Cascade – "Good News Travels Fast"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   "Good News Travels Fast"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Apr 06, 2013 @ 5:05pm
Location   D'Liin's Ship/Isha's Location
Timeline   after "Blessed Events"
Immediately after hanging up with his new slave... fiancee, D'Liin decided the next thing on his to do list was to gloat to the other loser in this game, the long time thorn in his side, Isha. His face crooked into a demonic smirk as Isha appeared on his screen, "Well, well, Madame Ambassador, don't you look lovely this morning?" He sneered, "Or should I just start calling you 'Auntie'?"

Isha raised an eyebrow, she did not recognise the 'caller'. "I haven't been an Ambassador for three years," she said. She might not recall him immediately but the creature possessed the sort of unctuous smarm that she despised, "and as I do not believe that you are a member of my family, such a term would be inappropriate."

"Oh, you mean you haven't heard?" D'Liin cackled, "Well, I guess Lady Lliar doesn't think enough of the traitors of the Khelliana to let them know when the house is going to be improved by the addition of someone worthy as myself."

"Have we met? My mother's House is her own concern, as mine is my own. Have you betrayed her? For I know that I have not. You still have not given me your name," Isha prompted, though she had by now identified who he was.

"Oh, you still don't understand?" D'Liin shook his head in dismay, "And to think I always thought you were smarter than that idiotic half breed niece you abandoned. Well, let me break it down for you, my lady, your mother has commanded that your precious Rianni, well, just Rianni since she clearly means nothing to you, is to be my bride and I'm to take on the task of turning that whore into something palatable for real Romulans. That's right, Isha, just as soon as you left her behind she fell right into my hands..."

"That is her prerogative. Rianni is an adult, and if she assents to the match that is her business. There is no compulsion to marry in our society, if you believe that there is then it is a wonder you passed D'Sora," Isha said, it was a subtle but cutting insult.

D'Liin sneered at Isha's attempt to insult him, it mattered very little to him at this point, "Well, well, it seems you've totally abandoned her and all of them.... even R'Vek." He threw his head back and laughed, "Tell me, will you make it to the wedding? Or just the funeral?"

“It is a fool who presumes to know how the soul of another speaks. You lack the wherewithal to stand in judgement on my motivations, even less those born to the House Khellian. They are not children, and you will fare better if you do not treat them as such.”

"Come now." D'Liin laughed, "Do you truly think that Rianni will stay married to me long before she takes her own life? And I inherit everything appertaining to her status as her grieving husband."

"Poor boy," Isha replied with a wan shake of her head, "The Lloan'su have an expression, that blood is thicker than water. Even a flood of your tears would not convince the Khelliana that you were truly grieving, and their memories are long, as are their knives. Half-blood or not, her blood is theirs. That is something you ought to consider before you make such ludicrous statements in future."

"How could they hold me responsible for the rash actions of an impetuous half-breed who's already tried to commit suicide before?" D'Liin laughed, he was obviously getting under Isha's skin, even if her icy veneer made it almost impossible to tell, "But, as you like it, my lady."

"You clearly don't know a great deal about the family you intend to become part of," Isha said, his words and intentions had no impact on her whatsoever. Time would prove her correct and she knew it.

That damned woman was still just as infuriating as ever, there was no doubt about that. He would enjoy taking the half-blood whore from her, he knew she did love that halfling and he would use it to punish her for the insults he'd suffered prior at her hand. Right now though, right now he couldn't stand to look at that woman for another second, and clicked off the screen, ~Damn them. Damn them all.~