Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Relic From the Past Pt. 2
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A Relic From the Past Pt. 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jun 27, 2009 @ 5:34am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Current

Alex settled down. "Even after all this time, my Marine training still kicks in when I'm threatened." She mused.

"yeah, marines are still pretty tough, but I've fought along side klingons, they can get pretty crazy." Jarred said,"speaking of crazy, hey you!"

"Me crazy?" Claire laughed as she joined Jarred and she looked at the woman she didn't know.

Alex spoke, "Joined the Corps for a College Grant when I was fresh out of high school. I don't know how it was in your time, but becoming an Astronaut was hard work. That is if you wanted to do it without loosing your virginity to a Senator or getting a corporate sponsor. I wanted to explore space without any strings attached, and look what happened to me. My ship went the way of the Flying Ducthman."

"Is this the woman that did what I wanted to do to Dorian?" Claire asked.

"Something like that, Alex this is my girlfriend Claire Mckenzie, Yeah she has done what a few of us have wanted to do." Jarred laughed

Alex spoke, "Damn straight I knocked him on his a**. You don't screw with a Marine, even one from the Twenty-First Century that's been in the ice chest. Ooh-Rah!"

"It is a pleasure to meet you. " She laughed. "My hero. Dorian told me news that should be told in person over the comm system. I have been wanting to beat him silly since."

"Enough about Mr. Gabriel, Claire see if we can get our guest out of sickbay, I've seen enough of the inside of them to last three life times." Jarred joked

Alex spoke, "Ya know. I think I heard you in my head. Musta been the sideffects of such a long coldsleep."

" do I explain this, I'm not 100 percent human, my mother is from a race called Betazoids, basicly a human with telepathic and empathic abilites"

"As am I. But as a rule we do not purposefully intrude into another's mind. I am a full Betazoid." She replied softly before turning to talk to the doctor.

Alex took the information. "This is overwhelming. I trained all my life to leave Earth and explore the galaxy, but it seems that this time has found me. What do I do now? I just can't go home."

Jarred looked at the woman, "theres' still lots of oppertunity out there, you've just gotta find what works for you."

Commander T'Lan approached. "You must be the survivor from the ship we recenly rescued. I am Commander T'Lan."

Alex held her hand out and T'Lan shook it. "On behalf of the Federation. I sincerely apologize for the conduct of our Chief of Security."

Alex smiled, "It's quite alright Commander. You should meet the Bastards I had to deal with in the Russian Space Agency." She noticed the tone of her voice. "Who are you?"

"I am a Vulcan. Ms. Adams should be able to properly fill you in on what's been happening the last three centuries. I am needed in Ops." T'Lan left. Alex looked at the people with her. "So what's happened to Earth?"

Chelsea held up her hands in submission and laughed. "No, please! I'm no historian, I'd get all the dates wrong. I can tell you what medical progress has been made? But I doubt if that's what would interest you first. Besides, Lt. Mackenzie is doing such a great job! Claire?"

T'Lan spoke, "Very well, we will defer to Lt. Mackenzie. I must leave."

"If you'd like Alex, I can arrange for a short trip on a ship, so you can start to get used to the idea of alot of this, we've got one ship that needs to be taken out for an inspection cruise plus it'll give you time to absorb all of the information that has been brought your way."

Alex shook her head. "Why do I feel like the chicken thats been pulled out of the freezer after two months." She sighed, "I'd really like to anylize Odysseus' flight computer. We were supposed to be woken on the outskirts of the Sigma Draconis system. Instead we drift for two hundred years."

"well you get to see alot of things for the first time still, including some things we seem to take for granted, heck I'd like to see how you deal with a replicator." Jarred tried not to laugh to hard.

Alex spoke, "Look, all I want right now is a place to sleep, a beer, and to check the Oddysseus' flight logs." There was a reason for this. Hopefully she could get one of the handguns from the ship's weapons locker. She simply did not trust the Chief of Security.

"Your ship has to many radiation hazards, its not a good idea, besides that trying to get any firearms will only aggravate security, I will have one of my staff tend to your needs" Jarred paused =^="Wallace to Perth.=^=

=^="Yes sir?"=^= Martina answered

=^="Can you come to sickbay I have a specal assignment for you"=^=

"Ms. Perth is probibly better to handle your needs, shes roughly your age so that might help you get adjusted to how things are."

Alex winced. She didn't entirely trust Station Security. "Very well."

"Marti isn't stations security, actually shes' an intelligence academy cadet, so its' alittle different, speaking of which, here she is now." Jarred said with some relief.

"Sorry sir, I got stopped by the marine small arms trainer, and the crowds on the promenade." Cadet Perth said

"Cadet, this is Alex Marshal, our unexpected guest from the late twenty first century." Jared made the introductions.

'Great, he's sticking me with a greenhorn.' Alex thought to herself. 'I should stop thinking to myself in a room full of telepaths.'

Marti walked over to Alex, "I'm sure your thinking I'm a real rookie, but I think I'm better than Chief Ayers, besides, Jarred might get in trouble with Claire" she giggled after.

Alex shook her head. "Are you?? What was that word? Betazoid?? I cannot tell who's an alien.. well... I mean, I was expecting... little gray men. Any chance we can get something to eat. I feel like I haven't eaten for three hundred years." She said being a wisea**

"Me a Betazoid, oh no. I'm human, I was born on Earth, I'd never left earths solar system until last week, but I think you'll find that as much as things have changed, some things have just gotten better." Marti tried not to giggle

Alex spoke, "Damn, when I left, the Russian Government was coming to blows with the Eastern Coalition. Beijing wanted to curtail Helium 3 shipments to Moscow. Back when I was in the Corps, I stood guard over several He3 tanks that were going to be used to heat Russian homes during their winters. Last I heard the ECON threatened reprisal attacks unless the Western Alliance removed its troops from Russia. I don't think Washington was willing to negotiate. Hell me an Carlsen had a bet that if the world ended by the time we got back, she owed me fifty bucks."

Hearing the request for food and having no objection to her patient eating, Chelsea went to the replicator. "Anything in particular food-wise that you have a fancy for?" she asked. "I don't know if the replicator can do food from so long ago and still get it right, though" she mused.

Alex spoke, "Anything's better than the stuff NASA has for food. One Taco Salad, Sour Cream and Guacamole and a Diet Coke."

Chelsea repeated the order and took the results to Alex. "Enjoy" she said.

A joint Post by:

Ens. Jarred Wallace
Intel Officer DS5

Cadet Martina Perth(NPC)
Intel Officer DS5


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams

OOC: I'd like to wrap up this one

OOC: There are still two tags open for Claire near the center of the post. - T'Lan/Alex

J: Fine by me, I'm done and signed out. Last one out pls post?