We All Fall Down – Schooldaze: First Break
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Schooldaze: First Break
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Fri Aug 01, 2014 @ 5:41pm
Location   Education Centre - Deck 157 & Arboretum - Deck 375.
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 12:15
Argellian had found a seat among a group of males. Eviess had taken one of the few remaining along the edges of the class. She glanced a few times at Gwen during lessons, but couldn't tell if the girl didn't like her and was ignoring her, or if she was just absorbed with what she was looking at.

As soon as they were escorted to the arboreatum Eviess picked her way through to her.

"Gwen, thank you," she said, her tone as lofty as her mother's as she caught up. "You didn't have to say anything."

The ginger haired girl glanced over at the Vulcan child, not wanting to take her attention off of Miss Diana and have to face her wrath again. "It was nothing. Cerenne is just a big jerk head who thinks she can pick on the smaller kids. I've wanted to knock her down a peg for awhile."

"Why's she not like Vulcans?" she asked. From what Eviess knew everyone 'liked' Vulcans but disliked Romulans - that was why she hadn't exactly contradicted the Andorian, and if Gwen liked Vulcans maybe she wouldn't like Romulans and then Eviess would have no-one to talk to and ...

Shrugging as she turned her gaze back toward the teacher, Gwen remarked, "I dunno. My daddy said that Andorians and Vulcans didn't used to get along a long time ago. Maybe Cerenne's parents didn't get the message that they're supposed to be friends now."

"Me? I try to be nice to everyone. Unless they're a giant doody head." she added, matter of factly.

Eviess bit her lower lip for a moment before speaking again. "Back home everyone is nice to me," she said, "well apart from my bother but he's a pain in the bum."

"That's boys for you." Gwen remarked, sounding oddly wise beyond her years.

Eviess nodded, then allowed herself a little smile, "Yeah. I wish I didn't have a brother. I've got a half sister but she's ancient and really boring."

"Sometimes I wish I had a little brother or sister - just to have someone to blame stuff on. But I don't think my mommy and daddy want anymore kids." This much was true - Gwen was a good kid, but she could be a handful sometimes.


Dianna followed the children around the arboretum, trying her best to pay attention to the droning botanist up front. But there was so much on her mind right now, she was finding it difficult. The fight this morning was a problem, and it was probably only going to get worse, if she didn't deal with it correctly. She'd have to contact their parents and explain matters, preferably all at once and without the kids present. Tonight would be good for her. Oh, but that meant facing down Gwen's mom and Dianna could only see that ending one way - badly. Especially for Cerenne's father. But Isha would be there too. She'd keep a cool head. Usually.

This was one of the days Dianna hated her job.


Behind Eviess and Gwen there was an exaggerated cough. "Found you!!" Cerenne cackled, arms crossed over her chest. This time she was flanked by two cronies, a Lurian boy and a Risian girl. They looked eager for blood. "One of the boring twins and her girlfriend. You told on me. Time to pay for that."

Eviess turned, a twist of disdain on her lips as she looked them up and down. "Think I'm scared of you? My mother will have you and your friends in detention until you learn not to be giant doody heads," that was a great new term she'd picked up from Gwen. She'd thought it was her brother who'd here it first from her though. "When did you go to coward classes?" she asked.

Cerenne coughed again. This time not exagerated. She spat out the phlegm onto the floor. "I'm not a coward. I'm not tale telling to my mummy." Then she reached out and flicked Eviess on the nose as hard as she could.

Eviess snorted. She was inches away from retaliating but held back, "Was that a fly?" she asked casually as she brushed her hand over her nose. "I guess you can't tell your mummy 'cause she probably knows what a stinking liar you are and won't listen."

The Andorian went for her, jumping forward, grabbing her hair in a somewhat chubby fist, and using her greater body weight to try and pull the young romulan to the ground.

Eviess squealed. A split second later she twisted and hooked her leg around behind the Andorian's forcing her knees to bend, and a fall that crumpled them both - it had all seemed easier in practice.

With the larger girl tangled over her Eviess couldn't see any advantage.

Gwen's father had always told her that fighting was wrong. Of course he also knew that it would be naive to tell her to always turn the other cheek, and as such taught her how to defend herself. Since a kick to the groin wouldn't be nearly as effective on Cerenne as it would be on a boy, she went for a different trick.

Hooking her finger into the Andorian's cheek, she pulled back as hard as she could - a move the elder Wyman had called "fish-hooking." For added measure she grabbed an antenna and twisted - figuring that such an act couldn't possibly feel good. Cerenne's howl of pain confirmed her suspicion.

Dianna jumped forward, pushing through the mass of kids between her and the altercation. Reaching down, she grabbed the nearest thing she could on each of the aggressors, namely Gwen's wrist and Cerenne's shirt around the shoulder. She pulled them apart, shouting for them to stop. The botanist had hurried forward at the start of the fight as well. Angrily, Dianna handed the bigger, stronger Cerenne off to the male science officer. Holding Gwen's wrist in her hand, Dianna tapped her comm badge.

"Dianna Carson to Commander t'Vaurek."

=^=T'Vaurek,=^= Isha replied her jaw tightening as the schoolteacher was patched through to her - what had Argelian done?

"Could you please have Lieutenant Commander Wyman and Ensign Miel meet you and I in the conference room in fifteen minutes?"

Wyman had a daughter, Isha knew that, but she was not familiar with the other name. =^=Very well, Miss Carson. I do have a very tight schedule so my time is limited. I will make the arrangement. =^=

As she cut the line Isha shook her head. The boy was impossible - just like his father.


Turning back to her students, Dianna forced herself to take a relaxing breath. "Alright," she said, "Me, Gwen, Cerenne, and the Vulcan kids are going to go get this sorted right now. The rest of you are going to finish your tour of the botany department, then Ensign Garrett is going to escort you back to the classroom. There's to be no funny business. Understood?" She recieved a flurry of affirmatives from the students. No one wanted to test her when she was in this mood.

"Alright then," she turned, took Cerenne's hand in hers, grasped Gwen with the other, then started marching off. "Eviess, Argellian, come with me."

"This is what I get for trying to help..." Gwen muttered, shooting the Andorian a dirty look.

"Whadid I do?" a sullen looking Argellian grumbled.

Eviess' heart plunged through her stomach. Mother was going to kill her.


NPC by Notty

Gwendolyn Wyman (Gwen for short)
NPC by Corey

NPC by Charity

Eviess and Argelian T'Vaurek,
NPC by Louise