Unity – The best laid plans. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   The best laid plans. . .
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Mon Jun 14, 2010 @ 7:43am
Location   Sick Bay & Science Lab 2
Timeline   SD 16 - 15:15hrs

"Get off of him or I assure you that the next shot *will* hit its target." I'Pho stated in a detached voice as he walked out of the Science Lab towards the now gathering crowd.

The Marine turned the armored mask to the intruder, “Are you stupid?” she asked in a light voice, “That little pea-shooter isn’t going to do much against the armor,” She was mostly bluffing though. Unlike Darson, her armor wasn’t suited for high-intensity combat, and while she thought that she might have been able to take him under normal circumstances, with civilians and the station’s executive officer around, she just couldn’t take the chance.

"Good point, I guess that armor is useful. . .to you." I'Pho stated as he turned his weapon and fired one shot directly into the right shoulder of Commander Villiers. Before realization of the situation could set in, I'Pho grabbed Mercy and placed the weapon directly to her temple while noisily setting the weapon's setting to its highest.

"Now. . .everybody throw down your weapons, or else our Sick Bay is going to have a lot of guests in a short time." he said intently as the consoles throughout the station came to life with the image of Elliot Hartsfiled. . .


"Look what I found" I'Pho said from behind his phaser.

I'Pho forcefully pushed the Executive Officer into the Science Lab and kept the phaser trained on her while Darmon sealed the door behind them all.

"What a load of dross there is wandering around this place," Krah remarked glad for the timely return of the Andorian. There was something very wrong about the Romulan and she thought she had been about to find out what.

"It appears that word got out about our little party and these guest decided to invite themselves." I'Pho responded as he pushed Villiers to the far side of the room with the rest of the hostages.

"So now we have one unconscious Cardassian, and a wounded human command-officer. I suggest we just begin executing them right now and get what we need from the core before anybody else tries to be a hero." I'Pho responded.

"Who tried?" Rh'vaurek commented as he cast an eye over the new arrivals. He shrugged as though disinterested but with the Bokkai in the group he actually had someone he could work with rather than take them on himself. "Isn't this where someone is supposed to say you'll never get away with this?" he said nonchalantly.

"That is where you are mistaken," I'Pho responded. "Not only do we have all of the weapons in this room, but we also have you as hostages as well as the Romulan core. If Starfleet attempts to take this room by force, then they risk destroying the core as well as you all." I'Pho replied.

"Who said anything about Starfleet?" Rh'vaurek said.

I'Pho walked over to the Romulan and studied him for several moments. "Typically I believe it is vital to carry a professional detachment from one's work. However, when it is time to execute you, I believe that I will actually enjoy watching the life slowly dissipate in your eyes." He said with his same leveled tone.

Yolanthe looked from the blonde human, to the Romulan ambassador with the weapon trained on him, to the unconscious Cardassian who looked more half dead than unconscious. It was a sight that hit every button she had. Her skin color slowed its changing, settling on a icy lemon.

The Romulan had a plan, she could feel it. His gas-toting cavalry might not be an option, but the Marine was a match for any of the three terrorists, as was the Ambassador himself. And whilst Mercy and the XO were injured, they weren't helpless either. The odds were shifting, even with the phasers out.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Yolanthe kept her tone mild. It was a slightly ridiculous question, given that she had a good four inches on the Andorian, not counting his antennae, but that was not relevant. What was relevant was that in delivering his threat, I'Pho had got stupidly close to Rh'vaurek. All he needed was a distraction.

I'Pho's atennae perked up as the woman spoke to him. He slightly looked in her direction and nodded. "Very well." he said as he slapped his fist into the Romulan's solar plexus. As the Ambassador was doubled-over, the Andorian brought his fists down in a swift manner over the Romulan, knocking him to the ground.

As the Romulan fell, I'Pho confidently stepped over his prone form and stood in front of the woman who had addressed him. "Now that the datastream has been transmitted, your usefulness is slowly running out. Therefore, if you hope to live any longer, I would suggest you shut up and do as you are told!" He said through clenched teeth as he continued to look into the woman's eyes.

It was perhaps the stupidest place the Andorian could have chosen to stand, Rh'vaurak had dropped before he hit which rather diminished the impact and now he propelled himself up slamming the Andorian's groin with his shoulder as he lifted him off his feet and dropped him over the console.

Rh'vaurek turned, stooped and snatched up the weapon I'Pho had dropped leveling it on him. "i really can't abide traitors," he said before shooting him.

Yolanthe didn't wait for another invitation, stepping past the Romulan whilst he was taking I'Pho. She wanted to get to Krah before the woman decided to take a shot at Rh'vaurek's unguarded flank. She didn't bother with feints and tricks, just grabbed the trill, swung her round, and headbutted her with everything she had.

Krah grunted and fell back dropping her phaser as she hit the floor, it wasn't supposed to go like this, she thought.

=^= "Elliot! The hostages are out of control!" =^= Darmon shouted into his communicator before he grabbed the young Archaeologist and held the phaser to her temple.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Jana exclaimed and looked towards Rh'vaurek. They made eye contact and she moved in Dorman's arms just enough to give Rh'vaurek enough of a gap to shoot. There was a possibility that she would get hit in the process but at least she wouldn't have a phaser pointed to her head.

"I'm not playing anymore games with any of you! Stand down or I will kill her before either one of you can take another step!" He said as his finger nervously hovered over the firing mechanism.

"So shoot her," Rh'vaurek shrugged looking at the weapon he held at the end of his outstretched arm. He appeared to be about to turn away but at the last second fired seemingly without a glance.

The beam burned close to the human's skin, so close that the smell of singing hair filled the lab as the man fell.

"That stupid spoonhead locked me out of the main systems,£ he said running a hand through his hair. "Secure these kriheis'ei and make sure the doors are locked. You," he turned to the marine amused to be asking favors of one of Darson's circus, "Can you contact your people?"

The Marine had watched carefully throughout the fight, ready to assist when the opportunity came. But against all odds, it seemed to have resolved itself without her help. She quickly moved to gather her weapons, then turned back to Raedheol, “I could,” she said tersely, “What are you doing?”

"Me? I'm going to pole into the computer," he said keeping the weapon in one hand as he leaned his weight on the console, "a second rate scientist isn't going to keep me out so why don't you just accept that you know who I am and live with it and let me get on with saving our necks."

=^= "Krah, respond! Krah, this is Elliot, respond! What's going on down there!?" =^= The voice rang through the communicator.

Of all the things that were going on right now, the Marine prioritized this first, moving quickly over to the downed Krah, who was groaning and rubbing her head. The Marine grabbed the communicator and held it up to the sprawled out woman’s mouth as she placed the stubby silencer on her weapon gently to her head, “Call Mr. Hartfield back,” she said calmly, “And tell him that everything is alright. The hostages got a little rowdy, but you managed to subdue them. Come on…either you tell him exactly that, or I put a bullet in your pretty little skull.”

The Trill's gaze flickered somewhat wildly at the threat. She was in this for the latinum, not for the cause, an easy job before the more routine pattern of piracy demanded her attention. She was alive at least. Through a fat lip Krah did as requested, "Everything's under control, Elliot," she said, "one of the hostages was kicking off. We had to shoot him," she lied trying to sound convincing.

“Thank you for your service,” The Marine said in a light tone as she removed the communicator. She then proceeded to flip the gun around and smashed the butt of it into her head, knocking Krah out. She seemed to be the leader of this little detachment, so it was best to keep her alive, at least for the time being. She fiddled with the communicator, patching it into the Marine HQ, so that they could listen in on the terrorists.

She got up and moved over to I’Pho. Raedheol’s shot had wounded him, but he was still alive. She silently stood over him for a second, then fired a quick double tap into his head. She turned and repeated the action on the on the other man who had accosted her before. She turned to a shocked looking group of non-combatants and after a moment, addressed the group, “Secure the other one and get ready to move…we may have to vacate this room at any time.”

Indifferent to the summary executions Rh'vaurek did not look up from what he was doing. "Very efficient," he said to the marine with grudging approval. "I can't retrieve the datastream I transmitted," he said, "not that it makes much difference, you already know where their off-station base is. Question is do they have someone at the other end who can decrypt the corrupted file." He banged his hand on the console in frustration, "I don't have time to break the cardie's feedback loop," he said straightening. "It's your game now," he told the marine, "I'm just an ambassador."

Yolanthe grabbed a couple of cable-ties from a nearby workbench and set about fastening Krah's hands behind her. "What about him?" She nodded towards Tovon, "He looks like shit, but Sick Bay's under seige too?"

With a fervent glance at Raedheol, she was torn between the next two priorities on her list. The Computer Core and Commander Villiers. She turned to the group and gestured at the door with her pistol, “A squad of Marines is going to bust through that door in about 15 seconds. They know that we’ve taken the room, so they won’t come through shooting, but I do request that you cooperate with them. Inform them that the Commander and Lt. Commander need a Medic, and then go with the flow. I’m needed elsewhere, so enjoy the rest of your day.”

With another glance at the ambassador, she darted off to the back of the room as the hatch chimed and began to open, and quickly inserted herself into a Jeffries tube, and disappeared.

The squad of Marines entered the room with some of the Klingon Shock Troops in tow, and immediately swept the room. After asserting that it was clear, they moved forward to give medical attention to all those who needed it.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer
A little bit shot

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Depends on who is asking

Yolanthe Ibalin
Bartender, and asker of stupid questions

Marine – NPC’d by Colonel Darson
Never did catch her name.

Deceased Soliders of the Beginning
NPC'd by Thom

CWO (2) Mercedes Denoublier
Shocked, Injured and Lost in the Melee