Deception: The lesser part of Valour – On Mercy Street
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   On Mercy Street
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Dec 09, 2008 @ 11:56pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD3 - 20.30hrs

Mercy appeared at the Bajoran Gardens at 20.30 hrs as arranged with Bryan and looked around the crowd.

~Oh Hell!~ she thought. ~I wish we'd been more specific about exactly where to meet, I don't think I'll ever find Bryan in this crowd~

She was looking a little lost and unfortunately this attracted the attention of a large and already rather intoxicated Bolian.

"Whatchoo lookin for, sweetie? Whoever he is, forget him! Come and let me buy you a drink!" He began to get too close, breathing alcoholic fumes over Mercy who recoiled instinctively.

"Er, no.. thank you for the offer, but I'm waiting for a friend...." she tried to remain polite.

"Wassssssamarra? I'm not good enough to be your *friend*" he objected.

Mercy pushed him gently away as he began to lean in too close again.

"It's not that. I have a date.... my boyfriend will be here in a minute and he'll be furious if he finds me talking to you!" she lied.

~It's only a white lie!~ she thought to herself. ~Bryan won't mind me pretending he's my boyfriend... not when it's for the good cause of saving me from a fate worse than death!~

The Bolian looked around suspiciously, not believing that any *boyfriend* was going to materialise, convinced that Mercy was making him up.

Bryan was licking at an ice pop, his eyes dancing at events around him, taking the sights, sounds and smell that had filled the garden. He was so rapped, he had completely lost track of time, preferring to go with the flow. As he discarded all that remained of the sweet frozen drink, the small wooden skewer, he thought he saw Mercedes in conversation with a man. ~Good for her! ~ He thought as he made an unintentional diversion towards her, just to make sure that she was doing well in a blossoming relationship, but he was sure that she hadn't mentioned her liking for Bolians.

He stood a few feet from her and it wasn't long before he realised that Mercy was not enjoying this courtship and stepped forward, snaking his arms around her waist and nuzzling her neck.

"Mmm, you taste better that the ice pop I just had." Saying it in jest, he actually found himself enjoying the taste of her upon his lips.

Mercy was very relieved to see Bryan at last and was about to reproach him for his tardiness, but the way he now had his arms around her had taken her breath away and the warmth of his lips on her neck was making her knees turn completely to jelly.

She began to wonder if somehow she might have given away a hint of how she felt about him because if she *had* done then he was probably doing this deliberately to torment her the way he usually did whenever he found a weakness or failing of hers.

It was part of their daily routine to banter and play jokes on each other but this time Mercy really felt at a disadvantage because her feelings seemed to be getting stronger by the day and with the Bolian staring at them she began to feel she was out of her depth.

Putting a brave face on her vulnerability, she laughed and pushed Bryan gently away a little bit.

"Darling! People are staring!" she pretended to protest but she couldn't bring herself to actually push him away enough to show any genuine objection to staying in his arms.

~I'll explain to him later that I was letting him do this so the Bolian would go away.~ she reassured her own inner-warnings, refusing to admit how much she wished this would go further.

If she hadn't thought he wasn't interested in her then perhaps she could have let herself relax and enjoy his attention. As it was though, she was trying to protect herself from getting hurt, but that probably made it seem as if it was *her* who was the one who was keeping a distance.

The Bolian grunted and strutted off disgruntled. "Women!" he muttered to no-one in particular.

The flush in Mercedes cheeks when she pushed him made his smile widen. He didn't realise until that very moment, that she had some sort of feelings for him. Their games, chatter and general attitude to each other, were more of colleagues than friends and he was suddenly taken by a wild impulse.

He placed his hands gently on her cheeks and eased her forwards, so their noses nearly touched. His breath was held captive in his lungs as he hesitated, before finally locking his lips fully onto hers. He closed his eyes, his ears deafened by the blood rushing through his veins as he tasted her lips upon his, but it was then he realised she was holding her breath also as they kissed.

After what seemed like minutes, which was in fact just a few seconds, he pulled back and allowed the air in his aching lungs to escape with an apology. He didn't know if he was right or wrong or just bang out of order, but Mercy with her eyes still closed, lost in the moment that made him think that it was a good thing.

At least it was until the slap across his cheek!

Mercy looked up at Bryan indignantly. "And don't you dare tell me you don't know what you got *that* for!" she huffed.

Deep inside she was completely made up that he'd kissed her and hell, it had been everything she'd imagined it would. Her knees were still too weak to walk away or she would have tried to add a little stalk-off to the drama of that slap.

Watching a pink shape appear on his face her heart did a somersault and wrenched itself into a knot. She hadn't meant to hurt him, in fact, she hadn't meant to slap him at all. She had just needed to cover herself to try and hide the total mess his kiss had left her in.

The sting prickled his face as he felt the skin redden. He shook his head, he was totally mystified. He enjoyed the kiss, she enjoyed the kiss, or he had felt she had. Perhaps it was an instinct.

"Don't play innocent with me! You deliberately left me hanging out to dry with that oaf drooling all over me. I nearly died of a combination of disgust and fright! But I know you! You thought it was funny to watch me suffering.... you always do! You love tormenting me. And now you've realised how I feel about you, you couldn't resist making a fool of me for that too! I hope you've had a great laugh at my expense!" tears welled in her eyes but she refused to shed them. Her teeth bit into her lower lip to stop it quivering.

"You're cruel Bryan." Mercy misunderstood him, turning on her heel and walking swiftly away, breaking into a run as soon as she was clear of the crowds. She vanished into the deeper, denser part of the gardens, desperately wanting to be alone to clear her confused head and heart.

He stood stock still and watched her run off, but it was the tears in her eyes that told him more than she could express in words. She was embarrassed and perhaps a little flustered. He waited until she was out of sight before beginning the chase, after all, he may not have known women well, but he knew Mercy and all the teasing had been a front for the feelings she had for him and the kiss had brought them to the surface for both of them.

"Mercy, wait up. Please!" He begged as loud as his voice could carry across the crowds and began to increase his own pace into the throngs of people and jostled some aside with a curt apology.

He cleared the crowds, his heart beating with a ferocity in his chest, only matched by the tightness of his lungs. He was a fool, a cruel fool, denying the feelings he felt coupled with the way Mercy always touched him, making contact and he had been so dismissive, seeing her as a friend, rather than a lover and the realisation hit him hard in the last few minutes that there was a deeper side to their relationship that was yet to be explored.

Mercy didn't hear Bryan call her. She didn't hear or see anyone. Her heart felt as if it was emptying all of her life's blood into her boots with its fast, furious beating.

Ever the optimist, she didn't know how to cope with this tidal wave of misery and somewhere deep inside she was trying to find excuses or reasons why he would kiss her if he didn't mean it. A small bright hope wanted her to believe that he *had* meant it. It had seemed that way at the time, but she knew her own faults and being naive was one of them so she didn't dare hold on to that hope for fear it would bring her more of this terrible feeling of rejection.

Eventually, she had to stop. She had run out of breath and lost her way. Slumping onto a stone seat in a particularly beautiful open part of the planted arboretum she bent forward and put her face into her hands, with her elbows on her knees, panting for air and trying to understand what had just happened and more importantly, what she should do now. How would she ever face Bryan again?


Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha