Judgement – Sad Goodbyes, even when temporary
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Sad Goodbyes, even when temporary
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Oct 28, 2011 @ 4:25pm
Location   Dhelan docking port

Adjusting his carry-on bag slung over his shoulder, Ai'lani walked by a few Romulan officers on his way to the docking port. He had to admit, now that it was behind him, a part of him regretted having to leave. But there was nothing that could be done at this point and he was pretty sure that, given the option of doing it over again, he would've made the same choice.

Rianni watched Ai'lani as he walked down the concourse to depart her ship, every step he took tearing her apart inside. At the last second she decided to run after him, she couldn't let him leave this way, "Ai'lani, wait!" She called for him, chasing him down just before he left the ship, "I didn't want you to leave, not like this...."

Ai'lani smiled at her honestly, feeling her distress. "Rianni, it's okay. I won't lie and say I'm not sorry to leave, but that's how things go. It's for the best," he assured her, taking her hand in the hopes of making her feel a little better.

"No, tr'Than's a total prick." Rianni shook her head, "I'm going to get rid of him. This is not the way to treat people."

"Rianni. Believe me, you need tr'Tahn around. He has the best of intentions. No one on this ship likes you or did you miss all the stares and mumbling on the bridge today?" Ai'lani asked her, looking more serious than Rianni had ever seen him.

"They'll come around." Rianni smiled, "And if they all do hate me then why do I need tr'Tahn here to make the situation worse?"

"He doesn't hate you. And you can't get rid of him. He's Tal Shiar," Ai'lani pointed out. "Even I know enough about Romulan politics to know that you two have to work together instead of against one another."

"He's made it clear that can never happen, Ai'lani." Rianni shook her head sadly, "HE thinks he is in command of this vessel, and I can't work with someone like that. I don't need the stress and discomfort that man would bring to me."

"No he doesn't!" Ai'lani explained. "He's doing his job. And whether you like it or not, he is partly in charge of the ship. He's the Political officer. This isn't Starfleet, Rianni. You've only worked with him less than twelve hours and you're already giving up?" Ai'lani added. He kept his voice soft, but still remained as serious as ever.

"I'm not giving up on anything, Ai'lani." Rianni sighed, she couldn't believe Ai'lani of all people was going against her, "I just refuse to let that guy usurp me. He needs to go, and he's going to go, dead or alive he is leaving my ship."

Ai'lani sighed, rubbing his temple. "Rianni. Sweetie," he began, looking at her. He rubbed the back of her hand comfortingly. "You need to calm down and regroup. You think I don't want to stay? Of course I do. This is a job of a lifetime!" He smiled. "But I'm also worried about you on this ship. You're all alone here, Rianni. When I leave, you won't have anyone here with you that can actually be a friend. And tr'Tahn is a good guy. Trust me. He could help you more than you think." Ai'lani continued caressing her hand, hoping to channel some of his feelings to her so that she would believe him.

"He pisses me off." Rianni sighed, though her voice was dropped to a near whisper, "I don't want it to be like this......"

Ai'lani sighed, pulling Rianni towards him into a hug, channeling as much affection as he could through the limited skin contact. "I know you don't, sweetie," he said comfortingly in her ear. "tr'Tahn isn't an angel by any account. He's obviously a cut-throat professional. But, he's not the devil either. You both just need to take a deep breath and try to put some distance there before trying one more time. And then, if that doesn't work, you can throw him out the nearest airlock for me, okay?" he finished with a smile as he kissed the top of her head, hoping to at least lighten the mood a little.

Rianni smiled weakly, this was helping a little but she was still not happy with Maiell tr'Than, like, at all.

"Don't be mad at me," he told her finally. "I'm not trying to put you down, Rianni. But, you need to see that this isn't going to be easy. I know that I can be too honest, maybe even brutal but...at least I'm pretty to look at?" he told her, taking a step back and giving her a pouty, puppy dog look.

"Yeah, too bad you showed up right after I swore off men, huh?" Rianni giggled.

"Eh, I'll live somehow. In some way, I'll find a way to gather the shattered pieces of my life and move on," Ai'lani said dramatically before letting out a laugh.

"But I'm a diva?" Rianni sighed and rolled her eyes, "Damn Deltan drama queen."

"Eh, say all you want, you still love me," he told her with a shrug.

"Yeah." Rianni smiled sadly, "I guess I'll have to wait until this is over to see you again."

"Well, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder. I'll miss you. Can't you just kill the main pirate and everyone else just surrenders?" Ai'lani asked with mock-hope.

"If I could find him." Rianni laughed, adding, "Or her, it, them.... Hunting pirates is complicated."

Ai'lani smiled. "I believe in you," he said, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Good." Rianni smiled, "That makes two of us."

Ai'lani looked at her a minute. "Would it be totally weird if I said I really want to kiss you goodbye right now? Like a real kiss goodbye. You can say no, I won't be insulted. Actually, I have no idea why I just said that out loud. Why does my brain filter always break around you? You must be special," he laughed.

"Or I emit a radiation that cracks brain filters." Rianni giggled, she wouldn't know, having never had a brain filter herself, "And go ahead."

"That explains it," Ai'lani nodded seriously before smiling and pulling Rianni into a kiss, pressing his lips firmly and confidently against hers. This was a much better way for him to channel some of his feelings and he made sure she wasn't left with a single doubt in her mind as to just how much he cared about her and how much he would miss her.

Rianni was momentarily overwhelmed by the whole thing, she now sort of understood what Maeill was concerned about, something that powerful as what she just felt could
cause some people to lose their senses around him, but she wouldn't change anything about him ever.

After a moment, Ai'lani pulled away. "Too much?" he asked a bit nervously.

"No." Rianni whispered, "Not at all."

'It was too much,' Ai'lani decided, noticing her expression. She didn't feel like it was too much (in fact, he guessed she thought it was too little), but he could tell from experience. Suddenly, a voice from the comm announced the ship would be docking in a few minutes. He sighed. "Guess this is it. I'll really miss you. Don't get killed," he advised.

"You either." Rianni managed, "I'll try to hurry this thing along."

"Okay," Ai'lani said sadly. He pulled her into another heartfelt hug before letting go and, adjusting his bag, he gave her one last look. "Bye, Rianni. Good luck," he said, squeezing her arm and finally turning to leave the ship through the docking port.

"Bye, Ai'lani." Rianni sniffed, heartbroken to see him leave she turned and left the area, headed back to the bridge as fast as she could.