Judgement – Calm Before The Storm
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Calm Before The Storm
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sat Nov 20, 2010 @ 11:10am
Location   Medical Labs
Timeline   SD 35 1400

The sheer amount of alcohol had numbed Yolanthe's skin from a pure obsidian black to a smoggy grey. The colour was still so dark that medical personnel glanced up from what they were doing as they passed by.

Eventually she found what she was looking for, the office of the pathologist, and sounded the chime, before standing back, hugging the folded clothes carrier to her chest.

Kaelin looked up from his desk, surprised at the sound of someone on the other side. "Come in, please," he invited, standing up to greet whoever came in.

As Yolanthe stepped through the door, she had to noticeably drop her gaze to meet the eyes of the short Deltan. "I'm looking for Dr Kaelin?" Unsure of the man's species, but guessing human, she held out her hand. "I'm Yolanthe Ibalin. I'm...next of kin, I guess, to Klia. The Orion girl who...." She trailed off, unable to say the words out loud.

As the woman stepped in, Kaelin felt a wave of grief wash over him. He stepped up to her and took her hand in both of his. "I'm Kaelin," he introduced himself and as their skin connected, Yolanthe felt the burden on her heart become lighter. Kaelin frowned, sharing her grief through the contact in hopes of making her feel better.

"Please, take a seat," he said, leading to the chair like a mother would lead her hurt child.

She sat, her skin lightening a shade, though her hair and swollen eye remained black. She started to take out a hip flask, but for the first time all day she felt she didn't need it, and put it back. "I was told you'd be doing the autopsy?"

"Yes, I'm the pathologist on duty," he nodded, eying the flask. She wasn't taking this girl's death well at all.

"I just wanted to bring you these," The tall woman held up the clothes carrier that contained Klia's favorite dress and shoes. "for after."

Kaelin looked down at the garments. They had a whole team of people who took care of the body after he was done that should receive them, but Kaelin didn't have the heart to tell Yolanthe that. Instead, he smiled kindly and took the items from her. "Thank you for bringing them," he said, his voice soft. "I'm very sorry for your loss," he added, keeping one hand on hers.

Her color lightened until shades of violet could be made out, the Deltan's empathic abilities lifting the pall of grief. "When...when you're done...Will she look the same? I don't know how these things work." She couldn't imagine anything worse, to have let Klia die and then to leave her disfigured after being gutted and inspected.

Kaelin nodded sympathetically, it was a question he got often enough. "Don't worry. She will look the same. I will make sure of it," he assured her. "If you would like, I can explain the procedure to you," he offered. He found, in his experience, that some people felt better once they had a general understanding of what would happen to their loved one.

She held up a hand to forestall him, "I'd rather not know. I..." She sighed. "I've let her down enough. I just wanted to be sure there wasn't anything worse than being dumped in garbage."

Kaelin frowned, placing his other hand on hers as well. He couldn't help it. Part of his mind kept screaming at him of how wrong this was, how he had no right to reach out to her like this, but the instinct to try and make her feel better was too strong. He could hardly bear seeing her like this. Or anyone. It was the main reason he'd switched to Pathology. Dealing with the dead meant he wouldn't be tempted to conform to his nature.

"Yolanthe," he began soothingly. "You haven't let her down. I know how you feel with your friend gone, but I can only imagine the love you felt for her. And the revenge you seek," he added the last as an afterthought. There was a lot of anger bubbling inside the tall Bokkai, only revealed once the sadness was shared.

"Haven't let her down?" She gave a bitter laugh. "She's dead because I was too busy being selfish." Anger, guilt and self loathing washed over the Deltan as the Bokkai's skin flared with different colours. "I couldn't stand that she was interfering so much. I never got to say I was sorry. I should have gone after her, should have apologized, should have been honest."

"Yolanthe, she's dead because some monster killed her in cold blood, not because of anything you did," he told her in a mildly scolding tone. "And you shouldn't burden yourself with what you should have done. Enjoy the memories of the good times you spent with Klia."

The suggestion, bolstered by the Deltan's natural empathy, raised better memories, and Yolanthe managed a real smile. "Thank you." She stood up, brushing the front of her trousers unconsciously. She was still mostly grey, but it was more a smokey blue that the flat lifeless colour it had been before. "Promise me you'll do everything you can to help me find who killed her."

Kaelin nodded, "I promise," he told her, meaning every word as he stood up with her.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Ensign Kaelin
Pathology Resident, Infirmary