These former associates have become the dreads of the galaxy, so why should she be remotely associated with them. She decided to find them, and explain to them the conditions of the termination of her association with them. But she had to find them first. So she noticed a Starfleet Officer. Likely he would never give out information about these former associates freely, but what could she offer him in exchange? What service could she offer him so she could be rid of these former associates. Perhaps on his enemies? And since his enemies were her enemies, how could he refuse?"

The Cardassian had enemies that she wanted eliminated. Obviously she had made the mistake in thinking that 1) He actually cared about her precarious situation. & 2) That he was willing to save the life of a former Cardassian Spy. However, even a Cardassian spy was smart enough to know that a Starfleet Intelligence agent wouldn't become involved in Cardassian affairs, perhaps there was something else.

"hmm, I'm a bit hesitant to do anything that might cause complications on the station." He said, putting his revulsion in a mild context.

Natrina continued, "Oh I would not expect you to trust me with anything. After all, trust is what Caesar did, and the result was Brutus stabbing him in the back. My proposal is that I do a service for you, and you do a service for me. As I said, my desires are not material. I am satisfied with being a mere bartender. One day you might be satisfied with the same Dorian Gabriel. One day you will get tired, and you will want to retire too." She said with a grin.

She was willing to place herself in his debt. Her enemies must really be after her if she was willing to seek help from the Federation. It made sense, considering how the Romulans allowed for the Obsidian Order to walk directly into a decimating trap.

"Perhaps there is something we can work out." He said with a slight smile on his face as he began to think of how to put her to good use, without risking too much liability for himself. "What is it that you need exactly?" he inquired.

Natrina spoke. "The locations of certain people." Natrina placed a isolinear chip on a nearby table. "All of whom are most unpleasant. Why if one of these people were to fall prey to a flock of Hyderian fangbats, why that would be a service to the Galaxy." She said with a smirk.

He picked up the chip and examined it slowly. "Well, I'll let you know the second I have something." He said as he looked at her carefully.

"Good day Lieutenant. Do come to my bar, I'll give you a discount." She said as she left.