Deception: The lesser part of Valour – That's Entertainment!
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   That's Entertainment!
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Nov 07, 2008 @ 12:42pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   circa 18:00
“Why do so many people force themselves into the confinement of a place like this?” Isha asked as a woman followed by a string of children pushed into the already crowded turbolift; she scowled, squeezed rather too firmly between the wall of the car and Raedheol.

“Because no decent place will accept them,” Raedheol suggested, throwing an unpleasant glance at the family group. “Would it have hurt them to wait for the next one,” he muttered. “Are you sure you want to go down to the promenade? It will be crawling with yikh (aliens) not one of them with any respect for personal space?”

Together they had lapsed back into their familiar, if rather outdated Ra'tleihfi dialect, confident that few of their fellow passengers would understand a word of it, even with the benefit of the translators.

“I want to see if that J’naii I met earlier had the guts to wear the outfit I chose,” Isha said, with a coy smile. “Nobody is forcing you to come with me.”

Raedheol shook his head and assumed an exaggerated expression of disbelief, “Isha, you just asked me to come.”

“I must have gone temporarily insane,” she grinned as the doors slid open and people spilled out onto the promenade. Isha and Raedheol took a little longer to emerge, exchanging some further rather pointed observations about the state of humanoid life outside the empire.

“We’re late,” Isha said, above the noise of the crowds and blare of music, “Do you think we can get through this crowd?”

“We’re not even going to try,” he replied, “Why are you so interested anyway?”

“Shush,” Isha scolded, “How am I supposed to do my job if I don’t take an interest in what goes on around here?”

“You’re wasting your time. Do you think anyone on this station actually believes your cover? Maybe they would if you’d bothered to file a single story and hadn’t spent all your time taking half of the station for lunch …”

The crowd had quietened and though they were distant they could see quite clearly and certainly hear, as Tahir began her speech, "Ladies, gentlemen, honored guests and visitors to Deep space 5. I am enthralled to be here this evening, on this the 7 anniversary of the Bajoran celebration of festival. As you know, there is a programme of events …"

“Trouble,” Isha said feeling Raedheol’s hand tighten around her wrist as events on the podium sent a first ripple of panic through the crowd; her skin prickled at the new tension in the atmosphere.

“Time not to be here,” Raedheol said drawing Isha back toward the empty turbo lift.

Isha pulled back, but she did not try to break his grip. “Wait,” she said, curiosity outweighing common sense as she heard the assurance that everything was going ahead as planned.

“Now, Isha!” Raedheol,snapped, anticipating further commotion.

“Don’t speak to me like that!” she said angrily, but nodded her assent. They had both seen crowds turn unpleasant before, and whether that was sparked by panic or by anger the result was the same; better to leave ahead of the stampede.

“Quite the party,” Raeheol observed as they entered the lift, “though I thought it was customary in the Federation to engage clowns, rather than snipers.”

Isha chuckled softly, “Which would you find most amusing?” she asked leaning against the wall.

“Why not both? I can think of few things more entertaining than watching a group of clowns get gunned down.”

As they exited the lift their laughter filled the deserted residential corridor. “You’re a very bad man, Rh’vaurek,” Isha remarked.

“I thought that was why you liked me,” he said, grinning wickedly.

“You never stop, do you,” Isha said raising an eyebrow as he replied, “Never.”

Isha t’Khellian & Rh’vaurek Raedheol (NPC)