Unity – Maybe, perhaps.
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Maybe, perhaps.
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Wed Nov 11, 2009 @ 10:07pm
Location   DS5 deck 28
Timeline   SD16 1225

A few minutes had passed since David had left the intelligence office and was still wandering aimlessly amongst the corridors, reflecting on the few days he had spent on DS5 and found that he had settled into station life a great deal easier than expected.
With a selfish smile and some silent self praise he set off for the recreation deck.

Greo walked the corridor, heading toward the arboretum to spend some time catching up on his status reports. Even though the flexure was closed there was plenty of data to sift through and he needed to write up his actions during the incident. At least I got some sleep! He thought as he rounded a corner. He looked up to see the station commander and about to call out he lost grip on the stack of PADDs in his arms. They scattered to the floor making quite a racket.

David heard the crash from behind and it startled him as he instinctively turned towards the sound and was relieved to see the science officer already bending down to retrieve the items that had fallen to the floor.

"Need a hand?" David offered as he backtracked to aid the man.

"Thank you commander. I don't know how they got away from me." He started to gather up the PADDs with the commander's assistance. "What brings you down to the recreation levels?"

Handing back the PADDs to the Lieutenant, he shook his head.

"Gathering my thoughts and generally looking about the station, making sure everything is just the way Captain Tahir left it. I also want to say again that your work yesterday didn't go unnoticed and that I have recommended you for a promotion. How are you finding the department? Settled in? Need anything?" David realised he was barraging the science officer with questions before he had a chance to respond to the first and allowed himself a chuckle. "Sorry." He said with a grin, "One question at a time eh?" His Welsh accent coming to the fore.

Greo was a bit flustered at dropping the PADDs but stopped picking them up for a moment and thought. So much had happened in the last week since his arrival.

"To be honest sir everything has been a bit crazy this last week. I have still to get a good sense of the station, but have settled into the Science Department well. Even though Lieutenant Devero wasn't here to welcome and assign me they welcomed me openly. I tried to not interfere too much with the status quo, but things well... you know things got in the way."

He fetched up the last of the PADDs.

"I know only too well, after all, I have not be here that long myself." He stated watching Greo as he shuffled the PADDs back into some order in his arms.

"The department is excellent and the resources are more than plentiful, I couldn't ask for more in that respect. I could however do with the location of a good bar. I think tonight I am going to have a drink to celebrate my first week and I'm not sure the best place to go."

Davies thought for a moment before settling on, "Connoisseurs on the Promenade has some wonderful food & drink, but they are a bit picky on the crew they admit, but I am sure they would welcome a Lieutenant Commander!" He grinned.

Greo was taken aback. He thought the commander was being kind with his comment of recommending him for promotion, but it seemed the man was quite serious.

"I'm not sure what to say sir." He was tongue tied for a moment facing his smiling superior. His felt slightly silly with all these PADDs in his arms. "Er, thank you!"

"Your welcome, but I am afraid I don't carry a spare rank pip, but I will insure you get one later." David said as he looked around for a moment. "Computer, list Greo Tovon, Science officer with the new rank of Lieutenant Commander and afford him the privileges of said rank." His eyes fell back to the officer as the computer chirped and vocalised it's confirmation.

"Confirmed." It chirped

"Congratulations." He said as he began to turn and stopped, twisting his head back to Greo and then thought better of thanking him again. and continued on his way with a single wave of his hand.

Greo watched the commander leave. He was really starting to like Davies. He turned and carried on down the corridor PADDs in hand. Lieutenant Commander, well this is something. As he moved away he felt a pang of sadness that his parents would not be here. He would throw himself into his work once again, speaking of which he headed towards the arboretum.


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer: DS5