Cascade – This... is not good...
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   This... is not good...
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sat Apr 27, 2013 @ 12:51am
Location   Wyman's quarters
Timeline   SD 72 0750 hours
Stretching and grunting, Ceridwen slowly opened her eyes. She hadn't slept well, having been on duty for the better part of sixteen hours, followed by trying to get a cranky child into bed in the middle of the night.

"I hope you slept better than I d..." she stopped mid statement, realizing that the other half of the bed was untouched. "Or not..."

Steve hadn't been there when she got home with Gwen, but she had expected him to shuffle in at some point and collapse into a near comatose state. "Computer, time?"

+"The current station time is 0751 hours."+

Sitting up and pulling the strap of her nightgown back up onto her left shoulder, a puzzled look etched itself into her face. "Steve went on duty yesterday morning around this time. He got his security clearance, went to a department heads meeting, worked on that ship... then what? He locked himself in his office and left a little while later, and I haven't seen or heard anything from him since..."

Worry and dread washed over her. What if something had happened during the day and command hadn't contacted her? What if command didn't know something had happened? Steve had been known to lose track of time while working on particularly interesting problems, but humans weren't meant to go that long without sleep. And he certainly would have checked in with her (or checked up on Gwen) at some point, irregardless.

Her eyes still transfixed on his half of the bed, she fumbled on the night stand for her comm badge. "Senior Chief Wyman to Lieutenant Wyman." she inquired, as the computer tended to get confused if one of them just said "Wyman to Wyman." despite their markedly different voice prints.

The engineer's mate nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a disembodied groan coming from the main room. She had already grabbed a shoe to use as a weapon when she heard, "I'm right here... trying to sleep..."

Dropping her improvised bludgeon and running into the family room, relief washed over her when she saw her husband sprawled out on the couch with one arm draped over his eyes. "Steve! Oh my word, I thought something happened to you when you didn't come to bed last night!"

"I got in around 0400. You were already asleep... didn't want to wake you..." he muttered, his brain seemingly still mostly down for the count.

Fighting back tears of joy after her short period of terror, Ceridwen dropped to her knees and threw her arms around Steve, "When I woke up alone I thought something happened to you!"

"A whole Hell of a lot has happened to me, and not much of it's very pleasant. And less than ten percent of it will ever be told with Gwen within twenty decks of me. But sweetheart - I need to sleep. I was on duty for something like twenty hours. I got word late last night that Sharas and An'ta will be here this afternoon with a delivery from Drakt, AND we've still got that damned ship in the hangar bay. Can I please just sleep for a few more hours before everything goes back to Hell in a handbasket?"

His tone started out garbled, but became clearer and more angry as he went on. Ceridwen just eased back onto the balls of her feet as a sense of malice hit her, setting off the weak empathic abilities which hadn't been triggered since Gwen was born. Then she had felt nothing but love and adoration from her husband as he held his child for the first time. This was about as far from that as one could get. In fact - she'd never felt this from him in all the years she had known him.

"Umm... yeah, sure honey. Why don't you go to bed. I'll try to keep Gwen quiet, and we'll both head out early so you aren't disturbed...."

Forcing himself to his feet and glaring at her (or was it just a groggy, eyes half open glance?), he wordlessly shuffled into their bedroom and locked the door behind him. A moment later the sound of an adult male human dropping onto a mattress reverberated through the room.

A cold chill running down her spine, Welshy got off the floor and sat on the couch. The cushions were still warm from Steve laying on them. "What the Hell is going on around here? Steve... doesn't feel like that... EVER..."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineer

Also starring...

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate