Judgement – Shield Safety Check
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Shield Safety Check
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Fri Sep 30, 2011 @ 5:01am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD39 10:28

((Main Engineering))

Main Engineering was a hive of activity as usual. Lt. Kramer walked casually out of his office onto the platform. Lifting the mug of hot coffee to his lips, he blew steam gently away from the surface as he looked across the busy room. He closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled the wonderful strong pungent aroma of the Kona coffee from his mug.

Kramer walked out onto the platform. It was a 1/4 wedge of the room of Main Engineering that was elevated two steps off the deck. Walking around the diagnostic/testing table, he headed toward the Core Control, which is the central hub of Main Engineering.

Kramer thought, ‘Why would anyone ever put stuff in this to dilute the delightful full flavor? I’ll never understand.’

His ears then picked up on a word, mentioned from the Core Control. His eyes opened and moved toward the steps, setting the coffee on the diagnostic table before taking the steps up to the control hub. “Lieutenant. Report!” Kramer said with authority.

The 5 officers sitting at the monitoring stations stopped chatting among themselves, looking back at their consoles. Lt.(jg) Decker turned and came to attention. He immediately began to speak. “All reactors are functioning. Reactor 2 is down to 50% . . .”

He was cut off by Kramer, “No, No. I heard someone mention a Constitution Class Starship.”

“Oh,” Decker paused looking over to the readout. “Yes sir. It’s out on the Statcom.” He lifted a PADD and brought up the Station Communication status report. Decker continued, “A runabout was launched by Command to investigate what is reported to be a Constitution Class Starship sitting five hundred thousand kilometers from the station.”

“Let me see that.” Kramer said taking it from him as the details appeared on the PADD. Looking at the details of the report he stepped down onto the platform away from the junior officers. Kramer thought for a moment about his responsibilities and his level of authorization as Asst. Chief of Engineering.

Turning back and walking up into Core Control, “All right people we have an opportunity here. A situation has taken place and being investigated.” He had read that their orders were to fly with no shields. Kramer continued, “So, since security does not believe that it is a threat . . .” he paused and looked around the room. Many officers and crewmen had gathered below the Core Control watching and listening. “We are going to run a standard station shield systems safety check to confirm that all shield systems are operational.”

This caused quite a stir among the engineers present.

Kramer continued, “This exercise will only be a 1 % power up to test the shield system for a 15 second stabilization check.”

More grumbling erupted among the engineers gathered.

Lt. Kramer spoke up with authority and confidence, “I want confirmation of a stable field before dropping it. I want all systems to be checked and power streaming indicators sending data.” He turned to face Lt. Decker, “Send a report to the Chief of Operations and the XO on the command deck about our emergency test of the shield system.”

“All right people let’s move. You have 60 seconds,” Kramer looked down at his chrono, “From now!”

Turning to Decker in a hushed voice, Kramer said, “Lieutenant, I want confirmation and authorization from Operations before my 60 second window is up.”

Decker bobbed his head up and down in hesitation. “Aye sir.” Decker said softly.

Kramer continued, “I will not have any action done by this department unless authorized by Command.” He turned away and walked down to the platform. Using the PADD, he sent a message to the Lt. Freeman the Chief Engineer and advised him of the situation.

((Command Deck))

Harris saw the alert appear on his console and was sure that the Captain saw it also and decided to allow things to run their course unless Tahir intervened.

((Main Engineering))

Lt. Decker turned to the officers sitting at Core Control and looked at different displays in front of them. He took a deep breath, then touched the Comm Badge on his uniform. =^=Lieutenant Decker, Main Engineering to Chief of Operations.=^=

=^= Lt. Ronin here. The Chief is in a meeting. What’s your situation? =^=

Decker began, =^= Chief of Engineering has requested a standard station shield systems safety check to confirm that all shield systems are operational.=^=

=^=Ah, ah, stand by Engineering. =^=

Decker could here some hushed talking over the Comm, but waited calmly. Well, as calm as he could under the circumstances.

=^=Engineering, confirm what type of test you are wanting to do. =^=

Decker noticed that the Lieutenant in Operations seemed just as nervous as he. =^= This is a 1% power-up of all shield emitters to check for stabilization and power streaming indicators. It is a timed assessment for the engineering crew with 24 seconds left for confirmation and authorization. =^=

Another few more precious seconds past. Decker felt a trickle of sweat run down the side of his face.

=^= Engineering, proceed with the test and evaluation. Operations will expect a detailed report. If there are any abnormalities, you are to report them immediately. =^=

=^= Understood. Engineering out. =^=

Lt. Decker turned around to look for Lt. Kramer, but he was now standing directly in front of him, which startled Decker. He finally said, “Operations has confirmed test and authorized us to proceed..” He then added, “Sir.”

Kramer’s facial expression slowly changed from serious to smiling and gave Decker a wink. Then said softly, “Good job.” Kramer glanced at the count down clock. 5 seconds to go. Kramer then stepped around Decker addressing the entire department with a raised voice. “Commence Shield test on my mark.” He looked at the display screens around him. ”Three, Two, One, . . Initiate. “

Many crewmen began talking at once, conveying information. Lt. Kramer noticed that most were very focused on their display console. Kramer watched the display screens above and around the Core Control.

Decker spoke up, “We have a waver on emitters 12 and 36.”

Kramer leaned forward and took control of one of the stations to get the details first hand. “Status?” he called out.

Decker spoke up, “We have normalization on all emitters except those two.

“Conclude test on schedule.” Kramer stated. Turning to Decker, “Send repair teams to those two emitters.” Kramer stepped down from the Core Control onto the platform, walking up to the diagnostic/testing table.

Picking up the cup of Kona coffee that he had left there, he took a sip of the strong coffee, realizing that it was still too hot. Kramer began looking at the data from the shield test as it came in. He was not worried about the possibility of something getting through when the shields were actually engaged. The overlapping fields of cover would protect the station. He was more concerned about looking bad as a department. Kramer thought, ‘The Chief will want to know that all corrective procedures were followed.’ He also hoped that his initiative to doing the test would put him in better graces with the Chief.

“All Right!” Kramer heard Decker from the Core Control and turned to watch. Lt. Decker continued, “This test is now completed. Return all systems to stand by. Report any abnormalities.”

When Decker looked down to his superior on the platform, Lt. Kramer gave him a positive nod of his head. Decker nodded back and turned to supervise the control station. Lt. Decker took a deep breath. The built up tension in his body eased. This is what he was meant to do. 'And one day I will Chief Engineer of a Starship,' Decker thought.

Kramer was amused by watching Decker. It had been a good experience for him. It had been a good test for everyone. Kramer looked at the details on the PADD again. He knew he had to prepare a report for the Chief. He had taken on quite a presumption and initiated the shield test.

Kramer stopped and looked around the expanse of Main Engineering. Everyone was taking their role very seriously, as they should. He hoped that LCDR Freeman would see it that way too.


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering


Lt. Michael Decker
NPC by Kramer


Petty Officer 3rd Class William Harris
Flight Control Officer
NPC by Tasha