Beg, Steal or Borrow – Abrupt Greetings
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Abrupt Greetings
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Mon Jul 13, 2009 @ 12:27pm
Location   DS5 Space
Timeline   Current

Lt Greo Tovon sat back in his chair, enjoying the few minutes of peace he would have before arriving at his new assignment. He shuffled his PADDs into the shoulder bag beside his chair and placed his coffee cup back in the replicator.

"Sir we are coming out of warp." Annouced the pilot.

The dazzling streaks outside the cockpit windows changed almost instantly to stars as the USS Thames dropped out of warp 2 million kilometres from Deep Space 5. The ensign at the controls eased the small vessel up to half impulse and laid in a course to dock with the large space station. As the ship turned Greo caught sight of other vessels moving around the station.

"Is everything alright ensign?" Greo asked, moving forward to sit in the co-pilot seat. He brought up the sensor display. It appeared that there were other ships in and around the station in coordinated movements.


"Full stop ensign, we'd best see what's going on before we get closer."

The six Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter of Bravo wing glided through the stella void around Deep Space Five. They were on system petrol. Guarding the air space around the space station or what they affectionately nick named the barn. The fighter wing were flying in 'V' formation moved with synchronisation a shoal of fish. Dunham was finishing his last sensor sweep before heading back when a Starfleet Runabout dropped out of warp close to their location. Being the closest unit in that area he ordered his wing to approach the vessel that had now stopped dead in space. Dunham activated his comms to the Runabout. That his sensors had identified as the USS Thames. "Bravo One actual to USS Thames. Are you receiving me over?"

Greo looked at the human that appeared on his side viewscreen. The Valkyrie pilot's cool grey eyes peered back at him. Just below on the sensor readouts he could see the six fighters arcing easily in front of the runabout.

"This is Lt. Tovon on the Thames. We are en route to Deep Space 5. Should we be at alert status lieutenant?"

Dunham gave a slight chuckle and a smile. "Hell yeah Mr Tovon. Its been a busy couple of days hear on Deep Space Five. From lost early twenty first century starships to Romulan attacks. We have had a couple of very busy days thus far. So the whole station is still on alert. Hence the fighter squad greeting. Please send me your security pass Lieutenant."

Greo tapped a few buttons and his data transfered across to the wing leader. He attached his transfer order, extra proof that he should be here. Checking his sensors again he saw what appeared to be a debris field on his screen. It looked like a large ship had exploded in the vicinity of the station. He focused the main sensors and lateral array on the area, but it was largely obscured by the station itself.

"It sure does look like there is a lot going on around here. Are we cleared to proceed to space dock?"

"Your sure are. Mr Tovon" Dunham was going through the data that had been transfered to his system. "So your scinece hey? Good we could use a few more blue shirts around here." Dunham wasn't sure that the man on the other end of the comm would get the reference to the old starfleet uniform. "Hey drop by my way some time I will show you around. Dunham thought back to his arrival on the station only two days ago and how he had to make his own way around without a guide.

"Thanks Lieutenant, I have to admit I didn't realise they gave fighter wing escorts to arriving 'blue shirts' around here. I hope we can work together soon. Tovon out." Greo turned to the ensign at flight controls. He nodded at the young man and turned back to his screen. He watched as the fighter wing arced away and the runabout headed in towards the station. Ahead the vast station loomed and as the ensign communicated to station flight control the large docking bay doors opened to receive the runabout.

As the Runabout began to dock with the station. Bravo wing broke away and headed off to continue their patrol.


A post by.

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt Greo Tovon
Science Officer