Judgement – The Right To Remain Silent
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Citizen Min Zhao

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Title   The Right To Remain Silent
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Citizen Min Zhao
Posted   Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 9:09pm
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD 36 1215

"Min," the bokkai repeated. "Welcome to The..." She trailed off, distracted.
Entering the box were several beings in yellow, that she recognized as security. They looked grim and purposeful as they made a beeline for the two women. Yolanthe was turning a feint turquoise as she turned to Min. "I wonder what they want?"


Yolanthe straightened as Trellis and his men approached the bar, she wanted to be hopeful, but the grim set of his features made that impossible. A sickly green began to seep over the violet grey of her skin.

Min noticed Yolanthe's skin change when Starfleet Security team entered the Box of Delights. She felt her blood pressure rise a few notches as they approached. She'd had a few run in's with them since her departure from the Orion but as far as she knew there weren't any outstanding issues on her file. Instinctively though she slowly lowered her hand towards a small phaser she kept concealed in a small pouch near her waist.

The phaser wasn't anywhere near as powerful as anything Starfleet carried, even the minuscule Type 1 nicknamed the "cricket." It did however pack enough of a punch to disable someone at close range and had saved Min's hide on several occasions.

"Lieutenant Trellis," Yolanthe nodded a greeting to him. "You've got news?" It was the triumph of hope over expectation. "you found who killed her?"

Si'Lar observed the room as it continued to expand, the further he walked into the establishment. Immediately he was embraced by the wall of music with varying degrees of bass intermixed throughout the melody. It took him several moments to adjust to the sensation of so many voices at the same time. One voice in particular managed to single itself out amongst the crowd.

"Ms. . .Ibalin" Si'lar said as he slowly approached the counter and placed his hands on the cool surface. He steadied himself for several moments before he looked from the smooth surface of the bar and drew his eyes slowly up the form of the woman before him.

He knew that he had to handle this with the utmost delicacy. If this escalated into a violent confrontation, it could potentially torpedo his career, let alone his efforts to cement his position within the Security Department. But, he also know that he could not portray himself as being afraid or even timid of tackling high-profile cases.

"I'll need you to come with me to Main Security," he said with more balance and surety in his voice.

Edward walked into the room carrying boxes of playing chips and stopped as he noticed the knot of people. He continued on his way, but as he did so, he heard the comment from one of the security officers, asking Yolanthe to go with them. His eyebrows drew together, and he flicked a glance at the tall woman, noticing her color. There was a younger woman standing at the bar with her, and he wondered what the girl had to do with all of this.

"What for?" Yolanthe was genuinely puzzled, turning a shade of aquamarine. "I mean, can't we stay here. I've got two new staff starting, and a dozen jobs to finish."

"NO!" He said, a little louder than he wanted to. However, he knew that he would have to use a different level of speech to overcome the pumping base in the surrounding music. He leaned in closer to talk to avoid having to yell again. "No, this not something that can be discussed here. Once you come with me to Main Security, we can begin the discussion there." he said as he continued to hover over the counter.

"If you need some quiet, we can go to my office," Yolanthe offered, "Or I can swing by after closing, but now is really not a good time."

As Yolanthe spoke, Trellis noticed the movement by the young woman by the bar. His eyes first set on the pouch in front of her and slowly cast their way towards her eyes where he continued to exam her for several moments. Typically when a person wanted to avoid being noticed the refused to give eye-contact to those around them. . . especially those in gold uniforms.

Min glanced around the room uncomfortably. It was obvious from the conversation between Yolanthe & Si'lar that she wasn't the object of their interest. Giving the other security officer standing nearby a nervous smile she met his eye contact for a second.

His attention returned to the taller woman just as she finished speaking. He did not want to escalate an already precarious situation. Dozens of civilians/witnesses, a confined area, unsecured exit and entry points. All were signs of an unwelcoming situation. However, he was not going to turn into a wild cowboy like his predecessor. Instead, he was going to handle this the proper way.

"Fine, we'll have this discussion inside of your office." He said as he stood up straight and signaled for an officer to walk towards her office to check that it was clear and that nobody was hiding inside waiting to pounce.

The noise reduced the moment they stepped back of house, and ended abruptly when the door to Yolanthe's office slid shut behind them, leaving them cocooned in black and white luxury. The bokkai went to the small fridge with the kanar bottle on top and poured herself a small one. "Drink, lieutenant?"

Trellis nodded to the second officer to remain by the door and just observe as the door closed. "Yolanthe Ibalin, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you wish, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?" he asked in a formal tone.

"I understand." She didn't sit, but perched herself on the edge of her desk and sipped her Kanar. "Now, what did you wish to discuss?"

Trellis walked around the office and casually took in the immediate environment for several moments. He took notice of how this was more of a 'resting area' moreso than an actual office. Probably a result of the occupant moreso than any particular function of the room.

"I am here to discuss with you your involvement in the murder of Ms. Klia." He said as he locked eyes with the woman and observed her reaction.

It was then that the implications of being read her rights hit her, and she went from murky lavender to mustard yellow in the blink of an eye. "Oh don't be ridiculous. You can't possibly think I'm involved. She was a dear friend, not to mention she owned a 20% share in my bar."

"Ms. Ibalin, I am not here on a fishing expedition. My investigation has produced sufficient evidence to place you under arrest along with your co-conspirator." he replied.

The yellow lightened a shade as she put down her glass of Kanar. "Under arrest?" She let out a short laugh. "Don't be silly. I had nothing to do with it. Now, why don't you get on with finding who did do it, and let me get back to work." She pushed herself off of her desk, and headed for the door.

Trellis turned his body as the woman began to walk towards the door. He raised his hand and signalled for the officer to block her path of exit.

"The reason I read you your rights was because you are in my custody, Ms. Ibalin. Please do not attempt to escape." He said in a firm tone. He did not want to use force to ensure her compliance, but he did not rule out the option.

"We have DNA evidence linking to both you and Cardassian Ambassador Tharek Getal to the scene of Ms. Kila's death." he said to the woman.

"In addition, there are multiple eye-witnesses that saw Ms. Kila throw a drink in the Ambassador's face the night of her death. More importantly, you yourself stated that there was animosity between you two due to your illicit affair with the Ambassador." He said matter-of-factly.

Yolanthe opened her mouth, then shut it again. For a moment the yellow was blended with green, and then the yellow returned, paler than before. She turned from the security officer blocking her door. "That's absurd. I haven't laid a finger on her. You can't possibly. So go back and check it again." She folded her arms across her chest and gave him a white eyed glare.

"Ms. Ibalin, you have a promising business here. You are a respected member of the business community onboard this station. People have come to trust and appreciate you." Trellis said with a softer tone as he took a step towards her.

"There's no reason why you should suffer alone for someone else's heinous crimes." He said.

"If I'm suffering, its because my best friend is dead, and you are standing here accusing me, instead of finding the real murderer." She was lemon now, becoming brighter and lighter with every breath. "As you said, it was a heinous crime. So get the hell out of my bar and solve it!" She reached around the security officer blocking the door, and palmed the release. "Don't let the doors hit you on the way out!"

In unison, both officers move in response. The officer by the door sidestepped to prevent the woman from walking out as Trellis moved to grab her arm. Her arm, that was noticeably soft and warm. . .

"Yolanthe," he said with a more gentler tone than before. "I don't want this to turn into a 'situation'. Let me help you," He said. "Cooperate with security, and I can see to it that you are treated much better than Ambassador Tharek. . .perhaps even given a lighter sentence, or possibly probation." he said, still holding the woman's arm moreso out of concern than restraint.

Yolanthe looked down at the hands holding her, "That's what this is all about isn't it? Tharek? Did Gabriel put you up to this? You don't give a damn about Klia, you just want a shot at him!" she snarled. "I won't stand for it. Get your hands of me you K'voshe."

She had the element of surprise; they weren't really expecting a physical outburst to match the verbal one. She tugged her other arm out of the security officer's grip with a twist of her shoulder, and used the freedom to plant her hand firmly against Trellis' chest and shoved him away.

"Wait...wha? This-this has NOTHING to do with Gabriel and his xenophobic beliefs!" Trellis shot back defensively as he regained his footing.

The noise had attracted the attention of the guard outside and had prompted her to step inside of the room to join the other two security officers.

"Is there a problem, sir?" she asked as she saw the solemn expression of the Acting Chief's face.

"Yes, there is." Trellis replied as he stood up and straightened his uniform tunic. "Yolanthe Ibalin, you are under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder." He said in a firm tone. "Please place her under arrest." He instructed to the two officers.

Yolanthe was turning slightly orange. She'd never touched a man in anger before. Defense of self or others, but never in anger. But this farce had gone on long enough. "If this isn't about Gabriel, why are you so concerned for Tharek to take all the blame." She looked over her shoulder to the woman who had just come in. "Lay a hand on me," she warned, "And I'll break it off."

Edward had been watching the door to Yolanthe's office the whole time she and the security team were in there. When the door opened, he stopped what he was doing and listened. As he heard Yolanthe's threat to the female officer, he exchanged a look with Ahjess, and motioned toward the door with his head, indicating that he was going over. It wasn't that he really had any plan; but instinct told him that his new boss wasn't a murderer, in spite of the wall behind her desk that held an array of weapons.

He stood in the doorway, a tray of gambling chips in his hands. "Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we have a question regarding one of the tables." He hoped they'd let her go out into the casino, and the boys could get her alone to talk with her. If she was going to be arrested, resisting would only make things worse, and he wanted to interrupt an escalation if he could.

"Yolanthe, please come with us, willingly. I would hate to have to escalate the matter any further." Trellis said as he took a step closer to her. "Once you are checked into the detention facility you can contact your legal counsel and deal with any other personal affairs." He said to her as he nodded to the female officer to place the restraints on her hands.

The bokkai ignored Edward, and gave the woman with the handcuffs a look that promised violence if she came any closer. "I'm not going anywhere. This is an utter farce. You're making a mistake, and Klia's killer is going to get away with it."

This was quickly turning into a situation. He knew that the more people that were around, the more likely that this would go from a simple detainment into a full-scale riot. He knew he had to act now.

As Yolanthe argued with the woman and had her attention focused elsewhere, Trellis closed the gap between them and grabbed her right arm. As the Yolanthe noticed his movement, the female security officer quickly grabbed her other arm and promptly twisted it behind her back while placing one restraint around her wrist.

"Yolanthe, stop fighting!" Trellis said through clenched teeth as he signalled for the third security officer to restrain the growing crowd of spectators. "Now, come with us easily, or else your entire establishment will be forced to watch its owner be dragged away like a common criminal!" He said, as compassionately as he could muster.

She said something that the translator declined to translate, but the bile and fury behind it was universal. She was fighting the arm lock, but half-heartedly, unwilling to hit the men.

Once they had managed to somewhat contain her within the restraints, Trellis signaled for the female officer to lead her out of the back room and out towards the main entrance.

"I'm sorry Yolanthe, I wish it did not have to be this way." He said sincerely as he began to follow the pair out of the room and into the larger area.

"You are making a mistake. We didn't do it!" she protested as they half led, half dragged her across the floor of The Box, "You've got the wrong people. You're just grasping at straws!"

Edward watched mutely as Yolanthe was wrestled out the door. He looked around the room at the rest of the employees, who were dumbfounded at the sight.

"Boss?" Pelin came out from behind the bar, confused and confounded.

The Bokkai twisted around in the security officers' grips. "Pel, keep open. I'll be back. When these idiots realize I didn't do it!"

Trellis shut the door behind him and sealed it under his security authorization. He would come back later to search the room for any additional clues. For the time being he knew that he was going to have a headache on his hands to deal with.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box Of Delights

Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy
(NPC by Charlene)

Min Zhao