Cascade – Just a civilian
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Just a civilian
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Apr 22, 2013 @ 1:47pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 71 - 17:05

"I would like to take this time to let the people of this station know that my office was relentless in its pursuit of this individual and we are fully investigating whether there were others invoked in this heinous attack and what their motives may be." He said.


"Damnit!" Rene Babeu cursed under his breathe as he saw the news report come across the projectors throughout the establishment.

Rene knew that if Pip had been apprehend it would be only a matter of time before she began to tell law enforcement who else was involved in the planned attack against the Cardassian Embassy. It would cause a domino effect that would consume not just himself, but everyone else involved.

Something had to be done.

He immediately threw down his credits and rushed out of the Bar, ungraciously brushing past a now-civilian Dorian Gabriel.

Dorian grunted slightly as he turned to see who had so rudely bumped into him. However, by the time he was able to look around, the figure was already out of the door. He turned back towards the projector and laughed as he sat at the bar waiting for service. "That clown can barely find his phaser let alone find a suspect." Dorian said aloud. He didn't care too much for Trellis when he was in still working in the Docking Bay. Now that the Station Command had actually PUT HIM IN CHARGE, he respected him even less. He felt that Trellis was too insecure to hold any real position of authority. He was too busy seeking validation to actually lead anybody anywhere.

But none of that mattered anymore. It wasn't Dorian's problem anymore. He was just happy to be out of that damn Brig. Now he just wanted his damn drink!

"I'm sorry Mr Gabriel," the young Bajorran said, quietly and calmly, "But your credit line is closed."

Dorian looked up at the barkeep. "What are you talking about? My card has always been valid!" He shot back.

Pelin let the sharp answer wash over him. "I'm just saying what the computer tells me. Your card is suspended."

"That sonovabitch!" Dorian said as he slammed his hand down. Trellis must've deactivated Dorian's credits along with his authorization codes once he was arrested. Now he was stuck without a source of funding.

"I'm sorry, but I need the boss to authorize any house tab, and she's not here." The Bajoran shrugged. "We take latinum."

"Well go get her!" Dorian responded abrasively. "Obviously I'm not some damn transient, I'm the---or was the Head of Security!" he provided. Obviously he didn't carry latinum, what Starfleet Officer, let alone a Federation citizen would have such a need. .. or even desire. His source of income had always been provided through his credit line.

The boy looked uncomfortable. "Erm, I can't." The information he'd managed to extract from the security officers who'd come in after the shift change had been vague. "She's in the brig. Trellis arrested her."

Dorian wanted to laugh, but his frustration was getting to him. "Look, I don't care who you have to call, but call someone and re-instate my credit, PLEASE!" he said forcefully moreso than actually requesting. "I'm sure she's left somebody in charge with the authority to fix screw-ups like this." He stated.

"Sorry. She didn't." It was Edward's day off, but Pelin wasn't about to disturb him for Gabriel. "You'd have to talk to Mercedes or Brian," Pelin offered. "Maybe they could help. I think they do civilian admin."

~Civilian admin. . . .~ Dorian thought to himself for several moments as he pulled himself back from the bar. It all slowly started to sink in.

He was no longer the Head of Security.

He was no longer a Starfleet Officer.

He was just. . .a civilian.

Dorian didn't give the barkeep a response. He just turned and pulled himself from the chair and began to walk through the gathering of patrons towards the exit.


Dorian Gabriel
Former Starfleet Officer

Rosh Pelin
The Box of Delights