Judgement – Not a wretched hive
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Not a wretched hive
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Wed Jul 06, 2011 @ 2:47pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   Sd38. 2125 (right before Not the best introduction)

"Lieutenant Trellis!" Rosh Pelin called out as the trill started to head out of the bar, a middle aged man in a poofy shirt following close on his heels. "Cant we talk about this??!"

Trellis was about to reach the nearest turbolift when he heard the man's voice. He sighed inwardly as he turned to face the civilian. "No, my decision has been made in the best interest of this station and the safety of its civilian population." His tone was firm as he spoke, and he rubbed the spots cascading down the sides of his temple. Trill physiology was similar to humans in that physical manifestations of stress included a higher pulse rate, and even twitching at times.

"Lieutenant, I'm Edward Stapleton." He held out his hand, but retracted it after Trellis refused to shake it. He went on as if the snub hadn't happened. "We would like to see the charges leveled against the establishment, and find out how that constitutes a danger."

~Great. . .here comes the press conference~ Trellis thought as the two men approached him.

"Mr. Stapleton, I apologize for any inconvenience that this disruption will cause for your customers. However, my main focus is the safety of all the inhabitants of this station. Now if you'll excuse me." He said as he turned towards the direction of the turbolifts.

Edward stepped quickly around and in front of the Chief of Security, holding his palm outward to halt the other man's progress. "Now wait a minute, sir. You didn't answer my request. I would like to see the charges against the Box of Delights, and to know how that constitutes a danger to the rest of the station. As representatives of the establishment in question, we have a legal right to view the those documents, according to Federation law."

Trellis saw that a small crowd was beginning to form around the two men. The last thing he needed was for another riot to erupt between Starfleet and a civilian, especially such a prominent business owner.

"Mr. Stapleton, I believe it would be best if you tended to your customers and assisted in closing your establishment at this moment. If you wish to see a copy of the charges and my orders, then you may contact my office and speak to my assistant sometime tomorrow." Trellis said in the most polite voice he could strain to present.

"Tell your assistant they can expect to see me first thing in the morning," Edward replied, his voice stiff with frustration. He stepped aside and watched Trellis' back as he continued on his way to the turbolift. When the doors closed, he looked about at the dozen or so people who had followed them out of the Box of Delights, and had listened to the conversation. There was a lot of quiet whispering going on. He calculated that a petition might be a very useful thing.

"Alright, folks," he raised his voice to be heard by those at the back. "We're being told by station security that we have to close our doors. But if you follow the bartender," Edward pointed to Pelin, who was watching him with incredulity in his eyes, "You'll be given a token for a free drink when we reopen. And we'll have a petition available if you wish to sign it. More details inside."

There were murmurs as he finished, but he ignored them. He approached Pelin to walk alongside, back to the Box. "Does Yolanthe retain a lawyer?"

The Bajoran man shook his head. "Not in general. Gul Getal said he'd sort her out about the murder, but I don't think she has anyone for business purposes."

As the turbolift doors closed, Trellis continued to rub his spots. His day was just getting longer and longer.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Rosh Pelin
Assistant Bartender
The Box of Delights


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy, Box of Delights
Pilot, Bradshaw Enterprises