Judgement – Out of the Frying Pan...
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Out of the Frying Pan...
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Jul 08, 2011 @ 7:22pm
Location   Security
Timeline   SD38 0230 (After Best Served Cold - Main Course)
The yellow clad duty officer looked up as the Cardassian Ambassador entered security. "What can I do for you, Vi'Kar Gul?"

The Cardassian shot the officer a look. One of the first Federation Humans that actually adressed him properly. "I'm here to see Yolanthe Ibalin. Now."

"I'm afraid that's not possible, ambassador," the young man said. "Instructions were for a single visit. and she's had that."

Tharek eyed the man, and saw red. Getal lunged at the mans collar and held him to the nearest wall. "I'm going in there, whether you like it or not... " He began. Then stopped suddenly. Isha had secured Getal a visit to Yolanthe. "Who's in there now?!" Tharek bellowed.

The human struggled against his grip, gasping for breath "Her lawyer. Chet something." He started to reach for the phaser at his belt.

Getal threw him to the floor in seconds. A few stray hairs lost their place on Tharek's head. He stormed into the room where Yolanthe was supposed to be held, and only found horror as he entered.

Yolanthe was slumped across the table in the interview room, head resting on her arms. Her sleeve was soaked with a viscous fluid that was turning black in places, pooling on the table top next to her, before running to the edge a dripping onto the floor. AtTtharek's entrance, she made no move at all.

"Yolanthe!" Getal bellowed at the top of his voice as he sprinted to his bleeding lover. He firstly checked her pulse. She was alive. Tharek checked her face. Three small slits under her eyelid where she had bled. Yolanthe was paralyzed. He assumed that if she could cry, she would.

"Getal to the Cardassian medical facility!" He shouted again.

"Yes Vi'kar Gul, this is Kara Sayt Loth, medical staff. What can I do for you?"

The Vi'kar Gul shook as his lover bled and bled. "Yolanthe has been cut under the eye and is paralyzed, I need her treated immediately!"

The Kara didn't even hesitate. He had heard rumors of those that hesitated to the Vi'kar Gul. "I'll be right there, standby." Sayt said as the comm clicked off to silence. Within less than ten seconds, there was the tell tale hum of a transporter in the receptions outside. Then there was a lot of shouting and arguing as the Kara forced his way into the interview room to join his commander, swiftly followed by several very angry security personnel, who instantly quieted when they realised what had happened.

The cardassian doctor ignored the silence filled with unspoken ‘oh shit’s and wasted no time in dealing with the Ambassadors injured lover. Ordering the cuffs undone, he took advantage of the paralysis to stop the bleeding and dress the wound. A quick scan of her biochemistry revealed the nature of the paralysing agent, and its antidote.

At first nothing happened, but then feeling came back into her fingers and toes, and spread from there. It took less than a minute, and as she regained control of her body, the grey was replaced by a bright sky blue.

She threw her arms around Tharek and refused to let go. For a long time she just hung onto him, body heaving with silent sobs.

The Kara gave a polite cough, "I've stopped the bleeding, but given her physiology is an unknown, we should let the wound settle before I use the dermal regenerator." He told the Vi'kar Gul, "I shall come back in the morning."

"Leave us!" Getal ordered the Starfleet officers. Whether they were his staff or not, they had let a prisoner almost die under their protection. He vowed that someone would take responsibility of their actions for this outrage.

Getal held her there, for what must've felt like hours. At one point, he almost let out a tear, but he would never show it to her. It was rare for Getal to show this much emotion to anyone. There was only one in Getal's lifetime before Yolanthe.

"I thought I was going to die," she whispered at long last. "I thought Dray was going to kill me."

"Dray?" He questioned, recognizing the name instantly. "Draylin."

She nodded against his shoulder, "turns out one of my oldest friends is a total psychopath." She was going to tell him the rest, but hesitated. Tharek would want to know why, and she didn't want to go into that right now. Instead she held him tighter.

"Draylin Tal." Getal repeated, adding in the psychopath's last name. "I know of Draylin Tal."

She held him for another long moment, unsure what to say, "I thought I knew him." and yet he had hurt her more deeply than she thought possible, and all because he disapproved of her choice. In the end, he wasn't unique, he was just like everyone else. He had hurt her, and killed her best friend, and then the vultures had dived in, to take away her freedom and threaten her man.

She pushed herself away suddenly. "Madam T'Khellian, I think she knows who set us up. She said to ask you if you'd had any visitors. from Cardassia?"

Getal's anger rose again. "Legate Turvan."

The name meant nothing to her. "I think she was implying he's behind it. The set-up at least. She's going to arrange bail for me. But he started this." She wiped the tears away from her charcoal skin, as dark as his, trying to pull herself together. "He used her, to get at you." Dark yellow was seeping into her colours, "Because of him, her real murderer is getting away," she snarled, trying not to think of who Klia's real murderer was.

"They will all pay. I vow, on the lives of my family that I will amend this with blood. Not a single ounce will be spared for this... Draylin Tal, and Legate Turvan have tested me before. They chose to involve others and fight like rats. Like Romulans. They will face me this time, and I will rip the skin from their bones." Getal said his words as calmly as possible, making them seem all the more vile, and dark.

She burrowed her uncut cheek against his shoulder as he held her, and as he spoke she faded from golden yellow to pure bright blue and finally, her skin was rich imperial purple, her hair deep vibrant plum. "Thank you." She said it softly, meaning it, but it had another meaning too, unspoken. A phrase that Bokkai rarely said, the purple of their skin saying it all for them, a phrase that she had never thought she'd ever use, and a phrase she had never thought could be prompted by cold words filled with vengeance, a phrase that would have had Draylin Tal howling in despair. She may have said 'thank you', but she meant, 'I love you.'

He raised her chin with a single hand. This time, he didn't hide the single tear that rolled down his cheek. This was phenomenal. Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal, brought to tears by a woman. An alien woman. And if he could, he would be turning purple at that moment too. He loved her back.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights
Finding a silver lining to a black cloud

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador