Beg, Steal or Borrow – Report!
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Report!
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Apr 30, 2009 @ 12:32am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   15:20
Gabriel was once again back in his office. He was beginning to become accustomed to the environment. It gave him access to sensor information as well as other bits of information that was useful in trying to keep an eye on the carnage that the Romulans had caused during their unprovoked attack.

He suddenly remembered that he had assigned Ayers to speak to the saboteur to determine who he worked for and what else he had been paid to do.

*taps* "Gabriel to Chief Ayers, report to my office when you are done speaking with the saboteur." He said quickly as he went back to the reports that were still flooding into his office.

The chief was just down the hall when he got the page, he walked over to his office, he'd managed to crack Joran, but the simple fact was he had gone about it in a way that wasn't exactly standard procedure, but the Lieutenant wanted results by any means. He walked through the door and spoke, "Joran talked, we've got a problem though."

Gabriel looked up as the man crossed the barrier into his office. "The man spoke, hopefully the information he provided will prove to be beneficial. I don't see what other problem there could be." Gabriel responded.

The chief hung his head, "The attack was part of a plot to kidnap the Romulan ambassador, along with something else that Joran wasn't sure about. The most we could charge him with is conspiracy and a lesser espionage charge, we'd better let the Command know about this." he paused " He named a few people its in my report, Sir this guy wasn't going to talk easy, I had to really lean into him."

Gabriel leaned back in his chair as he began to think. "This character knows more than he is telling. I find it irrational that Romulans would sacrifice their own soldiers and resources simply to kidnap one lowly "ambassador" when they could've have easily lured her off the station and seized her then." he said as he leaned forward and placed his hands on his desk in front of him and maintained eye-contact with Ayers.

"He knows more, and we are going to find out. He attacked Lt. Freeman, therefore I want him charged with attempted murder and an accessory to murder for every single person that died in this attack." Gabriel said sternly. "If he wants to play dumb, then that's fine, he can play dumb inside of a prison cell for the rest of his natural existence."

The chief looked at the lieutenant, "He named the people who paid him off to do the sabotage, he says that the attack was political or something, the attack was only supposed to be a distraction to Kidnap the Romulan Ambassador, the rest far as I can see is incidental."

"I don't care what his underlying motives were. His actions helped cause the death of who knows how many Federation citizens, for that he has sacrificed his freedom. If he chooses to tell us more information, then I will reconsider the charges, but unless he tells us exactly who he was working for and what they wanted *in addition* to Isha, then he will spend the rest of his life in prison." Gabriel added.

"People must learn that the Federation will terminate all threats with extreme prejudice." He said coldly.

The Chief was puzzled, he just looked at him and began to think about where he had heard something like that said before, he just looked at Dorian and said "its out of my hands now, fleet security is on the way to pick him up JAG can deal with him now."

Gabriel groaned as he rolled his eyes and grabbed a Padd. "There'll be no need for fleet security to come now or anytime soon." He said as he inputted orders into the Padd. "Our friend in the holding cell has just become an enemy combatant who posses sensitive information regarding an active investigation into future attacks on this station." Gabriel said as he finished submitting the orders.

"As Chief of Security for this station I have he authority to detain prisoners who I believe are a threat to others or possess knowledge regarding those who will be a threat to others." Gabriel said as he slid the Padd to Ayers. "Take this with you when you go speak to him and inform him of the charges that will be brought against him. Also tell him that if he wishes for any sense of mercy or leniency, then he will tell us *everything* that he knows." Gabriel said as he reclined back into his chair.

"Any questions?" he asked.

The chief wasn't about to say anything he didn't want held against him, "No sir, I'm headin back to the office" He turned on one heal and left.

"Chief!" Gabriel said as the man turned to walk out of the office.

"Don't forget to deliver this message to Mr. Joran. I'd prefer for this to come directly via word of mouth as opposed to some cold and disconnected comm unit." Gabriel said. He wished he could be there to see the look on the man's face as he heard the changes being read to him. Unfortunately, Gabriel had several other things to do all at once.

"Yes sir" the Cheif just walked out, this was getting heavy to fast for his liking, He just needed to leave.

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Chief Ayers (NPC'd by Andy)