Interlude – A Better Approach
by Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A Better Approach
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Thu Nov 18, 2010 @ 11:21pm
Location   Eleni's Office->Bradshaw's Office
Timeline   after Bradshaw's Apology letter arrives
Eleni had spent the last five minutes reading Bradshaw's apology letter, she'd actually read it twice even though Phil had wanted to throw it out when it arrived. After reading it and deciding it was indeed sincere, Eleni decided to accept Bradshaw's apology and took out her own old fashioned pen and paper, looked at them a second, and decided to go a different route. Stepping out of her office she nodded to Phil and said, "I'm going out for a bit, Phil."

"Yes, Ma'am." Phil nodded, he had a good idea where she was going, but he knew better than to try and tell her no, ~Woman's got balls, that's for sure.~

Eleni made her way quickly to Bradshaw's office complex, walking up to the receptionist and leaning against her desk, "Excuse please, would you be as kind as to tell Wayne Bradshaw Eleni Monteros is here?"

"Is he expecting you, Miss Monteros?" The receptionist asked.

"No, but he will see me I think." Eleni nodded, "Please to let him know?"

"Of course, Ma'am." The receptionist replied, she hated when people like this just showed up thinking Bradshaw would just drop everything to see them. ~Of course, looking like that she's got a good chance of getting into Bradshaw's office, or anywhere else a man controls the door.~

Laughing to herself the receptionist buzzed Bradshaw, keeping her other hand close to the silent security pager for when he inevitably threw this woman out, "Sir, I've got an Eleni Monteros here to see you." She began, "She doesn't have an appointment but she says you'll see her."

Wayne had been in the middle of a conference call when the receptionist buzzed him. "Tell her I will see her in 5 minutes I need to finish up this call before anything else get's dealt with." said Wayne firmly under any other circumstances he would have met with her right away but well it was kinda hard to get the senior captains on the phone at the same time.

The receptionist was surprised to say the least, it wasn't often that Bradshaw would just let someone show up like that and see them, "He needs a couple of minute, Miss Monteros, you can sit over there if you'd like."

"I would." Eleni smiled, taking a seat in one of the comfortable chairs in the waiting room, "Thank you."

Having finished up the comm conference Wayne looked around his office everything was in order complete with his former commands battle flags as well as his parting gift from the corps. The brace of pistols were crossed and mounted on a plaque as were the crossed sabers. His medals were arranged in a case to the right of his desk and everything was setup so that the office projected a no nonsense approach that was prefect for his taste. However there was one thing that he had made absolutely certain was in it's place. He would never draw it but after so many yeas of carrying one the hidden hand phaser was a comfort to have. Especially considering the nature of their last meeting. True he had apologised for how he and his sons had acted but he still did not like the idea of staring down the barrel of her disruptor.

"Please send Miss Monteros up and inform her I am sorry about the delay." Said Wayne calmly he sat back and relaxed for a few moments before he would need to get down to business and see just exactly what his guest wanted this time.

Eleni walked in slowly, unknowingly sexily, and took a seat across from Bradshaw, "So, Mr. Bradshaw, are you ready to talk about business like civilized people?"

"Miss Monteros I was ready to discuss business with you at our last meeting however your disruptor pointed right at my chest kind put me off the mood." Said Wayne calmly as he watched his guest waiting for her to make a hostile move that he was expecting.

"Yes, but if you hadn't stormed my office like a bunch of guerillas threatening my employees I wouldn't have felt the need to point my disruptor at you." Eleni replied, she wasn't about to let him reverse this on her, "But, you apologized, I accept obviously, now I am here to see if we can have a more enjoyable conversation this time."

"However putting that all behind us for the moment I think we can discuss business however my offer of a joint venture is off the table as I have already launched that endeavor. So what can we do for each other now." Said Wayne calmly he was after all in his own office now with everything on his side.

"Then it seems there is nothing we can offer one another." Eleni shook her head, "Well, it's been nice seeing your office, I'll be on my way now." With that she rose and walked out, ~The nerve of that man, to act like he's the offended party and to act like he's doing me a favor by meeting with me? We don't need that pompous bastard's help.~

"Eleni There might be something that we can cooperate on. I am not sure what your companies abilities are in this area but I am in the process of working out a trade agreement with the Romulans. If you would be interested in it maybe we could reach an arrangement that would benefit both our companies." Said Wayne calmly before she made it to the door.

"You are not stupid, Wayne Bradshaw, I know this." Eleni replied, "Now please show me the respect of knowing I am not stupid. I know that you know my husband is a Romulan Admiral, and is of one of the high houses of the Empire, that his cousin is the Ambassador here, and that both of our daughters are commanders of vessels in Romulan navy. Now, let's get to exactly what you are hoping to get from Romulans and I will see what my husband and I can do for you."

~Damn why didn't I put those pieces together? Stupid Wayne just Stupid.~ Thought Wayne coolly "Well to be totally honest with you Eleni I did not put the pieces together till you just told me. I had a meeting with the ambassador a short time ago and we started the ball rolling to where my company would supply Beef to the Romulan empire. At least in a limited scale to start with." Said Wayne blandly he still could not believe how dumb the mistake was that he had made. "Well that and to supply a colony world belonging to her house with a 200 head herd and the people to help train them in how to take care of the cattle." He added

"All right." Eleni nodded, sitting back down and steepling her fingers, "So where do I come in? Oh, and it's not rude to talk numbers on the first date, I am that kind of girl."

"Well here was my idea. Keeping in mind it is a long term operation but one that could be highly profitable for all parties involved. I will be honest with you between my current contracts and recent expansions I will not likely have enough ships to meet the potential demand. Nor do I have enough ranch operations at the moment to handle supplying beef to an entire empire. I would like to use some of your ships to help fill in the gaps that could arise if this takes off like it could." said Wayne calmly he watched his visitor knowing that he could have just opened himself up for problems down the road but he fully intended to build his own fleet and colony operations up it was just that he could not do it right away it would take at lest 5 to 10 years to get big enough.

"I can arrange that." Eleni nodded, "Monteros has many ships especially modified for carrying live cargo long distances. Contrary to popular belief you really can not transport a cow the same way you do a person. As for ranching operations, I might be able to help you there as well, though it will mean giving Monteros a decent stake in this operation."

Wayne had not been expecting that in the least. "What would you consider a decent stake and why do I feel like I am about to make a deal with the devil." Said Wayne lightly he was no slouch in the board room or at the table, but he also knew that this was a formidable lady especially if what was said about her reputation was even half true.

"Well, let me crunch some numbers." Eleni grinned, whipping out her PADD and beginning to calculate some cost projections, "Okay, I see it this way, a decent stake would be an ownership interest equivalent to one and a half times our cost in the operation. So, with usage of our ships, fuel, and ranching land, I would say fifteen percent would be adequate, Mr. Bradshaw. I'm giving you a discount in the spirit of cooperation between our companies, under normal circumstances it would be twice our operating costs in a deal like this. A deal with the Devil as you put it."

"I see I was not wrong in my opinion of you or what my resourses have told me about you. Let me give your offer to the board and we will see if such an offer is in the best interest of our company. After all you know your asking for a 15 percent ownership stake in a company that routinely grosses in the hundreds of millions of bars of latinum range." Said Wayne calmly he had a feeling she knew who the members of the board were but he was not going to lay everything out on the table just yet.

"Only in the Cattle subsidiary." Eleni corrected, adding devilishly, "For now, anyway."

"I know that look Eleni. 15 percent of the cattle subsidary should be reasonable but don't get pushy. We are both fairly large fish in this pond that is the federation you in your area and me in mine. I think we can work together but only if we understand each other and know just how far is too far to push things." Said Wayne flatly he relaxed ever so slightly at the correction she had made and was more then willing to work with her on this one project. ~if she gets to far out of line though I will have to slap her back into her place and that will be a job.~ Thought Wayne as he wondered if he actually had the firepower to do just that.

"You would be wise to do the same." Eleni replied, she didn't have a grudge with Bradshaw, but was going to make sure he understood that she would not be pushed.

"I think I got the message loud and clear when your security chief threatened to shoot three of my son's last time we met. Also the disruptor pointed at my chest was a pretty good indicator that you are not someone who is easy to push around or walk over. Like I said we are both big fish out here and I think it might be better to work together on some projects then to fight each other every step of the way." Said Wayne calmly he had nothing against Mrs. Monteros personally but she had better never bring her security chief around the office.

"Phil was doing the job I pay him to do." Eleni responded, becoming obviously annoyed at the whole situation, "You stormed my offices like the damned James Gang or something, and get offended when my chief of security steps in to protect my offices and my staff. I'm sorry, Mr. Bradshaw, but I do not feel compelled to defend Phil for doing his job the way he's supposed to do it, so I will not."

"I figured as much and for what it is worth tell him for me that he handled himself damn well. I might not like it but I have to say I was impressed with the speed and way he kept his cool." Said Wayne calmly

"Now unless you can think of something else we can work on together I have another conference in a few minutes and I am sure you have other business as well. Though I would like to put forward an idea. I am going to be hosting a party nothing formal or anything just a get to know you type thing. You are of course more then welcome to come I will be inviting alot of people from the station both fleet and civilian and intend to make this a fun night." Said Wayne politely.

"I would enjoy that greatly, Wayne." Eleni smiled, "And if you get the urge to have Greek food let me know, I will toss something together, let you meet my husband, Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian. And I will pass your compliments on to Phil, I am sure he will appreciate it, from one Marine to another." With that, Eleni rose from her seat and walked seductively out of his office, not because of any desire to seduce Bradshaw, but just because that was how she walked, ~I'll say one thing, he's fun.~


Eleni Monteros


Wayne Bradshaw

Dueling CEO's