(G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian’s Personal Log - EnRiov R'Vek Tr'Khellian's Personal Log "Growing Pains"

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Title   EnRiov R'Vek Tr'Khellian's Personal Log "Growing Pains"
Author   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Oct 27, 2011 @ 6:36pm
I sit here now, wondering where my daughters are. Those two beautiful pieces of my life that I committed to ridding this sector of piracy, who are in the midst of the fray, in danger every second while I sit here and wait for, whatever the devil Isha is planning. The desire to be out there with them, where I can protect them, it tears at me like those bloody voles in the Spoonhead section of the station. I suppose a father will always want to protect his children, especially his girl children.

Ashara, she is at a distinct advantage. Raised on Ch'Rihan and amongst her family, she got all the things that came with my name and position and has blossomed into a beautiful, capable, confident commander and a fine example of Romulan womanhood. She never falters, like stone.

Rianni, precious Rianni, she is the cause of most of my worry. It seems she just can't get the grasp of Romulan culture, she doesn't understand she's not in starfleet anymore amongst the "friends" who abandoned her in her time of need. Now she's got an almost entire Romulan crew turned against her because she had to stand up for her Deltan friend, a crew that I fear might try to assassinate her if steps aren't taken to redirect her in her new life. Isha would be best for this, she prepared her for her adoption ceremony, she has the most influence with her of anyone on my side of this family, and, unlike me, she has room to speak, having been there for her when I was not. My voice carries authority with Rianni only because she allows it.

I wonder what my girls will do when I'm gone? Their brother will no doubt see to them, and they will no doubt cling to each other as they already do. I just wonder if it's enough.....

Shut this damned thing off......