Deception: The lesser part of Valour – #1 Meets #2
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka

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Title   #1 Meets #2
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka
Posted   Thu Jan 08, 2009 @ 2:22am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD 3 - 2000 hrs. (Backpost)
The Vulcan Executive Officer entered the Security Office in search for, surprisingly, a Nausicaan Security Chief. Who also happened to be the Second Officer on the base.

Rakka was worn to a thread after a long night of disturbing events, lengthy meetings, and turbulent personal moments. She wasn't particularly interested in receiving company in her office at this hour, but when she was told who was on the way, she allowed it. When the door chimed, she grunted out the familiar invitation, "Come!"

The Vulcan entered the office. She found what she saw quite interesting, though she did not openly show it. She studied the Nausicaan a bit and spoke. "Lt. Commander Rakka? I am Lt. Commander T'Lan. I have been assigned as the new Executive Officer here. I understand you are the Second Officer, in addition to being the Chief or Security?"

"You understand correctly," Rakka replied, sitting back her chair and equally studying the Vulcan. Many found Vulcans difficult to get along with because of their lack of displayed emotion, but Rakka found it a relief, especially after the theatrics of Major Darson, the insolence of Lt. Gabriel, and even the warm sensitivity of Captain Tahir and Petro. As much as she appreciated the honest caring of those who could be called friends, when things got too difficult she just needed to put a wall down on the emotions. Being reminded by others how depressed she was only poured salt on the wounds she was trying hard to forget, even if others had the best of intentions.

"Sit," Rakka invited, though it might have sounded more like an order to those who were not accustomed to her manner.

T'Lan sat down. "Have you begun the investigation into Captain Tahir's attacker?"

"I'm surprised there would even be any question of that," Rakka replied frankly. Did people think she was going to shrug off an assassination attempt on her captain? Rakka was happy to reassure T'Lan, but she wasn't sure how much detail she was at liberty to discuss with regard to earlier events at the Marine Detention Centre. "There is plenty more than investigation going on, although you will have to speak with Major Darson about the details. I am confident the matter is firmly in hand."

T'Lan's eyebrow raised. "I do not know if I approve of the interrogation becoming a Marine Concern. I will have to speak with Major Darson about this matter." T'Lan became more than concerned. She had gotten a taste of this Bases' Chief Intelligence Officer early, and she had no intention of allowing a situation develop where Lt. Gabriel would be in the same room with the Assassin.

"I am not terribly excited about the idea myself," Rakka said grumpily. "But I also disapprove highly of assassination attempts on MY Captain, as well as Starfleet's total neglect of my repeated requests for additional staff. It's no secret that my department is inexcusably understaffed--I assure you the Marine involvement was a pure necessity. And thank goodness Darson WAS involved. Mr. Gabriel didn't seem to give a moment of his day to digging up intelligence on the Lytosian plot even though it was directly assigned to him by Captain Tahir earlier. Darson may have stuck his nose where it didn't normally belong, but I do believe it saved the Captain's life. I'm only sorry it couldn't save Lt. Riley's. At any rate, because of Darson's involvement in the whole affair, I don't feel that it would be appropriate to wrench it out of his hands now. It was he, after all, who learned the details of the plot in the first place."

T'Lan spoke. "I have meet Lieutenant Gabriel, and I find his methods most Illogical. I am concerned of the lengths he would go to for the objectives that he sets for himself. I will have to speak to Major Darson."

"Please do," Rakka replied. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Commander?"

"I would like you to monitor Lt. Gabriel's activities. His methods are illogical, and they might violate the rights of those we protect." T'Lan stated. "Other than that, there is nothing more." The Vulcan rose and left the office.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll love that," Rakka muttered as the Commander left, knowing that Gabriel already considered her and her department to be incompetent. Her spending any time babysitting him would not make either of them very happy, but she was in full agreement with T'Lan that Gabriel's activities did need monitoring.


Lt. Cdr. Rakka
Lt. Cdr. T'Lan