Interlude – The Fugitive
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Fugitive
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue May 25, 2010 @ 6:06pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   Right after 'If War is what it takes ...'

The day had mostly been a dull one and Arrienye spent most of it within her office, reviewing the staff and putting aside any files she found a little suspicious. Going through Maiell's, she put it aside and let out a sigh. Rubbing her temple she stood up, stretching.

Picking up a padd, she pressed her comm. "Computer, locate Ambassador Isha t'Khellian," she ordered.

"The Ambassador is in her quarters, Romulan Consulate, Deck 60," it replied monotonously. 'Good' Arrienye thought, leaving her office. She nodded to receptionist, moving towards the Ambassador's quarters.

"Arrain t'Merek!" Nahir i-Orinwen said as she dashed from her desk and along the hallway to catch up with the taller woman, "The ambassador gave word directly to erie'Krein Raedheol that she was not to be disturbed." i-Orinwen once again, at the appointment of the Tal'Shiar General held one of the few locations tin the faclity that provided a full view of all doors. "Please, I ... Arrain, wait one moment."

i-Orinwen caught movement in the corner of her eye and dashed back again to the desk. The woman was dressed in a plain grey tunic and black trousers, her hair was pulled back and there was not a trace of makeup on her determined face, the sharp green eyes were the eyes of the ambassador though.

Isha walked past i-Orinwen without a glance. "t'Merek," Isha said seeing her newest arrival, "with me," as she strode to her office. Isha was still buzzing. Shooting the Cardassian was one thing, breaking his hand while he lay unconscious was quite another ... on a large man even a heavy stun could dissipate in minutes, that was why she had returned through the front door.

"Do you have a problem, t'Merek?" Isha asked, her body still pulsing.

Arrienye couldn't hide the look of surprise as she saw the Ambassador rush in from the turbolift. Fortunately, she didn't have to as it was soon replaced by an angry look, and she walked after Isha with a very tense, determined step. Watching the door close behind them, she gave the older woman that look.

"I did not originally, but I do now," she told her, putting the padd she'd brought on the desk. "Do you find joy in insulting me, Ambassador?" she asked directly.

Isha continued around her desk and placed herself in her chair, "What a peculiar question, t'Merek. I find joy in the fact that I have just humbled the Cardassian Ambasador," she replied adrenalin from that victory in uneasy conflict with the pall of fear that washed through her. "How have I insulted you?" Isha enquired.

"With this," she said, then pressed her comm, "Computer, repeat the location of Ambassador t'Khellian," she said.

"Ambassador t'Khellian is in her quarters, Romulan Consulate, deck 60," the computer did as she asked, and then Arrienye crossed her arms over her chest.

"Would you care to explain or do I have to ask the obvious question?" she said.

Isha's face straightened, "Ask your question, t.'Merek," she said, "You do not have the authority to demand me to explain - and here I am, in the consulate," she said spreading her fingers over the arms of her chair.

"As the Head of Security, the person in charge of *your* safety, Ambassador, I have every authority to know where you are. You are the one who gave me this assignment," t'Merek reminded. "And now I find that you have a habit of going off by yourself. Now what you do in your personal time is your business and none of mine, but when you start purposefully deceiving me by making me think you're safe is the point where I start to have serious objections." Arrienye kept her voice steady, and in a state of calm that would make her Vulcan great-great grandfather blush.

"Now, why did you leave your comm in your quarters and make me think you were there?" she finally asked.

"Which habit would that be?" Isha enquired, when did she ever have personal time? She linked her fingers on the deak. "I have no such habit," she lied, "t'Merek, I trust in your competence, and if you are competent I cannot have deceived you," she said returning the woman's gaze.

"I am very competent, Ambassador," Arrienye said confidently. "Which is why I firmly believe this isn't your first time at eluding Security, so I would call that a habit," she pointed out. "And you did not deceive me. I found you out. Unfortunately, it's taken me longer than I am comfortable with. You could have been killed," she told her, as if knowing what the woman had been up to.

"I live," Isha replied a statement both factual and obtuse. She could imagine that t'Merek was rather irked that she had been able to circumvent her measures.. "I had business of my own, t'Merek, I have returned now, and the fact that you recognized my absence is noted," Isha said loftily. The Cardassian had been there and Isha considered herself very lucky that he had underestimated her, right up to the point that she had shot him. But that was none of t'Merek's business. Isha reached behind her back end threw the phaser onto her desk. "I took precautions," she said.

"Oh good," Arrienye said sarcastically. "Well, rest assured, Ambassador, I will never make this mistake again," Arrienye said, her tone holding a slightly warning tone. as she met the Ambassador's eyes with her own piercing blue ones.

"And which mistake was that, Arrain?" Isha invited t’Merek to elaborate.

"The mistake of letting you slip past me, of course," she told her. "It's my job to ensure your safety and to do so, I will need to know your whereabouts. So, Ambassador, I advise you to carry your comm device from now on," Arrienye told her, putting her hands behind her back.

Isha continued to stare at the young woman before her. What t'Merek said was quite true, security was her job, but Isha had trouble relinquishing what little freedom she had left. Once that was gone …

"I did not appoint you to your position so that you could become my gaoler, t'Merek," Isha told her. "Will it satisfy you if I give you my word not to do it again?" Isha asked - for the foreseeable future Isha had no intention of leaving the walls of her Consulate without a heavy and very visible guard, not with that Cardassian out there.

"For the time being," Arrienye replied honestly, her mind already working on ways to track the Ambassador. After all, she'd only known the woman in front of her for 24 hours and Arrienye had trouble accepting the word of people she'd known for years. "In the meantime, Ambassador, I will be improving the Security division of this Consulate," she pointed out.

"Sit, Arrain, and tell me your thoughts on those improvements," Isha invited, though in truth she did not want to be alone just yet. To act on impulse as she had was very dangerous and the implications of Isha's actions were just beginning to impose themselves on the edges of her consciousness. yes, she was very interested in t'Merek's new arrangements. "Well?"

"I have already sent in a request for ten Gain'Shian officers to be transferred here," Arrienye began as she sat down. "Increasing the Security officers numbers by six for each shift will be much easier to manage then," she added. "Security personnel will all be armed with new R-7 disruptor rifles, along with their disruptor pistols as their primary weapons. I also advise that, instead of having our receptionist and guards confiscate any weapons visitors see fit to hand over, each visitor be scanned for any weapon or other hazardous material by the two guards who will be posted at the front entrance," Arrienye explained. By how things were going, it looked as if the young Romulan was very interested in making the Consulate into a fortress.

Isha responded with a thoughtful nod, at present seeing little problem with t'Merek's proposal. "I would ask you to keep the presence subtle," Isha said, "The Continuing Committee are keen that we are seen to be 'open' at this time. The desk-girls are quite ill-prepared to deal with a threat though," she agreed before she linked her fingers together and turned her gaze back on t'Merek. "You may supplement them."

"I understand. I will make sure they are placed in more subtle positions around the Consulate," Arrienye nodded.

"Who authorized your request?" Isha asked as if from nowhere.

"First, you told me it is within my jurisdiction to make necessary adjustments to the security regimen and bring in more officers. And the Chief of Staff then accepted my recommendations and signed off on the transfer," she added after a moment.

"That it is," Isha replied recognizing t'Merek's efficiency. "When are your reinforcements due?" Isha's question asked with a trace more anxiety than such a routine query should have included.

"In five hours." Arrienye met the woman's eyes. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you alright, Ambassador?" the blue-eyed Romulan asked, surprising herself slightly. She didn't usually deal with the feelings of her superiors; it wasn't her place.

"I am very well, t'Merek," the ambassador said evenly as she linked her fingers more tightly. Isha clenched her back teeth together, she could already feel her limbs growing heavy, and in a few minutes she imagined that she would begin to shake uncontrollably as the various secretions that had entered her system during her encounter worked their way out. "I would appreciate their immediate deployment," she said, "and in the meantime place whoever is on duty on the doors."

Arrienye gave the Ambassador a quick look over, as subtly as she could before giving her a respectful nod. "Yes, Ambassador," she said, standing up. "Am I dismissed?" she asked to make sure.

"Yes, t'Merek," Isha said leaning back in her chair, gripping its arms with both hands as she did so.

With another nod, Arrienye turned to leave the Ambassador's office, heading for the Security office.


Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Romulan Consulate


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Security chief and diplomatic aide
Romulan Consulate