Unity – Planning
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Planning
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Jan 17, 2010 @ 8:37pm
Location   Offices of BII
Wayne looked over the offices that his kids had found and was pleasently surprised to find that they were just exactly what he had wanted. There were a total of 3 levels to the complex and a total of four cargo storage areas that could be converted as needed. Already the remodel crew was hard at work fitting the space out how he wanted it.

there was his own large office of course and then the offices for several of his children as they held positions of Vice presidents in their respective areas of the company. A total of 8 offices on the upper floor each decorated to the personal taste of the occupant. He looked longingly at the three empty offices that were for his other children but for some reason those children did not exactly want to take up the positions that were theirs by both birth and and by right.

He sat down behind his large desk and accessed his personal terminal. He had a feeling that things might be getting out of hand and wanted to check on the differant aspects. There was however only so much he could check out face to face and the rest he would have to rely on his own personal spies and reports. He read the latest of those reports and was more then a little shocked by what he had read.

If the reports were correct the ship yards had managed to land a small starfleet contract to construct Honet and defiant class starships in addition to the merchant shps and frieghters that were there bread and butter. The asteroid mines had found a new and aparently very rich pocket of Dilithium, one that would be large enough to last for a projected 25 years.

The reports made him smile to himself as he thought back to what his great great grandfather had started had grown into one of the largest and most diverse companies in the federation. What had started out as a small freight company with only a single ship had now grown into a huge corporation. The frieght line had grown from one ship to 50 and had expanded into mining, from there the natural progression was into ship building. That in turn led indirectly to the formation of the cruise ship line.

From that point on though things had split off his father had started the R and D division of the company and his uncle had split off and developed a Grain and beef operation on the same planet that served as the jump off point for the frieght line. It was that legacy that had brought him to this point useing the money that his family had built up he had started a PMC as well as a total of 5 casinos.

There were of course things that concerned him greatly more so then the business deals he had in the works. He knew that there was a chance that his plan could backfire but still it was something that he needed to look into. He still had friends in high places in starfleet command and there might be such a thing that they might be of use to get a few things done.

Posted by

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalacit Incorporated.