Things Past – Sins of the Father... Part 3
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Sins of the Father... Part 3
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Aug 11, 2011 @ 2:22am
Location   Takian System
Timeline   2339 - Two Years after the declaration of Takian Independence

The ship that dropped out of warp on the edge of the Takian System was obviously of Telian Design. Her long, sleek surface was painted purple and silver, Quadrant-wide colors of diplomatic immunity. They were broadcasting a wide bandwidth signal of peaceful intent. Merik wished all the precautions made him feel safe. But after recent developments, nothing about the Takinas was safe any more.

Until now, the Takian rebellion had been considered an internal affair of the Ceirian Conquest. However, with the attack on Ro'Ala Co, for no other reason than that it had been a waypoint for Ceirian traders, the Unity was forced to take unified action.

"Ambassador, we are entering visual communications range," the Commanding officer of the Devil's Transgression in formed him. Merik rose from his seat and stood before the main viewer.

"Open channel," he commanded.

"This is Ambassador Merik Soveas of the Telian Unity," he informed the face that appeared onscreen. "On behalf of the Unity, I am here to demand the surrender of Commander Clo'bnz and all the Command level officers in his fleet. They are to be charged as war criminals by the Unity."

{Takian Hall of Hyperion}

It had been days since the Home Guard had received a status update on 1st Commander Clo'bnz's campaign into the outer sector. Some felt that leading such a bold counter-strike against various Cierian fortifications was seen as mere provocation against their enslavers.

The Council of the Rune, or the warrior caste believed that the Takian people needed to take the offensive against their oppressors in order to demonstrate their committment to freedom. Their shouts for action were equally matched by the Council of the Elders who advocated a more static approach a simple declaration of independence and the ceasing of all trade with their Cieiran counterparts.

With the report of both Re'Lun and Clo'bnz bold strikes against the Cierian heirarchy it appeared as if the Takian's message would be heard forcefully if not painfully.

"This is 2nd Minister Ja'ron of the Takian High Council. We have ordered the Home Guard Fleet to allow you safe passage within our now *soverign* territory, but we will not allow your people to cast threats against us." The diplomatic official stated as he stood within the Council's main hall.

Merik chose to ignore the claim of sovereignty, technically incorrect though it may have been. He was not here to argue for or against the Takian political position, but ensure that a criminal pay for his actions.

"The Unity considers the attack on Ro'Ala Co one outside the confines of your war with the Ceirians," he explained calmly and amiably. "Commander Clo'bnz destroyed a station that had nothing to do with you or your enemy. Turn him over to us, or the Unity will be required to take drastic action."

A look of incredulity danced across the minister's face. "Now the Unity wants to take a direct role in the mediation of its subjects? Where was this sense of civility when our young men were forced to fight in faraway wars against enemies that had never so much as heard of our kind, let alone held any sort of grievance?" He asked.

"Where was this righteous indignation when season after season, our crops were taken from our lands and given to the Ceirians to provide for their outer colony worlds without any form of compensation or replenishment." The minister continued.

"Where were you when our elders were murderd so that a puppet regime could be put in place to follow the Ceirians Heirarchy?" Ja'ron said in a measured tone.

"The Takian Spirit shall not celebrate wholesale violence and 1st Commander Clo'bnz shall be admonished. But it will be by the hands of his own people and not by *j'daans* (outsiders)." Ja'ron concluded.

Merik cast a confused look over at the CO, who shrugged, equally at a loss. The Ceirians had not held a conscription in over 200 years. Any Takians who had fought for the Conquest since then had done so of their own volition, but Merik wasn't about to tell this irrational, paranoid man that. As for the food, perhaps the Minister was referring to the Cierian tribute levied on all colonies?

"Not good enough," he boomed, returning to the topic at hand. "I am willing to pardon the other officers in the fleet; after all, they may have simply been obeying orders. However, Clo'bnz will be tried for war crimes." Merik hoped this Minister knew enough Telian history to know that his race was capable of going to war over much less than this.

"1st Commander Clo'bnz is away from Takian space. Regardless, our decision has been made in this matter and we will not cast aside our own to appease the whims of an unjust ruler." Minister Ja'ron replied firmly.

"The Ceirians had nothing to do with this decision," Merik assured the Minister. "This is request of the Unity Council. Tevarna had no say in this vote." He sighed. "I can promise that the consequences of refusal will be dire."

Ja'ron was a minister and therefore would not go so far as to call a man a liar without evidence. However, he would not follow blindly down a path that went against the interest of his people. He slowly grabbed the side of his chair and eased himself into the chair and stared around the room for several moments before retunig his gaze to the screen before him.

He knew that the Unity did not casually visit its subjects. He knew that an Ambassador would not travel onboard a heavily-armed Cruiser without proper justification. He also know that Clo'bnz and his fleet were committed to the task of liberating the Takian people.

~ Was it possible that they had gone too far? ~ Ja'ron inquired to himself briefly.

"Ambassador Merik Soveas. . ." the minister began.

"You have traveled under the cloak of diplomacy. Therefore, the Takian Home Guard Fleet shall allow you to leave without any interruption." Ja'ron said in a steady tone.

"However, if you or anyone else from your government return to our space with such ill intentions in the future, I will not guarantee such latitude again." He responded firmly.

"Takia is a free people, and a free people shall not sacrifice its own kind." He concluded.

Merik glanced over at the CO, who shook his head sadly. The Takians seemed unable to come to terms with their current predicament. It was an unfortunate situation, one that could end very badly for the arrogant race.


Ambassador Merik Soveas
Telian Diplomatic Envoy (NPC)

2nd Minister
Ja'ron Detheaux (NPC)
Takian High Council