Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 1
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   A Tale of Two Ensigns - Episode 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Wed Jul 29, 2009 @ 5:07pm
Location   USS Zanzibar
Timeline   MD9 22.00

Ensign Watts Log Uss Zanzibar Supplemental:

"We’ve been at warp for the last few hours on our way to the colony on Korvas VII. DS5 had a request for engineering supplies. Myself and Ensign Brosarn have proceeded en route wtihout incident. We continue at a casual warp 4 and should be at the colony in a few hours. End log."

Tral Brosarn looked across at Ensign Watts as he finished his log. He'd known the man a while now and was happy to be out away from the station with his friend for once. He rubbed at his bald blue head and walked over to the replicator. Something had been troubling him all day.

"Hot chocolate, extra sweet. Jeff, you want anything?"

"yeah Green Tea."

"Ok." He rubbed his head again and brought the drinks back from the replicator. "Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but something's been bothering me about the transmission the commander showed us."

"What?" said the other Ensign to his friend, while typing away on a data padd and not really paying attention.

"Oh it's nothing." Tral said sitting down and having a sip of his chocolate drink. "I'm sure I'm just being a little paranoid, I rarely get sent out on these kind of missions." He tapped away at his console and checked the ship status another time. Everything seemed fine, again.

Watts put the pad down on the console in front of of him. He turned to face Tral. "Whats up?" he said bluntly. Always being a man to get to the point.

Tral was getting used to Jeff's 'subtle' ways and barely registered the outburst. He put his drink down and swiveled his chair to face the other ensign.

"I was checking over the message and the telemetry doesn't seem quite right. It's almost as if it came from somewhere near the colony on Korvas VII, like in the same system but maybe the next planet. It's only a minor fluctuation, I might have read it wrong." Doubt had started to creep into his thoughts. Even as he said the words he couldn't quite believe that the message was erroneous.

"Well check it again? Whats on the charts given the telemetry you got from the message?" Watts brought up the message on the ships computer console.

Tral tapped a button and the screen showed the image of a human colonist on Korvas VII. The woman was talking, but the ensign was looking at the data stamp.

"See." He said pointing at the origin coordinates. "The data stream originated 0.001 degree along the plane of the eliptic spinward of the planet. It is such a small error, it might just be a glitch. Yet I can't seem to shake the feeling that someone else sent the message and made it look like it came from the planet. Maybe through an orbital relay or some such."

"Well do the star charts show anything in orbit around the planet like a space station or anything like that? Or maybe its just the telemetry is off due to signal degredation or stellar drift? Or maybe a bounce off a solar flair or something?"

"There is nothing on the charts at all, just the colony. They have a surface-based transceiver array that punches up and out through the planets L class atmosphere." Tral looked through the ship's databanks concerning their destination. "It says here the colony is overseen by Coordinator Dargos, maybe we should contact him on subspace? He might be able to clear things up.

Watts fiddled with the console in front of him to set up an open comm link. "Computer open a channel to Coordinator Dargos on Korvas VII." THeir was a brief pause then the computer responded.

"Unable to connect due to interferance."

Watts straightend in his chair with interest. "what kind of interferance?"

"Unkown" replied the computer.

Watts turned to his friend and gave him a frown.

"That's odd, sensors aren't picking up any anomalies or radiation that might interfere. It doesn't seem that any natural phenomenon is doing this. Someone is jamming communications!" Tapping at the controls Tral was starting to get more and more anxious. "Maybe we should go to maximum warp? The colony might be in trouble."

Watts' hands flicked with trained speed over the flight controls soon they were soon at Warp six. The runabouts emergency speed. Something they could keep up for about six hours but at this speed they would soon be at the colony. Thats more like it said Watts to himself.

Ensign Brosarn looked down at the computer's navigation screen.

"The new eta to Korvas VII is thirty-five minutes, let's hope that's soon enough!"


Ensign Watts
Played by Dunham

Ensign Tral Brosarn
Played by Tovon