Judgement – A Sordid Past Part I
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   A Sordid Past Part I
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 10:18am
Location   The Murdoch Household
Timeline   [Backpost Thirteen Years Previously]
Thirteen year old Lance Murdoch sat in his room pouring over his school books. He heard his parents arrive home. He also heard that they were arguing...again. He sighed and closed his books wondering what the fight was about this time.

"I can't deal with this anymore!" Templeton Murdoch shouted at his wife Amy. "You don't care about anybody but yourself!" retorted his wife. "The only thing that matters to you is your job, you don't give a shit about me or this family!" She continued.

Lance stuck his head out of his room. His father was pouring himself a shot of scotch. He had been drinking a lot lately. Lance kept out of sight, he knew his father wouldn't take kindly to be spied on.

"My job is what allow's for all of this!" Templeton gestured to their surroundings. "You don't understand the kind of pressure I'm under!" He raged.

"You're not the only Doctor in this house!" Amy countered. "What is the point of all of this if the boys don't even know their father?" She continued.

"I didn't even want children!!!" He shouted back. "You're all just slowing me down!" Templeton threw his glass against the wall, it shattered, sending splinters of glass everywhere. Amy began to sob. Templeton rounded on her, "Don't you cry!! Don't you dare cry!!!" He roared.

Lance stepped into the room. "Dad? what..." He didn't even get to finish his sentance. Templeton turned and saw him. "Get back in your room!!" He roared. "Oh great. Now I'm the bad guy!" He shouted. Turning to Amy once more. "Do you see what you made me do now?" He raged. "This is all your fault!"

Lance was angry, "You leave her alone!" he shouted, running forward protectivly.

Templeton saw red as his son charged forward. His fist crashed full into Lance sending the boy flying across the room. "You stay out of this welp!" He shouted. Amy stared at her husband, shocked by his actions. Then she ran fowards to her son. Templeton caught her mid stride with a vicious backhand. "I'm sick of all of you constantly defying me!!' he shouted as she went down.

Lance made his way towards his mothers crumpled form. Templeton lifted him off the floor with a powerfull kick to the midsection. "I am sick and tired of all of you!" He shouted, his rage now totally out of control. "I'm leaving!" He said, downing the last of his drink and heading for the door.

Lance lay against his mothers unconscious form, confused broken and angry.
