Cascade – Everyone has to come home...

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Title   Everyone has to come home...
Mission   Cascade
Posted   Sun Oct 28, 2012 @ 2:12pm
Location   Shuttle Bay
Timeline   [Backpost} SD 69

Ryan wrapped his hand around the strap of his bag that was over his shoulder, he breathed in a deep breath and watched for the light above the door to change from red to green. The slight impact of shuttle touching down on deck could be felt and then a quiet whirring noise could be heard as the door unlocked. Ryan counted to three and the light changed to green and the door before him hissed open and he stepped out.

Had to come home eventually I guess he thought to himself as he walked out into a large open area. He’d been away almost a year but somehow it felt like years, a lifetime even. He’d left leaving things in the air - loose ends, he’d have to tie those now and move on.

Ryan stood still in the large open area of shuttle bay five and he ran his hand over his part Cardassian ridged forehead, then down his face over his slight Bajoran ridges on his noise. He let out a breath; he didn’t quite know what to do with himself.

In the past month or so Ryan had dealt with a few demons and carried on, being the son of a despicable Cardassian Gul wasn’t something he wanted to face yet he knew he had too and he was, slowly. His time away consisted of a lot of soul searching, days lounging in the sun which certainly now showed as his skin had a healthy golden glow to it. Ryan looked around the bay with a thoughtful look in his eyes; he had to move he couldn’t stand there all day. Ryan began to walk and he saw an officer on the other side of the bay near the exit doors standing by the console he’d need to use to log his arrival.

At the console in question, with his back to the approaching arrival, was the station's Chief of Operations, a large Bajoran with a boyish crop of hair which detracted from the serious and grizzled face beneath it. "No no no." he said irritably as the man came within earshot. "I need the power back ON in grid 5-4. It's 4-5 the power should be off."

An inaudible mumbling could be heard from his commbadge before the man closed the channel and thumped his large fist into the side of the console. "By the Prophets that boy is thick." he growled - more than loud enough for the approaching figure to hear.

Ryan coughed, signalling his presence and he stepped to the side of the officer with a curious frown on his brow. "Problems?" he asked as he began to tap away at the console, adding his name, rank, the time and his service number to the log. he glance over at the officer and figured he was a few years older than he was. Then his eyes caught sight of the ridges on the mans nose, an obvious Bajoran trait.

He looked away again and closed his eyes for a second, while away he'd had encountered difficulty with a few. Stares, snide remarks at his obvious mixed heritage, a mixed heritage that probably reminded them all of the horrific sixty years their families endured under Cardassian rule... he hoped not all Bajoran's were the same however.

"Ensigns, Sir." replied the Chief jokingly "We'll have them whipped into shape soon." He paused for a moment as he put his tools down, glancing idly at the man out of the corner of his eye. He was a difficult man to sum up, but wore no earring so Relma declined to ask his heritage, partly out of fear of a unwanted answer. "How can I help, Sir?" he added, professionally.

"Ah yes" Ryan said with a smile. "Ensigns, just gotta love them..." he chuckled. "They always need instructions on what to do next, or need to be told twice on how to do something" he shrugged. "Just like kids always at your feet I suppose...however that isn't the case for all" he surmised as he stood leaning against the console with his arms folded. "Yes actually you can help, I was wondering if you know where the captain or first officer are? Thought it best if I check in" he told him.

Relma smiled - he'd seen his fair share of Ensigns in his time and probably wouldn't have been as diplomatic in his description as the Lieutenant had been. "Captain Tahir is probably in her office, maybe Ops. Commander Villiers... well... she'll either be in Ops or one of her offices. If it's the JAG office I'd not recommend disturbing her - I'd STRONGLY recommend you don't in fact, Lieutenant." he replied, trying not to actually go so far as to call the XO unprofessional for her behaviour at their first meeting and for her insistence on all things bureaucratic. "They could be almost anywhere though in all honestly, Sir - it's been one of those kinds of days."

Before the new arrival even had the chance to reply Meryn's commbadge chirped into life =/="Tholos to Relma. Chief, we're almost getting our eyebrows fried off down here: the conduit HAS been just down, right?"=/=

The Warrant Officer sighed and shook his head in disbelief. As an aside to the man next to him he remarked "It's REALLY been one of those days."

Ryan nodded with a smirk on his face. "Well then, Welcome home eh?" he chuckled. "No problem chief I'll find them, need to get the lowdown on what's been going on around here, I best leave you too it though, sounds like you got your hands full"

The Bajoran looked surprised for a moment. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't know you were returning." He paused for a moment and offered his right hand "Chief of Operations Relma Meryn, I've not been here especially long myself, but we've had a lot of rotation lately. And yes... but what good Chief doesn't, Sir?"

Ryan smiled and nodded slightly acknowledging the chief's last words. He held out his hand and shook the chief's. "Good to meet you - Assistant Chief Medical Officer Ryan Milarno, just coming back from an unexpected shore leave which then lasted even longer than expected" he smirked but then it faded quickly. He bit his lip and took in a deep breath "I guess you're trying to figure me out?" he asked, apprehension filling his tone.

"Always the best kind of shore leave, Sir." joked the Bajoran in reply. "I wouldn't quite put it like that, Sir..." He trailed off. His first instinct said war-orphan, but given the man's age that was a stretch and plus his lack of an earring suggested he had not been raised by Bajorans as even full-blood Cardassian children raised on Bajor tended to take on the Bajoran religion. That he had ended up in Starfleet caused further confusion. Given all three Relma didn't even want to guess the man's origins, though in his gut he wondered if his mother had perhaps made it to one of the Federation-run refugee camps.

"I understand" Ryan nodded. "I'm just so used to it you know?"

Meryn nodded "All too well, Sir. I've been guilty of it myself. All I need to know I'm told by your uniform, Sir." He smiled as he collected his tools. "I'm done here anyway: time to go smack an Ensign around the head with this." he joked wielding a hefty-looking ODN re-coupler in his hand in mock anger. "How are you with blunt-force trauma injuries, Doctor?" He joked as he turned to head down the corridor.

Ryan laughed. "Thanks I appreciate that...and blunt force trauma? Dab hand at treating that" he chuckled. "Any problems just give me a call" he joked. "Sure I'll be able to help" he told him. A new friend perhaps? He hoped so.

"Excellent. Thank you, Sir." replied the Bajoran. "A pleasure to meet you." He added as he moved off down the corridor.


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


CWO1 Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer