Interlude – Reporting for Duty
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Reporting for Duty
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Sep 20, 2010 @ 9:33pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Current

Chief Surgeon Lance Murdoch sauntered into Sickbay, his duffle bag slung casually over one shoulder. He looked around, taking in the facility. then made his way over to the Chief Medical Officers office. He rang the chime.

"Come in" was the call from within. The door slid open. Rising from her desk, Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams had been reading the transfer padd about the very man in front of her. She was newly acquainted with his picture so it was safe to venture:

"Doctor Murdoch, I presume?" with a smile as she came towards him with her hand out to shake his.

Lance smiled and shook her offered hand, "That's me. And you must be Doctor Adams?" He asked.

"Indeed. Welcome Doctor. We are much in need of your talents and assistance! I have a relatively new ACMO but we haven't had a Surgical specialist. Your presence here is a Godsend!" She enthused, holding out her arm, palm outwards, towards the chairs to one side to indicate an invitation to sit. She moved to the replicator before joining him there. "Can I offer you some refreshment?" she asked.

"Thanks Doc, I know, by the sound of it, things have been pretty wild around here, I'm glad to be aboard." He flopped into one of the chairs, "What have you got thats cold and wet?" Lance asked.

"Apart from the Cardassian Ambassador?" She quipped. "How about Vulcan Spiced Tea - Iced?" she suggested. "Or.... Andorian Mineral Water? Still or sparkling? Or... Raisan Merroberry juice cocktail? .... anything you fancy really!"

"Merryberry Juice Cocktail? Does it have a kick?" Asked Lance, stretching out and putting his feet up on Chelsea's coffee table.

"Only if you take liberties with it!" Chelsea hinted, one eyebrow raised as she looked at the boots on her table. For now she was going to let this go, but he had just used up his *Newbie's Get Out of Jail Free Once* card.

She added some Worcester sauce to the Cocktail and ordered her own drink, putting both on the coffee table, ignoring the feet already docked there.

"So, I read your CV but why don't you tell me why you want to be here and I'll put you off.... no... just kidding, but seriously. I'm a great one for *not* standing on ceremony where it's superfluous but that doesn't make me a pushover when it comes to performance and results. I have a fantastic team here and I see you're a damned good Surgeon so I anticipate you adding to our already excellent achievements. That's what good you can bring, so what weaknesses do you have that I'll have to compensate for?" She asked, the question carefully formulated to get to know him.

"Weaknesses? I don't understand? You're not making any sense!" Smiled Lance. "I'm the best surgeon you will ever meet. Period." He took a long swig of his drink. "I suppose if I do have a weakness its that I have to work with other people in the operating theatre, I just hope your staff can keep up."

"So, you don't suffer fools lightly then?" she probed gently.

"Most assuredly not Doc." Lance responded, draining the last fluid out of his glass. "If that's all I'd like to go for a stroll."

"Nor do I, Lieutenant, and by all means, as exercise is good for you, allegedly." Chelsea's words were all politeness but their tone was not that which her normal team would have missed. "I recommend the Promenade decks"