Time is Fleeting – Status Report
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Status Report
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Sep 26, 2009 @ 6:59am
Location   Captain's Office
Timeline   SD13 09:00 (Backpost)

Greo clutched the bundle of PADDs under his arm tighter as he approached the Commander's office. He had a lot to talk to the commander about and thought it would be nice to actually meet Commander Davies. He had just been so busy with his work and reorganising the Science department. He reached the door and paused. Drawing a deep breath he straightened the collar of his uniform. Slowly he reached out and pressed the door chime button.

Looking forward to the meeting about the 'Wargames', Davies was as usual, head deep in PADDs, putting together a schedule of events that he hoped would make for interesting tests for the station.

"Enter." He said as the doors automatically swung inwards.
The 'Man' who breezed in, took Davies a little by surprise. He had heard about the half Cardassian in a fleet uniform, but upon seeing him in a teal uniform still sent a small shiver across his shoulders which must have been highly evident to Greo.

"Sorry." Davies said as he stood, offering a seat across from himself.

Greo saw the obvious discomfort in the commander's eyes, but thought little of it. He had grown accustomed to the look that most other officers gave him. He had given up being surprised that Federation citizens could have such a racist reaction to him. A long time ago he had learnt to let it slide, but he never ignored it.

"Good morning Commander, I thought it was about time I gave you a status report."

He moved across to the chair and sat down placing his PADDs on the desk in front of him.

"Very well," Davies said as he retook his seat, "I hear that you are being extremely thorough in your work." He said, trying to lighten the air after the initial surprise.

"I try my best." Greo picked up the topmost PADD and handed it across to the commander. "I hope I haven't been presumptuous in my actions. As you can see from this PADD I took it upon myself to make sure the science department was in order in the absence of the CSO. I found that most of the department was running smoothly, you should be pleased. Since I had not been assigned to a particular division I made sure that all projects were progressing. I found the staff to be hard-working and on the whole didn't seem to mind me inspecting everything."

Davies dipped his head. "You will find the crew on Deep Space five very amenable and on the whole, I am very impressed by what I have seen so far." He interlinked his fingers and lay his hands on the desk.
"And how do you feel you are coping onboard?" He enquired.

Greo took a breath and sat a little back in the chair. He could tell the commander was a no nonsense kind of guy, he'd heard the talk around the station like everyone else.

"To be honest commander I have found the facility to be of an excellent standard. The science labs are the best I have ever seen. The crew are also excellent and helpful."

He paused and looked at the PADDs on the table, wondering how to broach the subject. "I would like to say that some officers seem to have very aggressive and even racist standpoint, but I suppose this is to be expected - what with the war." He could see a concerned expression form on the commander's face. "This is not a complaint, merely a statement. Trust me I am used to the odd comment and funny look when the spoonhead enters the room."

"Spoonhead?" Davies remarked surprised by such a slanderous name, "I know it can be difficult for some of us to accept Cardassians aboard, even I was a little shocked to see you, but nevertheless, if I hear anybody call you by such a name, they will be in the brig faster than they can blink. As for some officers, they will soon get used to you, as will I."
Davies stood from his chair and walked around to the large picture window overlooking operations. "It is a shame that Lieutenant Devero is on Earth, he should have been here to greet the newest science officer, but I am sure that when he returns, you will give him a welcome." Davies said as he turned around as he had not met the Chief Science officer.
"For now, I am making you acting Science Chief." He stated, knowing that DS5 was desperate for a team leader.
"I am sure that you will soon have the department back up to speed and gain the respect of your crew mates. Now if that's all lieutenant?" David asked.

"Sorry sir," Greo looked abashed, "I didn't mean to get off on the wrong foot with you. I've just had a busy week."

David had began to wave his hand dismissively and was about to say it was he that had got off the wrong foot when Greo continued.

"There was something else actually I wanted to discuss the Romulan computer core."

David cocked his head. "Romulan computer core? I was not aware that it was tied into the stations. What's wrong with it?" He enquired, moving back towards the officer.

"Technically there is nothing wrong with it. Well... to cut a long story short and as crazy as it sounds I have strong evidence to show that the computer core was sent back through time. I have started to compile this evidence." He pointed to one of the PADDs on the table. "This readout shows you the profile of the chroniton radiation that caused micro-distortions within the reinforced hull plating that covered the core. I now believe the core was taken from this time and returned a moment later under the cover of a large explosion that blinded our sensors. The profile indicates a harsh passage through a temporal anomaly."

Davids' head kicked into overdrive.
~Was that the real reason behind the Romulan attack? ~ He wondered.

"Have you been able to ascertain 'when' this took place?" He asked, already a feeling in his gut that he knew the answer.

Greo paused. He still wasn't sure how much to share with members of the crew. Davies was the CO however and he needed to know certain things. "I'm not sure. There is currently no way to determine that, however that leads me to my next PADD." He gestured to the other PADD on the desk. "This is the schematic for a new sensor array I have been thinking about since we retrieved the core. I call it the Tempus Sensor Array. It is sensitive enough to figure out just that sort of detail. If I got this up and running that might be something I could determine."

"Very, it could be useful to us all. Is this a schematic of your own?" He asked full of interest and also a little impressed but he didn't show it.

"Yes, this something I have been working on for the last few days, but only today has the final piece fallen into place. It's based on the class 5 probes gravimetric scanner combined with a standard lateral sensor array. Since it will be stationary and hooked into the power grid it will get a great range and precision boost. Just wanted you to sign off on it. I planned on spending the rest of the day putting it together if that's ok with you commander?"

He nodded his agreement.
"More than happy. Carry on Lieutenant Tovon, you have made you case easily, I'm impressed. Let me know if you need any extra men. Keep me informed. Dismissed." He said lightly.

"Thank you commander." Greo stood and gathered his PADDs. He was excited at the prospect of finishing the Tempus Array and couldn't wait to get back down to Main Astrometrics and connect the temporal component the Romulan computer core had 'produced'. As he walked towards the opening door Wallace's words came to him. He turned back to the commander.

"Sir, there was just one last thing. Lieutenant Wallace seemed to have some insight into the core, beyond what I would expect. It concerned me also that he was against me informing you of his involvement. He was quite cryptic about it all."

David looked at the science officer with an odd look of suppressed surprise.
"Really!" He said as he headed towards the office door, "I will have to look into it." He said in a low tone.


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer