Things Past – Calling A Truce
by Arrival Atlana Durak & Arrival Sarish Anjar

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Title   Calling A Truce
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak & Arrival Sarish Anjar
Posted   Wed May 01, 2013 @ 3:52pm
Location   Endeavor
Timeline   SD 71 2300
In her hands was a delicately wrapped item, the paper was there because she had realized what it was the day she'd gotten it, and couldn't bare to have it out and around her. Still she hadn't been able to throw it away. The papers had yellowed now with age and the twine had gotten brown. There was a note written in her own hand, that simple say "I believe this belongs to you."

With the closed sign in her shop window, Atlana was making her way through the corridors of the Promenade. It was quiet so late at night. Most of the shops were closed. Her footsteps were soft but slow, she argued with herself the lack of reason behind what she was doing. There was no point, HE hated Cardassians. HE wants to kill you, HE will never accept you as anything other than one of those monsters! Atlana was willing to accept all of those things. But the truth was that she had been the one who wanted to kill him, he'd only been defending himself. And whats more, they could kill each other on the starbase... everyone would suspect the other person. It wasn't even that, if something happened to her shop, they'd look to him, if something happened to him they'd all look at her. ON the base they were the safest they could be from each other.

As for the rest of it... well she couldn't help any of that. Atlana couldn't take anything back that the Cardassians had done to him or his friends or his family. And she knew there was nothing he could do to bring back her sister... or her parents. It had been 18 years.

She looked down at her hands, the paper was weighted down by the item inside... it had been nagging her since they'd encountered each other days ago. Atlana looked up and she was standing in front of Endeavour... she smirked. She'd not been at the grand opening, hadn't been invited although she knew just about everyone else on the base had been. The neon sign flicked some, and she took a deep breath. There were butterflies in her stomach as she pushed on the door.

Inside the restaurant was empty. Chairs were stacked on tables and she was sure she'd missed Sarish... and maybe that was a good thing. She walked through the chairs and tables being graceful about it as she weaved her way through them almost like a graceful dancer, She put the item paper note and all on the bar and began to weave her way back through the chairs quicker then she'd walked most of the day.

Running? Yeah in her minds she'd call it running. Just in case... for the first time in most of her life she didn't want to fight Sarish. She just wanted to return something.

Sarish was working through a stack of PADDs on his desk when he heard a sound coming from below him. He looked out and saw a figure. Well not just any figure it was her.

HER the woman responsible for almost killing him. The CARDASSIAN. What in Hell was she doing here? Was she coming to try to kill him again? To rub his face in what he had done? Anger, resentment, and more than a hint of fear rose up in him fighting for supremacy.

He watched her set something on the counter and he bound down the stairs.

He wondered if the package would blow up in his face and he was, despite himself about to open it, but he saw she hadn't quite reached the door. "Hey," he called out in a voice slightly softer than he had planned, "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

Atlana cursed under her breath, so close, she thought as she made it to the door. "I'm just returning something I think is yours." She admitted not turning around. "That's all." Atlana admitted. "No tricks, no weapons no nothing just ...." She didn't really get why she was doing it. Except that he hated her she had never done anything to him... well except try to cut his heart out... more like just see if it was really even there. Atlana turned around slightly, more looking over her shoulder at him.

He didn't actually look all that mad, more curious than mad. And she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm pretty sure it belongs to you."

He was of course still suspicious of her motives. For all he knew the package contained a bomb or something else equally nasty. He looked down then gave it a closer look. It didn't appear to be anything dangerous, but still...

"Come here while I open it, just in case," he barked. Then in a quieter voice he added, "Please."

~Did I just say please to a Cardassian bitch? What the Hell is wrong with me?~

Atlana almost grinned. "Just in case I'm trying to kill you? And be the number one suspect in your death?" She offered. "You do realize that right?"

"There is that," he said with a shrug of his shoulders, his glare softening ever so slightly. But why don't you come here anyway. You did bring this a long way." he paused pointing down at the package and its obvious age, "You might as well be here when I open it."

Atlana weaved her way back through the tables. But she still kept her distance from him, after all she didn't need anything thrown at her. And he did hate Cardassians, he'd made that very clear. Atlana got as close to the bar as she was comfortable being, she didn't fold her arms but she didn't exactly have them at her sides either. "Well I've had it for a long time."

As he began opening it his hands trembled every so slightly for a reason he couldn't explain. He steeled himself then continued.

Atlana stood there nervously, she wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Would he blame her for having? Demand answer, most likely. Believe her answers, ahh that was a good question. Was he capable of believing her? Probably no more then she was capable of believing him. In the last few days she had seen more of him then she had in the last 4 years. And at the moment had absolutely no desire to kill him, part of her felt guilty for that.

He opened up the box and stared down in total disbelief. It was the ear cuff his mother had given to him. four snowflakes or starbrust along the cartilage and a single larger burst that hung just below the ear.

It took some time before he was able to get anything coherent out of his mouth. "How did you get this?" he asked. He had intended for his words to be laced with venom but they just came out sounding hollow.

Atlana took a deep breath it was not as threatening or bitter as she has expected. "A man who knew my passion for bajorian art gave it to me, with several other things in his attempts to seek favor." She admitted. "He said he bought it off someone else." IT was all true, she just left the part out how much she didn't trust the man and had ended up killing him. Her arms had come up and she was hugging herself whether she knew it or not.

"But how did you know it was mine?" came the surprisingly civil and subdued reply.

Atlana pulled a photograph from her pocket and put it on the bar before stepping back again. It was folded, bent, and wearing on the edges, it had been through hell, it looked as if it had been carried to every corner of the galaxy. "It's the only photograph of you I have... I've had it since I joined the Order." She admitted. IT was a much younger him, with the earring on. "You got photographed coming through a space port an hour before....." her eyebrows wrinkled and she looked down at the floor to keep herself from thinking about her sister or the school. "Well anyway... when I saw it I recognized it immediately."

He looked at the picture then at her, then wordlessly removed the earring he had had been wearing replacing it with the one she had given him. His hand then rubbed at an irritation that had suddenly manifest in his right eye.

Could she really be different? REALLY different? This woman who had tried to kill him. "I am sorry," he wanted to say. But he had already told her that and telling her again wouldn't have convinced her more. So instead he said, "Thank you."

Has Atlana been in a manipultive mood she'd have been able to kill him right then and there. Or at least catch him off guard... and to be honest the thought crossed her mind for a moment or too. "It's yours, you don't have to thank me." She offered. "But your welcome." Atlana added. She didn't really know what else there was to say... so Atlana started for the door again. Her pace was slower she didn't have to run this time.

She just didn't want to stick around for a screaming match and it was his restaurant so she needed to leave. Besides for some stupid reason she was on the verge of tears.... Atlana could feel it in the bit of her stomach. She didn't know where the earring had come from, who had given it to him. Or how it held such value to him and it wasn't her place to ask.

He slowly trudged upstairs to his office. He stood there in front of the mirror, just looking at his feflection for several long minutes lost in thought, lost in the memories of the distant past. He grimly bit his lip to keep his emotions in check.

Atlana hadn't been able to let it go, it just wanted in her to have that much uncertainty around her. Not with people attacking the Embassy on base, she wanted to do something she never in her life thought she'd do. She'd managed to move up the stairs to his office with little to no noisy and when she saw him she could see why he hasn't heard her. Atlana watched him from his doorway for a moment, the listen was deafening, he looked lost in his memories... and conflicted.

She leaned there in the doorway, her shoulder pressed against it's frame as she just watched him. That was the difference between them, she didn't have the guilt he carried. Atlana didn't have those kinds of demons, she couldn't fathom.

He released a breath he didn't know he had been holding and slowly shook his head. It was then that he saw her out of his peripheral vision. His defenses went up and he whirled to face her. His hand reached towards a drawer which contained an ancient Terran slug thrower. It hoovered just above it.

"What are you doing here?!?" he said sharply.

Atlana never moved, it wasn't that she wasn't fast enough, it was more like she didn't want to make him any more jumpy then he was. "I realize I've caught you off guard and a little vulnerable." She admitted quietly and carefully. "I'm sorry, I was going to offer a truce of sorts." She admitted. "But as your hand is just about to grab a weapon I think I'll recant the offer." her eyebrows had dropped some.

His hand moved back to his side, "No," he said at length, "Don't recant the offer. I'm listening."

Atlana took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "We both came here for similiar reasons. We can get under each others skin here but we can't really do each other any harm. Neither is ready to die." She gestured. "I'm assuming you're operating still in cloak and dagger, and I am... well I'm just trying to stay off the radar." She admitted. "So we can agree to dislike each other but we don't have to sleep with daggers under our pillows. Or weapons in our desks." He nodded to the draw. "You probably have another one under the desk too... and at least two more in here." She offered. "So since you're armed at the moment and I am not... I leave it to you. I'm offering a truce. I'll stay out of your way and you stay out of mine.

"A truce then. At least as long as we are both on the station." He almost smiled. She knew his hiding places, or at least most of them.

Atlana nodded. "Off the base you can try to kill me all you want." She waved... "I might even put up a fight this time." she offered. She offered him her hand to shake, after all that was what people did when they declared a truce right? Shook on it. Atlana wondered if he'd even shake her hand.

Then despite himself, the left corner of his mouth moved up in what could have been the beginnings of what could have been a real smile. Then almost as an after thought he took her hand, "You almost cut out my heart last time, then when I deflected your blow you almost cut off something almost as vital."

Her hand was cool to the touch and not as bad as he thought it would be.

Atlana's smirk came much easier, "I know... i got distracted." She made it sound like she'd taken it easy on him. But then came back with more as they shook hands. His was warm but callous, rougher then she expected while hers were softer. The story of their lives maybe. "I have reminders of your efforts as well." She added. "Still I supposed it was my fault." Atlana admitted. "I did come after you, and you're all that's left of your team." She added. "I have always saved the most challenging for last."

"I guess I can't blame you for coming after me, I guess I would have done the same thing if I were you. So we both have souvenirs of our last encounter, I wasn't sure I'd actually connected, the details got kind of fuzzy. Did you know the man that kept me from dying was... well he thought he was in love with me, or at least that part of my body you almost cut off."

Atlana's eyes widened she hadn't realized she'd gotten that close to his nether regions. "Thank goodness then that he thought so, otherwise he might have left you to die." She realized at that moment that she had just said she was thankful he was still alive. And her eyes darted up to his to see if he realized it too. He had hazel embers that looked deep and sad... burdened by his life. "I know calling you Anjar is rude, I should do better to call you Sarish."

There was a very long pause as he absorbed what she had said, the implications of it washed over him like a wave taking down a sandcastle at high tide. His defenses were still up however and he didn't want to let her know.

"I suppose since we are going to have a truce you can call me Anjar."

Atlana shook her head. "But thank you," She had a sense of honor and respect to people who earned it. "I'll earn that right perhaps someday. But that's not today and not right now." She tilted her head slightly to see the earring. "I like that one on you better, it suits you."

"It was my mother's" he said simply, "She gave it to me when I was five. Before things really...really got bad. I..." Words escaped him and he turned away from her, not wanting her to see his vulnerability.

Atlana realized how important it was. the pieces slid together like a puzzle in front of her. She'd returned something he thought was lost, perhaps the last piece he had of his mother. She lowered her head slightly, she didn't honestly know what to say, days ago she'd have stabbed him right then and there, with back to her, but not now. "You're a strong man, Sarish, good at what you do." She offered. "I am sure your mother would be very proud to have such a son." She offered him careful words. Atlana believed that, she had to. She believed her mother was proud of her in the
afterlife as well.

He turned back to her then, moisture in the corner of his eye. His hand reached out and touched hers ever so lightly before pulling away. "Thank you," he replied this time in her native tongue.

Atlana shouldn't have been surprised he knew her language, she knew his. "Sasi." It was Bajorian for your welcome. Atlana stood there for a moment before she realized she was staring at him. He was just a much different man when he wasn't screaming at her or threatening to kill her. "I... um..." She finally broke eye contact. "I guess I should go, you have a lot of paperwork and probably prayers to do."

"I do and I am sure you have things to do as well."

He waited for her to turn to leave and began to think of her as a person, not a Cardassian. He still didn't trust her and really didn't want to have anything to do with her, but her actions had at least lessened his hatred.

Atlana walked down the steps as she did she felt a little better about herself. She'd have a talk with her family tonight in her dreams. Sarish Anjar was still responsible for the death of her little sister, but it was possible that there had been bad intel she was going to find out one way or the other and someone was going to suffer. She took one glance up at the office as she headed for the door. He'd never been just a Bajorian but now he seemed more like a person then a target. Did she trust him, course not. Could he be a good actor and be lying out his ass... of course. Was she still sleeping with a knife under her pillow... absolutely.

With that thought she left Endeavor and let the door close with a soft thud.

He went to the door and locked it behind her.

Atlana Durak
Owner: Unique Antiques

& Sarish Anjar
Owner: Endeavors