Incommunicado – Off to see the Madam
by Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Off to see the Madam
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Thu Jan 19, 2012 @ 6:38am
Location   Public Holodecks
Timeline   SD 41 1500
Ahjess led Edward and Min into the holodeck where Madam Miaow was putting her dancers through their paces. She barked commands whilst pretty girls and boys of half a dozen species twirled, prowled, crawled, and moved through all manner of athletically demanding poses and routines.

On entering Madam Miaow turned, saw who it was, and looked back to her troupe as she stamped her foot twice on the dance floor. It gave off a staccato bark that got every one's attention. "Alright, people, break for ten minutes. Hydrate, and then we'll go back to the beginning."

Then she turned towards the Box of Delights staff, approaching with her hands outstretched. "Ahjess, darling," she leaned in to exchange air kisses. "To what do I owe the pleasure? Is Yolanthe unwell?"

"Er, Indisposed," Ahjess dodged saying exactly how. "We have a little thing we were hoping for your help with. A bit of cloak and dagger stuff."

"How intriguing," her voice purred, and there was a wicked look in her eyes. She looked Min and Edward up and down in a single glance, appraising. "Now, introduce me to your companions, and then we'll talk."

Min smiled shyly and stepping forward, offered her hand. "Min Zhao. I'm the subject of why we're here."

Madam raised and eyebrow, and looked her up and down. Then she moved on to edward, giving a through examination.

Edward's discomfort was nearly palpable as the madam then turned her inquiring gaze upon him. He felt as if there was nowhere to look but the ceiling. Everywhere else - every ONE else- was as scantily clad as could possibly be imagined, including the stunning creature before him. His cheeks burned as he gave Madam Miaow a tense bow with his head and shoulders, barely moving at the waist. "Edwar---" his voice cracked. He hastily cleared his throat and tried again. "Edward Stapleton. Dabo Boy." The blush threatening his cheeks burst into full bloom as he gave his title.

"Good." Madam smiled at him. She was about the same age as Bridget, though she wore it well. "Its about time Yolanthe added some variety to her stable and got some real men in. She's much too fond of the stripling pretty boys." She glanced at Ahjess, who actually blushed.

"So what can I do for you," Madam purred.

"My alter ego, Leah, is a cover story." Min started. "If she's exposed, my fallback story is that I'm an exotic entertainer specializing in private events. Leah is just a 'cover' to deflect security."

Min continued. "I haven't the faintest clue about exotic entertainment, aside from some reading I've done, but if the subjects of my charade challenge me, I need to be able to at least prove I can dance."

"I see." Madam walked around Min, examining her in more minute detail. "Well, the body will just about pass muster. But a serious dancer has a lot more muscles, so I suggest they don't see you naked. And a lot of it is attitude rather than aptitude."

Min cringed inwardly but maintained her calm & slightly shy exterior. "If it comes down to it, I may have to strip as part of my performance. The dancing after all is only part of Leah's services."

Madam gave her a long look. "Then you'll have to focus on the attitude. Get aggressive with it. Some people get uncomfortable with sexual come-ons from the same gender. Get in their face, grind a bit. She gave Min's front a long look. "And a push up bra. You may just intimidate them into not paying close attention." She gave a small glance to one of the dancers who was stretching out in the other corner of the studio. He went and grabbed a chair from a stack, brought it to Madam, holding it for her to sit down, and then he disappeared to wherever it was the other dancers had gone. Madam looked up at Min. "Show me what you've got."

Min plucked up her courage and, smiling nervously, approached the Madam with her best impression of a sensual, sexy strut. She ran her index finger along the woman's shoulder as she slowly moved around behind her chair. Completing the circuit to face Madam Miaow, Min began a slow, sensual rolling of her hips.

Ahjess nudged Edward in the ribs. "This should be good," he grinned.

Edward was too embarrassed to grin, but he whispered back, "I hope so. Catching these old thieves is gonna depend on Min's performance being believable." He did his best to focus on that, and not on the young woman's movements. But the sight was hypnotic and he couldn't help himself getting caught up in watching every move.

Still rolling her hips, sat down on the Madam's lap. Mimicking the girls she'd seen in her research, Min took the Madam's hands and placed them on her small waist, guiding them to her rolling hips, then slowly up the sides of her torso and back down again.

Ahjess put two fingers to his lips and blew a piercing whistle. "Shake that ass, baby!" he called out, trying not to double up in hysterics. He felt Edward practically jump out of his skin; apparently, the whistle caught the old man by surprise, and it made Ahjess want to laugh all the harder.

Min blushed but kept up her dancing. She'd have to get used to cat calls if she was to fake this as well as she hoped she wouldn't have to.

"You need to..." Edward started to say, and then silenced himself. If Bridget had any idea he had almost given away one of her own moves, she'd die. ~No, she'd kill me first~ he added.

After another minute or so, which felt like an eternity, Min finished up and faced the Madam. She knew she'd botched the dance, and fully expected a torrent of criticism from the professional.

Madam stood. "Its rough, but not unresolvable." She moved to Edward and slid an arm around his waist, guiding him to the chair she had just vacated. "As I said, attitude not aptitude."

"But.... Ahjess is probably better for this," he objected, wide-eyed.

His plea fell on deaf ears as Madam pushed him back against the chair, leaving her hands on his shoulders. "Make eye-contact. Smile." She trailed her hands lightly down his chest. "You started well; but quality touch is vital." Red-tipped fingernails coursed past his belt, moving deeply down the crease of each inner thigh. She smiled wickedly and continued on until she reached his knees. "You want to get their knees apart. Gives you more room to maneuver." She pressed his knees wide, never once taking her eyes from Edward's. She gave him the sort of smile you might find on a tiger watching a deer.

Edward's chest visibly heaved as he rapidly inhaled and held his breath. She was good, he had to credit her that. His groin was on fire, blood rushing to organs and leaving a prickly fullness to his already overstuffed pants. He had to fight the urge to close his eyes and enjoy the attention.

"Don't forget props," Madam continued, starting to untie the wrap around her silk shirt. "Something you can peel off easily." She stood in front of Edward, swaying seductively, twisting round so her back was to him. He watched her rear turn sinuously through lazy figure eights before she lowered herself to his lap. The figure eights turned into a slow, circular grind as she dropped one shoulder and the neckline of her shirt slid down in a cascade of silk that revealed her bare, creamy skin.

Edward gripped the sides of the seat to keep himself from touching what he shouldn't touch. His breathing was noisy and rapid; if she didn't stop soon, he was going to have a mess to clean up. He wanted that like he wanted a root canal. "Alright, enough of this," he said huskily, "I think Min gets the point." He grabbed the Madam by her waist and forcibly lifted her to her feet. Then he pushed his chair back and stood with a silent shudder. His face was beet red, and he had to restrain the urge to cover himself with his hands to hide the obvious reaction to the Madam's ministrations.

Ahjess couldn't even make sounds, he was laughing so hard. He was as red-faced with exertion as Edward was with embarrassment. He was almost doubled over, shaking hard with the mirth. Eventually the shakes subsided and he managed to modulate his laughing down to a snigger. "Oh boy," he managed at last. "Oh, I should have brought a camera. That was hilarious."

Edward glared at him, and growled. It was more Klingon than Human, and made Ahjess start laughing again. Turning eyes to Min, whose barely contained enjoyment was evident in a twitching smirk, he said, "Do you have anything to add, lass? Better out with it and get it over with."

Min looked at Edward, then Ahjess, then Madam Miaow, then Edward again. Her initial embarrassment at her poor performance had been erased when Madam had completely gone over the top with Edward. "I'm keeping my mouth shut."

Ahjess burst into gales of laughter again. "Oh I can't wait for the staff party. You are never going to live this down!"

Edward's large hands balled into fists, and for a brief moment he considered decking the young man upside his pretty little head, and knocking him on his pretty little ass. But there were witnesses. He snorted heavily, his anger and projected shame barely under control. "Are we done here?" he demanded in a gravelly tone, looking from the Madam to his coworkers.

Ahjess was still wheezing with mirth. "I gotta tell your wife. You should see your face! I bet she'll think its cute!"

At the mention of Bridget, Edward's chin hardened and a vein pulsed visibly on his temple. He took a menacing step toward Ahjess. "Stay away from my wife." His tone held all the levity of an open grave.

The Trill held his hands up in surrender, whilst not managing to get a straight face. "Alright, alright, keep your knickers on."

Edward responded with a grunt and looked away. He wasn't satisfied, but neither did he want to start a fight, either. That being said, he didn't trust Ahjess not to say something about this to Bridget, and he'd have to figure out a way to keep the skinny runt from holding it over his head.


Madam Miaow
Manager of the Burlesque troop at the Box of Delights

Min Zhao
Waitress, Spy

Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy
Box Of Delights, DS5