Judgement – Bad day made worse - Part one
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Bad day made worse - Part one
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Dec 26, 2010 @ 12:39am
Location   BII Offices
Wayne was definitely NOT in a good mood when he arrived at the main office of BII infact one could say he was in a murderous mood at the moment. He stormed into the reception area almost knocking over the security gaurd that was on duty, totally ignored the receptionist and took the stairs three at a time going up to his office. the guard after having picked himself up off the floor walked over to the receptionist and leaned against the counter.

"Someone is going to get killed today if they look at the old man the wrong way."

"Maybe but I have never seen him that upset or pissed off in the year or so I have been here." Said the receptionist.

"I have but it has been years ago. Last time he was this mad was back when he was a one star in command of the 5th brigade. A Major lost his entire command due to some stupid mistake that the man had made. Ended up wiping out 500 marines, the Major and a handfull of his staff officers survived. Needless to say when the old man was done with that major he had alot less weight on his collar and is probably still on some backwater world." Said the guard

"I never knew Mr. Bradshaw was a marine let alone a general but it would explain alot of things. I just hope he never get's that mad at me." Said the receptionist

"You do not have to worry about that cause if he get's that mad at you well you will know it a week before he erupts but it is highly unlikely." Said the guard.

===Meanwhile up in Waynes Private office===

That damn bastard of a captain just who the hell does he think he is pulling a shit for brains stunt like that and with half a squadron to boot." snarled Wayne to no one in particular

"Sara Ann I want you to call a meet of the ENTIRE board of directors and I want them in the conference room in one way or another in 5 minutes. Also I want my personal ship prepped for launch and you better assign extra security people this trip." snapped Wayne coldly he would try to calm down if only for his kids but this was almost to damn much for him to take.

He played with the Klingon dagger that he had been given a while back while he waited for his kids. Once he could meet with them he would have a better idea just what the hell had happened and just how bad this situation was or could become.

exactly 5 minutes later he walked into the conference room to be greeted by 7 of his ten kids, the other three had video links setup in the room.

"Alright here is the situation as I know it. Feel free to add any information you may have at the end. Roughly 10 hours ago Captain Hanks of the SS Hawks led his small convoy of 5 ships on an apparent attack on some Rogue pirates that were operating in his area. however instead of your basic run of the mill pirates he ran up against 3 Nausican warships. All the ships and their crews have been considered to be a loss with the exception of the Hawks, and the refitted Starstreak. These two ships were badly damaged in the attack but are limping back escorted by the surviving fighters that the convoy was carrying. My question to you is what do we do with Hanks in light of this the least that will happen is he will be removed from ever commanding a ship again." Said Wayne bluntly

"Considering how big of an investment we had in those ships and their crews I would recommend filing criminal charges against the man and suing him for the cost of the ships and cargo." said Nancy from her place at the table.

"I would suggest that we do what Nancy suggested in addition we set it up so that he can never get a job on a ship of any kind in any capacity ever again. There is simply to much risk of it happening again" Said Collin

Wayne looked around the table and noticed that everyone was pretty much in agreement with this course of action. "Alright then since you all seem to agree there is no need for a vote. I will personally bring mister Hanks back to the station to stand trial for his crimes assuming that is I can keep from killing the bastard long enough to get him back here." Said Wayne coldly

"Yah dad we all remember what happened to that major I am not sure that the man is still not looking over his shoulder wandering when the other axe from the General Bradshaw will fall." Said Wayne Jr.

"Haha very funny Wayne I happen to know that he left the corps a year before I did and his last words were 'I hope the old man chokes on his ego but he had balls to make the call he did' " Said Wayne with a soft chuckle

"Now since that was the main thing I needed to discuss with you this morning I will let you get back to whatever you were doing I have a ship to catch and a captain to destroy." Said Wayne a feral grin on his face as he turned and walked out the door heading to the main docking port for his private ship.

End of Part one.....